Xue An was noncommittal.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun had already soared into the sky and flew in from the passage below the spaceship.

The layout of this spaceship is also the same as that of the Guangming Palace Starfield, with brilliant golden light everywhere.

It was not the first time for Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun to come, so they came to the hall inside the spaceship with ease.

At this moment, a man was sitting in a chair waiting for them.

When they arrived, a sarcastic sneer appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Thirty flicks of time late, trash is indeed trash!"

Wu Jun's face turned red, and his eyes were full of anger.

But at this moment, Duanmu Guang on the side pulled him, and then he saw this Duanmu Guang bowed respectfully.

"Priest Liao, I'm very sorry. The two of us, the two brothers, did not prepare beforehand, so we took a little longer!"

"What? Are you blaming me for not notifying you in advance?" Liao Zhiji, who is also a priest, said coldly.

"Subordinates dare not!" Duanmu Guang immediately bowed his head and said.

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't have the guts!" Liao Zhiji leaned back on the chair and said lightly, "Stop talking nonsense, how are you doing with the tasks I entrusted to you earlier?"

"Back to Priest Liao, most of the tasks you entrusted us to prepare have been completed, except..."

Duanmu Guang raised his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "The only thing you want is the Heart of a Beast, I really can't get thirty of them!"

"What?" Liao Zhiji was furious when he heard the words, "What a waste, you can't even get thirty hearts of monsters, what use are you for?"

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, but this planet is too small, and there are only a few dozen existences that can only condense the hearts of monsters. After hunting a batch before, it is difficult to gather the rest!" Duanmu Guang explained in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

But Liao Zhiji didn't care about this, he slapped the armrest of the seat suddenly, and said angrily: "Don't make excuses for me, I ask you to prepare everything that is not bad, I don't want to hear anything else!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Jun couldn't bear it anymore, and ignored Duanmu Guang's tugging, and said angrily.

"Prince Liao, isn't this difficult for you? The two of us are only in charge of this small planet, and we can't get all the things you want. You are so aggressive, are you trying to embarrass the two of us on purpose?"

Liao Zhiji calmed down at this time, and said with a sinister smile: "You are right, I am deliberately making things difficult for you two, so what can you do?"

"You...you..." Wu Jun's angry face turned green and pale, and he was about to swear.

It was Duanmu Guang who was calmer, pulled him behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Siduo Liao, have the two of us ever offended you?"


"Then why do you target us again and again?"

"Hehe, there's no reason, I just like targeting you two, how about it?" Liao Zhiji laughed arrogantly.

Now even if he was as calm as Duanmu Guang, a look of anger could not help but flash across his face.

Wu Jun even exploded at that time, "Liao Zhiji, you bastard, you are finally willing to tell the truth! I knew you had no good intentions, and you have already pocketed everything you asked us to collect!"

Liao Zhiji didn't get angry when Wu Jun pointed at his nose and scolded him, instead he showed a sneer of a successful trick.

"That's right, I'm just filling my pockets, so what can you do? I'll tell you today, since you haven't got all the things I asked you to prepare, don't blame me for being rude!"

"What? Are you going to kill us both?" Wu Jun said angrily.

"You guessed it right!" Liao Zhiji sneered.

As soon as the words fell, many Guangming Palace disciples wearing uniform uniforms poured out from various passages in the hall, surrounding Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun.

Seeing this scene, even Wu Jun, who was as slow as Wu Jun, could sense that something was wrong.

Because this Liao Zhiji's behavior was really weird, first he came without warning, and then he targeted the two of them everywhere.

Looking at it now, I want to get rid of the two of myself and then hurry up!

Wu Jun was so angry that he was going to explode.

But Duanmu Guang was still as calm as ice, and asked three words, "Why?"

"Why? Hehe, let me tell you the truth, everything is because of your master!"

"My master? What happened to her?" Duanmu Guang asked immediately.

"She's not very good, but what's going to happen to you as her disciples! Kill it!" Liao Zhiji lazily ordered, then leaned back, ready to enjoy the feast of killing.

For the departure of these two little pawns, he didn't care at all, he just planned how to finish the matter beautifully, and then win a little favor in front of the big man.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about what to do if the siege failed!

Because in his opinion, that is simply impossible.

They are nothing more than two **** who have inherited some shallow mantles, what real skills can they have.

But these thoughts were quickly dispelled by Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun's performance.

It can be seen that under the siege of so many people, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun have well-founded advances and retreats, and they cooperate very tacitly.

Not only that, the methods of the two are also endless, and there are surprising moves from time to time, so the siege of these disciples not only failed to put pressure on them, but was faintly suppressed by them.

Seeing this scene, a solemn look finally appeared on Liao Zhiji's face.

"Good boy, I have some skills, but unfortunately this is my absolute home field, you will die if you don't die!"

After the words fell, black lacquered cannon barrels extended from every corner of the hall.

These cannon barrels are engraved with numerous bright secret patterns, exuding a cold deterrent force.

Seeing these cannon barrels pointing directly at them, Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun's expressions changed drastically, and they immediately wanted to escape from here.

But how could Liao Zhiji allow that to happen? He sneered, "Fire!"

These barrels immediately started charging, and then aimed at Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun and launched an attack.

A streak of glaring white light instantly came from all directions, blocking all the way for Duanmu Guang and his wife.

The two sighed in despair, thinking that there was no more luck.

But at this moment, the blasting white light was suddenly reflected back.

It's as if an invisible mirror appeared before them.

This sudden shock immediately caused an uproar.

The cannon barrels were the first to explode, and then even the guys who besieged Duanmu Guang and the two were not spared, and they all died under the white light.

Liao Zhiji was terrified, he got up and was about to flee, at this moment, a sword glow hit his throat, and he heard a calm voice.

"do not move!"

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