Even an irrelevant Tang Xiao had the guts to rush in, but as his apprentice, he couldn't react in time.

What an irony.

The key is that the last letter Sheng Hongqian gave her clearly told Ren Ning a fact.

It turned out that Master knew that he would make such a choice a long time ago!

But the more this was the case, the more painful it was for her, and she always felt ashamed of Xue An's training.

After all, Xue An has given her innumerable help from the time he first met in the Temple of White Bone, and even built a foundation for himself.

As a result, he lost the chain at a critical moment.

These thoughts gnawed at her heart like a poisonous snake, Ren Ning covered her mouth with her hands in pain, trying her best not to make any noise.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door behind him.

The knock on the door was so crisp that Ren Ning's muscles tensed instantly.

But she didn't want to open the door, because at this moment, her face was full of tears, and she was really embarrassed to see people.

So she leaned quietly behind the door, not even breathing, just to wait for the person who knocked on the door to leave.

But this person was very patient. After knocking on the door and finding no answer, he couldn't help sighing faintly.

"Miss Ren, I know you are inside, and I know that you must be very sad at this moment, but you must not blame yourself because the young master told me a word when he handed me the letter!"

"He said that you are pure-hearted and kind-hearted, so you will regret it after this incident happened, but he reminds you that you are his apprentice, so nothing can knock you down!"

"The reason why he didn't take you away is because he wanted to hone you, so during his absence, you must be strong and shoulder your responsibilities as his disciple!"

The speaker was Sheng Hongqian.

These words were indeed what Xue An said when he handed her the letter that night.

I still remember the excitement and excitement when I was called into the room by Xue An.

At that time, she thought that her hard work had finally paid off, and she could finally become Xue An's man.

In the end, she never expected that Xue An would explain these things to her.

At the beginning, Sheng Hongqian was a little disapproving, but as Xue An narrated, her expression gradually became dignified.

Because she knows exactly what these things mean.

But she didn't know how big the matter was until she witnessed the appearance of Shuming at the general essay meeting.

But the more this happened, the more she admired Xue An.

It takes a lot of courage to be able to resist the top evil **** with a mere fifth-rank body!

So far, Sheng Hongqian didn't dare to have the slightest evil thoughts about Xue An other than reverence.

Because she knew that this kind of man was beyond her reach.

The only thing she can do is to follow Xue An's orders honestly.

That's why she gave the letterhead to Ren Ning.

And what happened later was exactly the same as what Xue An said at the time. Instead of embarrassing him at all, the Qisi Poetry Club respected him very much.

As expected, Ren Ning also fell into self-blame and couldn't extricate herself.

So Sheng Hongqian, while shocked by the accuracy of Xue An's prediction, took the initiative to come to the door and tell her everything Xue An had said to her.

After finishing speaking, there was still no movement inside the door.

Sheng Hongqian stood quietly for a moment, finally sighed, and then turned to leave.

Just then, the door creaked open.

Then I saw Ren Ning standing there with red eyes, staring straight at Sheng Hongqian.

"Miss Ren, did you hear that?"

Ren Ning nodded, "Did Master really say those words to you?"

Sheng Hongqian smiled wryly, "How dare I joke about this kind of thing, every sentence is true, the young master told me personally, if you don't believe me, you can ask him when he comes back!"

Ren Ning nodded, and then walked out.

"Hey, Miss Ren, what are you going to do?"

"I'm hungry, go eat!"

After all, Ren Ning strode away.

Sheng Hongqian was stunned for a moment, smiled, and then quickly followed.

"I'm hungry too, let's go together!"

In the vast universe at the same time, Xue An and his party were still on their way.

In fact, no matter how strong your strength is or how fast your speed is, you will appear extremely slow in front of the vast and boundless universe.

At least Xue An has been flying non-stop for a day. If calculated according to the average speed, at least he has flown hundreds of millions of kilometers with great force.

But even at such a long distance, the scenery ahead still hasn't changed at all.

Still a dark void, still an empty place.

Except for a slight change in the angle of the few dim stars in the distance, there is almost no change.

Such a boring flight quickly made Tang Xiao irritated.

This feeling of irritability became even stronger after seeing Tuan'er and Yun Lingxuan chatting non-stop around Xue An and even laughing from time to time, while he was completely left alone.

Although she really wanted to join this conversation, the pitiful self-esteem left in her heart made her grit her teeth and not give in.

Still, she couldn't help pricking up her ears and listening.

"My lord, where are we going?" Tuan'er asked in a charming tone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Didn't I say it before, we are going to find other fragments! "

"Oh! After flying for so long, there is still no clue. Does it mean that the fragment is very far away?"

"It shouldn't be very far away, because the feeling is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Wow, that's so good!"

Listening to Tuan'er's words, Tang Xiao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This babbling tone just makes people get goosebumps when they hear it.

The key person is still smiling, and seems to like this.

Just as Tang Xiao was secretly sulking, a ball of light suddenly appeared in the distant void.

This light is very strange, it is different from the stars that passed by before, it looks like a huge wall from a distance, lying in front of Xue An and others.

The key is that Tang Xiao clearly remembered that she hadn't noticed any light in the last second.

In other words, this brilliance wall seemed to appear suddenly.

"What's this?"

Before Tang Xiao could speak, Tuan'er was the first to ask.

Xue An's face was calm, "It seems that some forces should use it to divide the boundaries of the territory!"

"Divide the boundary of the territory? Do you mean that the vast void in front of you is likely to be under the jurisdiction of some forces?" Yun Lingxuan asked.


A look of shock appeared on Yun Lingxuan's face.

To occupy such a vast territory, how huge must this force be?

The key is that it suddenly appeared on the way forward. Is this good or bad?

As if in response to Yun Lingxuan's thoughts, Guanghua in front of her began to tremble, and then two figures emerged from it.

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