Chapter 2848

The sword light looked like a horse training, and it came from outside the garden. Wherever it passed, the flowers and plants bowed their heads, and a deep gully appeared, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

But Ke Jinyun just snorted coldly, "How dare a mere swordsman do something wrong in front of me?"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, holding half a flower branch in his hand, and pointed obliquely at the menacing sword.

No sound!

Jian Guang collided with the flower branch in Ke Jinyun's hand silently.

After a brief pause, Jian Guang and Hua Zhi Qi Qi disappeared.

Ke Jinyun didn't pay attention to these, but looked into the distance with a sinking face.

Because at this moment, Dan saw a figure approaching slowly.

Wherever he passed, the breath was surging, and the wind swayed the flowers and plants, but this person's expression was so calm and breezy.

Seeing him, Liao Zhiji yelled hoarsely, "My lord, help me!"

Hearing this, Ke Jinyun frowned slightly, and then the flowers and plants wrapped around Liao Zhiji's legs instantly extended two long spikes, piercing Liao Zhiji's chest and abdomen, obviously intending to put him to death.

But at this moment, the two sword glows came later and cut off the two sharp thorns within a short time.

Then I heard Xue An say calmly: "Although it is a dog, it depends on the owner to beat the dog. I believe you should understand this truth!"

Hearing these words, Ke Jinyun sneered, "Beating a dog depends on the owner... That's a good point, but he is a member of my Guangming Palace. What kind of master are you?"

"It wasn't before, but it is now!"

"What an arrogant tone!"

Xue An shook his head, "It's not arrogance, it's just confidence in one's own strength!"

Ke Jinyun stared at Xue An coldly, and finally said after a long time: "You dare to come here alone to take risks, I really don't know what gave you the courage!"

However, Xue An ignored his words, instead, he looked down at the sea of ​​blooming flowers under his feet, and sighed softly.

"It's really beautiful! It's a pity that the more beautiful the flowers and plants are, the more likely there are dirt and evil people to hide under them! Am I right?"

Ke Jinyun's complexion changed, "You're courting death!"

As soon as the words fell, countless flowers and plants grew and spread like crazy in all directions of Xue An, encircling him to death.

Even so, Xue An remained calm and looked at Ke Jinyun opposite him with a half-smile.

But it was this silent contempt that made Ke Jinyun even more angry.


As soon as the word fell, these seemingly weak flowers and plants immediately turned into sharp weapons for killing, and began to attack Xue An indiscriminately.

Liao Zhiji's eyelids twitched wildly. Of course he wasn't worried about Xue An's safety.

The key is that there is still the spell that Xue An planted in his head!

If he died, wouldn't he also be buried with him?

So Liao Zhiji watched this scene in horror.

Fortunately, this worry only lasted for a few seconds, and then the flowers and plants were smashed into pieces as if they were rubbed violently by some kind of huge force.

Xue An walked out slowly, his eyes as cold as ice.

"You seem to be angry, but what is buried under such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers, I believe you should know better than me! Do you need me to explain?"

Ke Jinyun's face turned pale, and immediately he came to attack Xue An without saying a word.

Ke Jinyun originally dismissed the white-clothed boy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

After all, he is now in his absolute home field, although he doesn't know how the young man in front of him sneaked in from under his nose.

But since he didn't dare to enter this sea of ​​flowers before, it means that he also knows that this is his absolute domain.

In his absolute domain, even those whose strength is far stronger than his are hard to escape, let alone an ordinary fifth-rank expert.

But Xue An's performance later on was far beyond Ke Jinyun's expectations.

Not only was it able to ignore the attacks of flowers and plants, but it also broke the secret of this sea of ​​flowers with one word.

Surprised and angry, Ke Jinyun didn't dare to hold back anything, he just wanted to kill the white-clothed boy in front of him and then quickly.

This Ke Jinyun's attack method is very peculiar.

Different from other evil creatures who deal with it in various weird ways, this Ke Jinyun's attack style is actually open and closed.

So he started a force-to-force collision with Xue An.

Boom boom boom!

The strong wind caused by the loud noise shook all the flowers and plants on the ground away, revealing the bright red land below.

Liao Zhiji was stunned.

He had never seen such a fight.

Fist to the flesh, and both sides are like fearless fighters, they don't even know how to dodge, just want to put the other party to death as soon as possible.

This young man in white looks delicate and delicate, but is he so brave?

And my immediate boss, I haven't seen him do it for so many years, but this time it was so fierce.

Liao Zhiji couldn't take it all in.

But he didn't know how shocked Ke Jinyun was now.

Although for some reason, none of his abilities could be used.

But Ke Jinyun is confident that he is not weaker than anyone even with his fists.

The result is that under such circumstances, the guy in front of him, who is no more than a fifth-rank captain, can fight him back and forth~ Sometimes he can even suppress himself in turn.

It's just unbelievable.

But no matter what price you pay today, the guy in front of you will die.

With this thought in mind, Ke Jinyun gritted his teeth and accelerated his attack again.

If someone looked at the sea of ​​flowers from a bird's-eye view at this time, they would definitely find that the flowers and plants in the corner suddenly withered.

And with the withering of these flowers and plants, Ke Jinyun's strength soared again, instantly suppressing Xue An.

But at this moment, Xue An sneered.

"Finally can't hold back yet? Aren't you afraid that using the power of the main body in advance will cause all previous efforts to be wasted?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I will kill you today even if you lose your origin, not to mention your amazing talent, if you are turned into **** mud, you will definitely be able to breed the most beautiful flowers and plants, and that is not a loss!" Ke Jinyun shouted coldly.

"The calculation is good, but unfortunately it is destined to be just wishful thinking!" Xue An sneered, and then said lightly.

"Do it!"

The words fell.

Suddenly, the four corners of the garden burst into flames.

This sudden scene immediately frightened Liao Zhiji.

This Ke Jinyun was even more unbelievable, but when he saw the flowers and plants being buried in the flames, he couldn't help but let out a miserable howl.

"No! It's impossible!"

As he said that, walls of flowers quickly surged up, trying to stop the spread of the fire.

But this flame is not an ordinary fire at all, these flower walls are only blocked for a moment, and then they are also burned into nothingness.

Then the fire spread rapidly, causing Ke Jinyun to scream.

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