Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2847: Boundless sea of ​​flowers

Chapter 2847 Boundless Sea of ​​Flowers

Liao Zhiji followed the leader, passed through the palaces, and walked deep into the mansion.

Along the way, Liao Zhiji didn't even dare to raise his head, because this huge mansion was full of murderous intentions, and there were dense rune traps everywhere.

One wrong step could risk your life.

Liao Zhiji is a person who cherishes his life very much. For his own life, he naturally dare not go beyond the rules.

Soon, he smelled a scent of flowers.

The fragrance of this flower is very unique. Although it smells inconspicuous at first, you will find that there are many kinds of rare and exotic fragrances mixed in it after you taste it carefully.

Liao Zhiji's heart trembled slightly, but his head was buried even lower.


The person leading the way stopped in his tracks, and then spoke in a respectful tone.

"My lord, I have brought it!"

After a while of silence, a lazy voice came, "Well, go down!"


The person leading the way bowed and retreated, and the field became quiet. Although Liao Zhiji didn't even dare to lift his head, he could still see some flowers from the corner of his eyes.

Coupled with the aroma lingering in his nose, Liao Zhiji couldn't help feeling a little doubtful.

Could it be that I am in the garden?

But he didn't dare to ask, so he could only stand there like a wooden sculpture made of clay.

After a long time, I heard the person who spoke before said indifferently: "Raise your head!"

Only then did Liao Zhiji dare to raise his head, and what caught his eyes was a boundless sea of ​​flowers.

Countless kinds of exotic flowers and plants that can't be named are crowded together, competing for beauty and blooming in full bloom, forming a majestic beauty that is difficult to describe in words.

Even Liao Zhiji couldn't help showing shock in his eyes.

But what shocked him the most was not this, but the figure who was carefully serving the flowers and plants not far in front of him.

Although Liao Zhiji could only see a profile from this angle, Liao Zhiji recognized him at a glance.

It was his immediate boss, Zong Duo Ke Jinyun who was very important to the entire Guangming Palace.

Seeing him carefully arranging flowers and plants, Liao Zhiji couldn't help feeling absurdly confused.

Who doesn't know that this Zongduo Ke Jinyun is a cruel and merciless person, and even this time Duanmuguang and Duanmuguang were killed by him as an order for himself.

But it is such a chilling big man who is serving the flowers and plants with incomparable tenderness at this moment.

Such a strong contrast naturally made Liao Zhiji feel absurd.

But this strange look disappeared in a flash, and soon Liao Zhiji hid it, and then stood there respectfully, waiting for Ke Jinyun's questioning.

It took a full quarter of an hour to wait until Ke Jinyun transplanted a blooming small flower in place, and then he sighed contentedly.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

Liao Zhiji nodded like pounding garlic, and repeatedly sighed: "It's beautiful! It's so beautiful! I have never seen such a shocking sea of ​​flowers!"

Ke Jinyun chuckled, then turned to look at Liao Zhiji, "Then tell me how shocked this sea of ​​flowers is!"

"Uh... this... please excuse my clumsy words, I just feel that it is a miracle that so many exotic flowers and plants with different habits can grow together."

Ke Jinyun shook his head, "Ordinary people are indeed ordinary people. They will always be blinded by the prosperity in front of them, unable to see the truth behind things!"

Liao Zhiji smiled awkwardly, "My lord taught me that my subordinate is indeed a vulgar person!"

Ke Jinyun obviously lost the interest to continue talking with Liao Zhiji, he casually threw away the flower shovel in his hand, and said calmly, "Has the matter been settled?"

Liao Zhiji's heart trembled slightly, knowing that the main event was coming, he nodded quickly and said, "My lord, everything has been dealt with according to your order, and now those two have been put to death, this is the blood that was dug out from them!"

As he spoke, Liao Zhiji raised his hands above his head, and in the palms of his hands were two light beads filled with blood-colored brilliance.

To be honest, Liao Zhiji was extremely nervous after doing all this.

Because these two beads of light in his hands are bloodlines, they are simply something that Xue An casually made to bluff people.

But at this moment, Ke Jinyun just glanced at the two light beads, obviously not caring about it.

"Did those two people say anything before they died?"

"Returning to my lord, I just scolded my subordinates for being unfair, but I didn't mention anything else!"

Seeing that Ke Jinyun had no doubts, Liao Zhiji couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and his tone of voice became much more natural.

But at this moment, Ke Jinyun waved his hand violently, and the two light beads flew into his hand.

In an instant, Liao Zhiji felt that his heart was in his throat.

After all, what is false will always be false and can never become true.


As soon as Guangzhu got his hands, Ke Jinyun let out a slight gasp.

Although the voice was soft, it sounded like thunder to Liao Zhiji. He felt his hair stand on end, and wanted to back away.

But at this moment, the flowers and plants around his feet were tightly wrapped around Liao Zhiji's ankle like ropes, making him unable to move at all. UU reading

Liao Zhiji's eyes showed horror, and he looked at Ke Jinyun with his mouth wide open.

Ke Jinyun sneered and crushed the two light beads in his hands.

"From the moment you came in, I felt that there was something wrong with you. Sure enough, there was something hiding from me. Tell me! Who ordered you to come!"

Liao Zhiji wanted to cry but had no tears.

I must have offended the evil **** in charge of luck these two days, otherwise how could I be so unlucky?

In just two days, two people have already asked themselves if they were ordered by someone!

And every time you ask yourself, you will be unlucky.

This estimate is no exception!

"! My lord, you misunderstood!"

Although he knew that he would die if he lied to Ke Jinyun, Liao Zhiji decided to take a risk because of the spell in his mind that would explode at any time.


As soon as he finished speaking, a wicked smile appeared on Ke Jinyun's face.

"It seems that the person who instigated you behind the scenes is very skillful. You are still unwilling to betray him at this time. Do you think I will not dare to kill you?"

As the words fell, a cold light flashed in Ke Jinyun's eyes, and a flower and plant at his feet was cut off from it, and then the flowers and leaves cut Liao Zhiji straight like an arrow leaving the string.

Liao Zhiji wanted to dodge, but it wasn't until then that he found out in despair that his legs had been firmly bound by the flowers and leaves, and he couldn't move at all.

"Ah, save me!" Liao Zhiji cried loudly.

This is real crying.

Because Liao Zhiji was so frightened that he burst into tears, he almost peed his pants.

It may be that his shouting played a role, or it may be that the time is ripe, anyway, just as he finished speaking, Liao Zhiji suddenly caught a glimpse of a sword light out of the corner of his eye.

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