Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2837: It seems... a little flat!

When he said this, Tuan'er's eyes were full of determination.

Seeing this scene, Xue An couldn't help smiling, and then stretched out his hand to rub her head lightly.

"Okay, I'm just saying it casually, it's impossible to let you fall into such a desperate situation!"

Xue An's pampering behavior made Tuan'er's face turn red, and then he lowered his head in a panic.

But from Tang Xiao's angle, she could just see the joy in the corners of Tuan'er's eyes and brows, which made her roll her eyes secretly.

This little girl is really infatuated!

Being patted on the head like a kitten still looks grateful.

Is this man really that good?

Tang Xiao peeked at Xue An.


Apart from being handsome, it seems that there are no other advantages... right!

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao suddenly felt a little guilty, and turned his head away not daring to look at Xue An again.

At this moment, Yun Lingxuan asked: "My lord, where are we going next?"

This question also reminded Tang Xiao, she was slightly startled, and then looked at Xue An.

Xue Anlue pondered for a while, "Actually, I don't have a specific goal yet, but I want to lure that space-time giant snake out of that world first, and then gradually map it out!"

"Take it slowly? How do you do it? You can't defeat the space-time snake in this world, can you do it in this universe?" Tang Xiao asked.

The tone is quite aggressive.

Xue An raised his eyes and glanced at her, it was just this understatement, Tang Xiao's words stopped abruptly.

But Xue An said indifferently: "You are right. With my current strength, if I want to destroy this space-time giant snake, it is indeed beyond my reach, but it is not hopeless, such as this one!"

As he spoke, Xue An raised his hand, and in his hand was the fragment of the Xuanyuan Mirror.

Tang Xiao didn't understand yet, but Yun Lingxuan's eyes lit up.

"My lord, what do you mean... looking for other fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror?"

Xue An nodded with a smile, "That's right, you all saw that the space giant snake was afraid of this fragment, and it could seriously injure it with just an incomplete body. If you collect all the remaining fragments, it is possible to completely wipe it out!"

Now Yun Lingxuan and Tuan'er's eyes became hot together, especially Tuan'er, she simply loved Xue An's strategizing expression, and the admiration on her face was almost overflowing.

For some reason, after seeing Tuan'er's current expression and Xue An's attitude towards them, Tang Xiao felt very uncomfortable, so he said coldly.

"But the problem is that the universe is so vast, where do you go to find it?"

Xue An ignored her words, but raised his head and looked forward, and said in a calm tone: "Let's go!"

After all, the speed of the four of them who were already running wildly in the dark void under the brilliance more than doubled.

And this complete disregard also made Tang Xiao angry.

Her small face was covered with frost, and she stared at Xue An's back, feeling extremely unhappy.

Why did you smile when you were talking to that silly girl in Tuan'er, but didn't even pay attention to my question?

Where am I worse than her?

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao secretly glanced at Tuan'er beside him.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, I can't say that I am far better than her, but I am not inferior!

But soon, when Tang Xiao noticed the round outline, she who was full of confidence suddenly felt a little guilty, and then quietly looked down at her toes.

Uh... it seems like it might be a little flat!

These men were all the same, they looked like gentlemen on the surface, but they actually cared a lot about the size of this thing.



Tang Xiao secretly complained in his heart.

Xue An didn't notice these little activities in Tang Xiao's heart, in fact, even if he noticed, he wouldn't bother to pay attention.

Just like completely ignoring Tang Xiao's question just now, Xue An has always been indifferent to this kind of young lady who feels good about herself.

Although it will not be tit-for-tat, it will not be accommodating.

And Xue An is very clear that the most effective way to deal with this kind of young lady who has an inexplicable sense of superiority is not to respond, but to ignore it.

After all, no matter how you handle it, you just ignore it, so even if you have any tricks, you won't be able to use them.

At this moment, Xue An was not only concentrating on his journey, but was still gently stroking the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror with his fingers, and at the same time communicating with it in terms of spiritual thoughts.

In the previous battle at Kuixing Mountain, this piece of Xuanyuan Mirror exploded with amazing combat power.

But only Xue An himself knew that the last blow that made a fuss was completely dependent on this piece of Xuanyuan Mirror.

Without its cooperation, Xue An's plans would be disrupted.

Thinking of this, a meaningful smile could not help but appear on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

Who would have thought that the unintentional act of fusing two ancient mirror fragments would have such an effect!

At the beginning, because the piece Xue An obtained from the back mountain of Longhuzhai was too talkative and difficult to control, he used means to obliterate most of it, and then fused it with the piece in Yun Lingxuan's hand. UU reading

The whole process went very smoothly, but who would have thought that the spirit of the talkative fragments had not completely disappeared, but was deeply hidden.

Naturally, Yun Lingxuan didn't know this, but when Xue An rushed out of the imaginary space and got the piece of Xuanyuan Mirror, she immediately noticed something strange.

Xue An immediately discovered this phenomenon after he penetrated into it with his divine sense.

But Xue An didn't change his face at that time, and instead reached an agreement with the talking tuber spirit.

That is to make it fully cooperate with itself.

After the fusion last time, this talking tuber spirit also recognized the truth, so he agreed at that time.

This is why the fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror behind can play tricks. After all, if there is only the cold tool spirit who only knows how to execute orders, how can this bluff be so vivid?

Of course, this is not the reason why Xue An attaches great importance to this talking tube spirit.

The real reason is that after this fusion, the abilities of the talking tube spirit have undergone tremendous changes.

Before, it could only detect treasures within a few kilometers, and its ability to perceive other fragments was almost zero.

With so many restrictions, this skill can be called tasteless.

This is also the reason why Xue An didn't pay much attention to this talk about tuberculosis.

But who would have thought that after this integration, the skills of the talking tubercule spirit would change dramatically.

First of all, the scope of detecting treasures has changed from a few kilometers to thousands of miles.

This greatly improves the practicality of this skill.

But what Xue An really valued was actually another skill.

This talking tube spirit can faintly perceive the position of other fragments.

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