Chapter 2845 Who Instigated

Liao Zhiji immediately froze on the chair, not even daring to move.

Not only did he not move, he also shouted very cooperatively: "Okay, okay, okay! I guarantee that I will never move, but you must grasp the sword intent in your hand!"

At the end, Liao Zhiji's voice trembled, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, obviously he had personally experienced the murderous aura of the sword intent on his throat.

Xue An showed his figure, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Whether I can grasp the sword intent in my hand or not depends entirely on whether you are worthy to cooperate in the future!"

"Cooperate and cooperate, you just have to tell the adults, and I have nothing to say to the little one!"

This kind of servile appearance made Wu Jun very contemptuous.

"Bah, shameless bastard!"

After saying that, he looked at Xue An in amazement, not knowing when he came in.

In fact, as early as when they first entered this spaceship, Xue An had already noticed something strange.

Although there is a magic circle on the surface of this spaceship that shields the detection of divine sense, it still has nothing to hide from Xue An's incomparably powerful divine sense.

He easily sensed that there were many guards with sharp blades in the spaceship, obviously trying to plot something wrong.

That's why Xue An just hid himself in the void and sneaked into this spaceship.

Sure enough, Liao Zhiji quickly showed his grim face after deliberately finding fault, and ordered Duanmuguang and Duanmu to be besieged and killed.

But Duanmu Guang and the other two were not vegetarians, and they still did not lose the wind under the siege of the crowd.

So Xue An didn't show up, but hid beside him and watched quietly.

It wasn't until these strange cannon barrels appeared that Xue An rescued Duanmuguang and the other two.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun were not fools, they naturally knew that Xue An had come here to save them, so they gave him a fistful of gratitude.

Counting it, this was already the third time Xue An had rescued the two of them.

Xue An just smiled lightly, and then said to Liao Zhiji, who was sitting on a chair sweating profusely.

"Who ordered you to come!"


Liao Zhiji didn't expect Xue An's first question to hit the nail on the head, so he hesitated for a while.

Seeing this scene, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and the sword light immediately pierced the skin and pierced deep into the throat.

Under the severe pain, Liao Zhiji yelled in horror, "I said, I said, don't do it, my lord, don't do it, my lord!"

Jianmang paused, Liao Zhiji breathed a sigh of relief, and then tremblingly shouted: "Yes... Ke Zongduo ordered me to come!"

"Ke Zongduo? You mean Zongduo Ke Jinyun, who is second only to several cardinals?" Duanmu Guang asked immediately.

"No... That's right! Can I stop the bleeding first, or I will bleed to death in a while!" Liao Zhiji pleaded softly.

Xue An had a half-smile, "As an evil creature, would you bleed to death?"

Liao Zhiji smiled bitterly, "Although I am an evil thing, my blood is very thin, not even comparable to the two of them, so I will bleed to death naturally!"

Xue An was noncommittal, but pulled out the ray of sword light that pierced Liao Zhiji's throat, bringing out a stream of blood.

Liao Zhiji coughed a few times, covered his throat in a hurry, his face was full of horror.

The crisis was not resolved, because the blood-stained sword light was still hovering in front of him, and could cut off his head at any time, so Liao Zhiji still didn't dare to make the slightest movement except to tightly cover the wound on his neck.

"Who is this Ke Jinyun?" Xue An asked.

Duanmu Guang said in a deep voice: "This person ranks second only to the cardinal in the position of priest. He is in charge of the affairs of the church, and he is the real power figure in the Guangming Palace!"

"Oh? Then why does such a character target you, and even secretly instruct others to kill you and then hurry up?"

Duanmu Guang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

"I don't know either! After the two of us came to Guangming Palace, we only saw this person from a distance during our first meeting, and we have no intersection other than that, so we don't know why this person wants to kill us!"

Xue An looked at Liao Zhiji, "Can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Liao Zhiji shook his head hastily, "I don't know why, this Ke Zongduo is my immediate boss, I dare not disobey what he asks me to do, so I just follow orders!"

The sincerity of the words is short of tears to show the will.

"Then what did he tell you before you came out this time?"

"He asked me to come here to collect what I asked for, and then find fault with it. We must put the two of them to death, and then..."

"Then what?"

"Then dig out the evil blood in their bodies and bring them back to him!"

Hearing this, Wu Jun was furious.

"What a vicious heart, where did we offend you, you want to treat us like this? If you don't welcome us to join us, you can just refuse us at the beginning. Why did you welcome us into the headquarters first and then plan to get rid of us?"

"This... I really don't know about this! I just follow orders and don't know anything else. Please let me go!"

Liao Zhiji looked at the agitated Wu Jun and was very frightened, for fear that he would kill him unexpectedly, so he kept begging for mercy I don't know anything? Why didn't you say anything and didn't know when you were domineering in front of our brothers? " Wu Jun shouted angrily, and then bullied himself forward.

"Forget it, it's useless to say so much, just kill you!"

Seeing Wu Jun rushing forward, Liao Zhiji screamed like a pig, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Xue An smiled faintly, then reached out his hand to stop the emotional Wu Jun.

"Don't kill him yet!"

"Huh? My lord, what's the use of keeping such things?" Wu Jun was puzzled.

"It's not that there's no use keeping it, it's just that you just killed him, what are you going to do next?"

"The next step is naturally to reveal this shit's Guangming Palace!" Wu Jun said.

"Then what about Ke Jinyun, the real behind-the-scenes messenger? He is the chief culprit who wants to kill you, don't you plan to take revenge?"

Wu Jun was taken aback by Xue An's question.

He really didn't think that much.

After all, Zong Duo is a first-class real power position for this Guangming Palace. Although Wu Jun is a little more irritable, he also knows that it is impossible for his two brothers to kill such a person, so he selectively ignores him.

Hearing Xue An's words now, he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Then if you keep him, can you kill Ke Jinyun?"

"Although I'm not very sure, but at least there is a glimmer of hope, right?" Xue An said lightly.

Wu Jun turned his head to look at Liao Zhiji, who immediately nodded his head like pounding garlic.

"That's right, that's right, my lord is right, I will definitely cooperate with you all!"

Of course Wu Jun would not believe the promise of this kind of person.

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