Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2838: Went out once, came back to find that the house was bombed...

Although this perception is extremely vague, it can only provide a general direction.

But this is still a huge help to Xue An.

For example, at this moment Xue An is moving forward according to the direction provided by the talking tube spirit.

And it was also when Xue An was rushing frantically in the universe.

In Xihua City, Lu Hui and many great Confucians from the Qisi Poetry Club were staring at the bottomless pit in front of them in a daze.

According to the normal situation, what is in front of them now should be the dilapidated Qisi headquarters.

But the problem is that the current situation is not normal, so the Qisi headquarters is gone, only a huge pit with billowing green smoke.

"What... what's going on here? Where's our home?" A great Confucian couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, what about our house, we just went out for a while, why did it blow up?" A big scholar beside him murmured.

Only Lu Hui remained awake in the room.

In fact, he had already seen the situation of Qisi's headquarters as early as on the top of Kuixing Mountain.

It's just that he didn't expect the situation to be so bad.

But soon he took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Under the catastrophe, it is inevitable to suffer some losses. Fortunately, we all went to Kuixing Mountain, otherwise, wouldn't we also have to be affected by this explosion?"

"That's what I said, but the question is why our Qisi headquarters was blown up, and I think other academies are fine!" A big scholar was puzzled.

"Yeah, not only the headquarters was blown up, but even our Wenshan seems to have disappeared!"

Hearing this, the great Confucians present immediately felt it carefully, and then their faces became extremely dignified.

Because as this person said, they couldn't feel the breath of Qisi Wenshan at all.

You must know that although the Qisiwen Mountain has not been stimulated for hundreds of years, you can clearly feel its existence as long as your cultivation reaches a certain level.

But now, the place where the divine sense reaches is empty, and there is no trace of Wenshan.

Now everyone panicked.

After all, if the headquarters is blown up, it will be blown up. It is nothing more than a matter of rebuilding, but if Wenshan disappears, it means that the Qisi Poetry Club has disappeared in the sense of literature and Taoism.

" can I do this?"

"Just now the literary energy of the academies all over the world gathered together to condense the will of the literary way. Is the disappearance of Wenshan in our academy also related to this?"

"Then why are the others all right?"

"The other family's headquarters haven't been bombed yet!"

These great Confucians began to make noise like mourning concubines.

Tang Zheng's complexion was very ugly at this moment.

In fact, his complexion has changed since his younger sister Tang Xiao left with Xue An without discussing it with anyone.

The difference is that at this moment, apart from worrying about his sister's safety, he also has a look of doubt on his face.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Lu Hui shook his head, "Now I don't know too well!"

"So what do we do next?"


The eyes of these great Confucians immediately focused on Lu Hui,

After all, in the face of this unprecedented situation, these great Confucianists who usually only know how to dig their heads and bury their books have panicked.

Lu Hui fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about the ins and outs of the whole thing.

From the sudden explosion and the subsequent appearance of Xue An, to the sudden return of Xue An after Xue An left, the whole world reacted suddenly.

Especially what Daowen Daozhi said at the end shocked Lu Hui even more.

What does it mean to complete the agreement between you and me!

Who are you then?

Could it be that Xue An had planned all of this in advance?

The more Lu Hui thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.

But he didn't say it.

Because Tang Xiao, a member of the Qisi Poetry Club, left with Xue An, rashly expressing his guess at this moment would only make Tang Zheng more upset.

"First..." Lu Hui just wanted to say that everyone should find a place to rest first, and then discuss long-term plans.

At this moment, Ren Ning, with red and swollen eyes, came to Lu Hui and the others accompanied by Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others.

Others may not know this Ren Ning very well, but Tang Zheng had attended the Ling'an cultural meeting, so Tang Zheng was deeply impressed by this girl who dared to kill her biological father.

At the same time, he also knew that this Ren Ning had already worshiped Xue An as his master, but he didn't know why she came here at this time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking a step forward, and cupped his hands at Ren Ning.

"Miss Ren, what are you doing here?"

The tone is alienated.

After all, it was hard for Tang Zheng to have a good impression of Xue An who "snatched" his beloved woman and at the same time abducted his sister.

And Ren Ning is Xue An's apprentice, so of course he will not be enthusiastic about him.

In fact, being able to speak to Ren Ning calmly is already regarded as Tang Zheng's deep cultivation.

After hearing Tang Zheng's question, Ren Ning was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "Your headquarters has been destroyed, so is Wenshan gone?"

Hearing this, Tang Zheng raised his eyebrows suddenly, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

"What? Did Miss Ren come here just to see the jokes of our Qisi Poetry Club?"

Ren Ning shook her head, "Of course not, I just came here to give you something at the order of my master!"

Saying that, UU reading www. uukanshu. comRen Ning stretched out her hand, and when she spread it out, there was a small ball of light in the palm of her hand.

This spot of light was very inconspicuous, but in the eyes of Tang Zheng, Lu Hui and others, it shocked them all over.

Because the spot of light in Ren Ning's hand is none other than Qisi Wenshan.

To be precise, it should be a clone of Qisi Wenshan.

But even if it is a clone, it is still of great significance to these people present.

Because the real Qisi Wenshan is gone now, the only remaining Wenshan avatar will be the most precious kindling for the entire Qisi Poetry Club.

With it, Qisi Poetry Club can rekindle the holy fire and build Wenshan again.

Lu Hui stepped forward, took a closer look at the light spot in Ren Ning's hand, and after confirming that it was indeed a clone of Qisi Wenshan, he couldn't help saying in a low voice.

"At the order of your master? Then what did he say?"

Hearing this question, Ren Ning's eyes became even redder, as if she could cry at any time. After a moment of silence, she took out a letter from her bag, and handed it over preciously.

"This is the letterhead my master left for me!"

Lu Hui took the letter paper, unfolded it for a look, and then froze.

The content on the letterhead is very simple, only a few sentences, but the information contained in it is so rich.

I saw it said that the reason why Qisi headquarters exploded and Wenshan disappeared this time was because I used it as an anchor point.

Xue An apologized deeply for this. As for the avatar of Qisi Wenshan brought by Ren Ning, it was obtained by Xue An when he came to Qisi headquarters for the first time to inspire Wenshan. It should be helpful to the current Qisi Poetry Club, so she was specially sent to return it.

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