"Young master, such a person is capricious. If we go out of here and get out of control, wouldn't we be even more dangerous?"

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, he still can't make any waves in my hands!"

Saying that, Xue An waved his hand.

A beam of brilliance immediately penetrated into Liao Zhiji's eyebrows.

Liao Zhiji was shocked, and fear appeared in his eyes.

Because he felt that there was something more in his sea of ​​consciousness, but he couldn't tell what it was.

But one thing is for sure, that is by no means a good thing.

Therefore, his lips began to tremble, and his complexion became extremely pale.

Xue An smiled, "Don't be so afraid, I just planted a spell in your sea of ​​consciousness, and if you cooperate honestly, I will unlock it for you!"

"But if you refuse to cooperate, or even intend to tell others about these things...then this talisman will explode automatically, blowing your soul to pieces! Do you understand?"

Liao Zhiji nodded frantically, "Listen... I understand, my lord, don't worry, I will cooperate with you honestly for this little life, and I will never dare to have any disagreements!"

Xue An smiled meaningfully, "Very well, it seems that you are a smart person!"

Liao Zhiji was overjoyed, and a smile immediately filled his face, "I dare not say I'm smart, but I can still distinguish the situation!"

Xue An ignored Liao Zhiji's flattery, and said indifferently: "What did Ke Jinyun tell you, and how should you reply to him after the matter is over?"

"Ke Jinyun didn't say anything about this, he just told me to get rid of these two as soon as possible, and he will have a generous reward when things are done!"

Liao Zhiji didn't hide anything about this, and replied honestly.

Xue An nodded, "Then you write back to Ke Jinyun, saying that the matter has been completed, and now you will return with the blood you dug out from them, and ask him what to do!"


Under the threat of death, this Liao Zhiji cooperated extremely well, without even the slightest hesitation, and immediately sent a reply letter to Ke Jinyun according to Xue An's instructions.

For middle-level disciples of Guangming Palace like Liao Zhiji, they have a special way to communicate with the upper level.

Therefore, the information was quickly fed back to Ke Jinyun.

Then Liao Zhiji began to wait anxiously for a reply.

For him, nothing is more important than his own life now, so he is more anxious than anyone else.

The reply came faster than expected, but after a while, the reply returned to Liao Zhiji.

"What did he say?" Xue An asked.

"He said to let me take the blood of these two people to report to him!"

"Okay, just follow his orders!" Xue An said immediately.


The spaceship flew up immediately, and then flew to the depths of the star field in the predetermined direction.

On the way, Liao Zhiji introduced to Xue An in detail the location where Ke Jinyun lived.

"The Guangming Palace is a big sect, and there are as many strong people under it as there are clouds, but being able to become a priest has already ranked among the top of the Guangming Palace, and all the high-level officials of the Guangming Palace have their own planet, and Ke Jinyun is no exception!"

"His planet is located not far to the northwest of the Holy Land. He usually lives there. If he is not summoned, ordinary people cannot enter at all!"

"Holy land?" Xue An keenly grasped the key point in Liao Zhiji's words.

Liao Zhiji immediately explained: "The Holy Land is the place where the Bright Palace is used to enshrine the Holy Maiden of Light and offer sacrifices to the Lord of Light! It can also be said to be the source of power for the entire Bright Palace!"

"Holy Maiden of Light..." Xue An became more and more interested.

Seeing this scene, Liao Zhiji naturally didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately confessed everything he knew.

After hearing that the Lord of Light is invisible and cannot be observed by any method, only the saintesses chosen by him can communicate with him.

There was a slight movement in Xue An's heart, as if he had caught something, but this feeling was fleeting, and soon returned to nothingness.

So Xue An finally buried this question in his heart.

"Then the status of the Holy Maiden of Light should be the highest in your Bright Palace?"

"Naturally, but..."

"But what?"

Liao Zhiji hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Although I'm just a little priest, I'm highly valued by the higher-ups because I'm capable and smart. That's why I've heard a rumor!"

"What rumor?"

"Although the only Holy Maiden of Light who can communicate with the Lord of Light is the highest status existence in name, but in fact there is another person behind everything!"

"Oh? Who is this person?"

Liao Zhiji shook his head, "I don't know about that, I just heard people talking about it, and I didn't dare to inquire about this kind of thing, so I kept it in my heart until I was in front of you!"

Xue An nodded noncommittally.

Is it a power struggle?

This is not surprising at all, Xue An has no intention of getting involved in this kind of thing, his most important thing now is to find the piece of ancient mirror hidden here.

This is why Xue An went to see Ke Jinyun through Liao Zhiji.

After all, if you want to know the secrets about the Guangming Palace, you can only go through these high-level officials who hold great power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although this Zongduo Ke Jinyun of the Guangming Palace must have great strength, but for the fragment of the ancient mirror, the risk is worth taking.

At the same time, Xue An felt a heat between his brows, and then the originally active divine sense in the sea of ​​consciousness became dull as if suppressed by some kind of existence.

But looking at Duanmu Guang, Liao Zhiji and the others, there was nothing unusual. Xue An knew that he should have crossed that invisible barrier just now.

Behind this invisible barrier is a place where divine thoughts are forbidden, and even oneself is affected.

Xue An didn't change his face about this, he just sneered secretly, and then sealed his spiritual thoughts to prevent them from leaking out.

At the same time, the spaceship shook slightly.

"My lord, we're here!" Liao Zhiji said.

"Don't be nervous, and don't have any unnatural expressions, just go out as usual! Do you understand?" Xue An finally asked.

Liao Zhiji felt that his tongue was a little dry, so he nodded, "I see!"

As he said that, he turned around and was about to ask some more questions, only to find that the boy in white who was standing behind him just now had disappeared.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun also disappeared together.

This ghostly disappearance made Liao Zhiji even more frightened, because he really didn't know where the other party was now.

Maybe he is hiding by his side now to observe himself in all directions!

With this in mind, Liao Zhiji didn't dare to take any chances anymore, took a deep breath, and strode off the spaceship.

There were already people waiting here, and when they saw Liao Zhiji, they didn't say a word, they just nodded, and then led the way, leading him to meet his immediate boss, Zongduo Ke Jinyun.

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