After reading the letter, Lu Hui fell into a brief silence.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zheng beside him couldn't help leaning over curiously, wanting to see what was written on it.

And after he saw it clearly, he was as silent as Lu Hui.

All this is because this seemingly ordinary letter actually reveals an extremely important message.

That is, everything that happened from the beginning of the essay meeting to now is actually under Xue An's control.

This is a frightening fact.

Because this meant that Xue An might have expected that he would encounter a difficult predicament, so he regarded Qisi Wenshan as a way out.

But he didn't do everything right, instead, he separated out a clone of Wenshan ahead of time, so that it could be used as a kindling for the restart of Qisi Poetry Club.

The impeccable planning is simply breathtaking.

At least Tang is ashamed of himself.

After personally experiencing the literary meeting in Linganyu, he thought that Xue An was a talented, proud and passionate young man.

But now it seems that this young man still possesses a layout ability that ordinary people can't imagine.

Thinking of this, Tang Zheng's worries about his younger sister eased a lot.

Maybe even this "defeat" is in his plan!

If that's the case, among other things, my sister's personal safety is at least guaranteed to a certain extent.

Tang Zheng was comforting himself, while Lu Hui at the side had come to his senses, and then smiled at Ren Ning.

"Since that's the case, thank you, Miss Ren!"

Ren Ning nodded, handed over the Wenshan avatar in her hand, then turned and left.

But at this moment, Lu Hui said in a deep voice, "Miss Ren, please stay!"

Ren Ning stopped and looked back at Lu Hui, "President Lu, do you have any orders?"

Lu Hui was silent for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "Miss Ren, you are being polite. You have done a great favor to our Qisi Poetry Club this time. How dare I say two words in front of you. I just want to ask you, when did the teacher give you this letter?"

Ren Ning shook her head, "Master didn't give it to me!"

"I didn't give it to you, then this letter..."

"I gave it to Miss Ren!" Following the voice, Sheng Hongqian took a step forward and said in a calm tone.

"On the eve of the general essay meeting, the son handed me a letter, saying that I would hand it over to Miss Ren after the essay meeting is over. This is the letterhead in your hand!"

it is as expected! Lu Hui sighed inwardly, then cupped his hands at Sheng Hongqian.

"Since that's the case, I have no doubts. Now Qisi Poetry Club is experiencing troubled times. Please forgive me for not being able to keep you here for tea! When the matter is over, I will definitely come to the door to thank you personally!"

Ren Ning nodded without answering, then turned and left.

After she left, a disciple from the Qisi Poetry Club behind her asked quite puzzled: "Elder brother, it stands to reason that this incident was caused by this woman's master, and even the bombing of our Qisi headquarters has an inseparable relationship with him, why should we respect him so much?"

The disciple's question also represented the true thoughts of some members of Qisi Poetry Club.

From their point of view, Xue An was the culprit who caused all these troubles, so what they should do just now was to arrest Ren Ning instead of letting him go.

Lu Hui just shook his head lightly, and then said a word.

It was this sentence that made all the dissatisfied people present speechless.

"Do you think Xue An can do this if our Wenshan doesn't cooperate?"

After saying this, Lu Hui turned and left, leaving these people present looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What did you mean by that senior brother just now? Co-authoring our Qisi Wenshan is voluntary!"

"That's the only explanation. Otherwise, why would the good Wenshan blow up?"

"I still can't figure out what benefit Xue An has given our Wenshan to make it pay such a high price!"

These people talked a lot, but they couldn't talk about the ugly Yinmao.

At the same time, Ren Ning and Sheng Hongqian, who had returned to Xiyue Inn, also fell silent.

After a long time, Sheng Hongqian forced a smile and said: "Everyone don't need to be so depressed, the young master is a celestial being, and he has a comprehensive plan, so nothing will happen!"

"Miss Sheng is right. We worrying about it here won't help at all. Young Master is a genius who can definitely eliminate this crisis!" Fu Yuanfeng also echoed.

Previously, he and Zhuang Manning and other elite students from Ling'an Region came to Xihua City with Xue An, just to witness the grand occasion of this general essay meeting.

In the end, I didn't expect that I didn't see the grand occasion, but I saw a huge crisis.

Especially when the legendary giant snake that dominates time and destiny appears, Fu Yuanfeng, Zhuang Manning and others think that they must die.

In the end, they didn't expect a catastrophe to disappear invisible under Xue An's planning, which made them admire Xue An even more.

Now these words are not only to respond to Sheng Hongqian, but also the real thoughts in their hearts.

Now the atmosphere in the arena became active.

Niu Dali slapped his thigh, "If you want me to say that you haven't got the point, it's not like that at all!"

"What kind of character is the young master? How dare a mere little loach run rampant in front of him? Even a **** dominator is not enough to carry the young master's shoes! The most important reason why the young master took it away is because the young master did not want to destroy this world! Otherwise, even ten loaches would not be enough for him to fight alone!"

These words were impassioned and contagious.

Not to mention, it was these seemingly nonsense words that made many people look much better.

Maybe... Young Master really thinks that way!

But at this moment, Ren Ning suddenly stood up and said in a low voice: "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, so go back to the room to rest!"

With that said, she turned and left.

Niu Dali was a little dazed, and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang beside him in a low voice, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I think what you said is really great!"

"Why does that girl seem unhappy?"

"Oh my little girl, there will always be one reason or another to be unhappy!"

Only Sheng Hongqian looked at her back as she walked away quickly, the emotions in her eyes swirling and disappearing like a tide, and finally sighed slightly.

Ren Ning walked quickly, returning to her room almost in the blink of an eye.

After she closed the door, she immediately leaned against the door panel weakly, tears streaming from her eyes, but she didn't even make a sound, sobbing silently.

She was regretting, regretting why she didn't enter that space with Master at that time.

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