Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2849: flower sea blood pool

Chapter 2849 Flower Sea Blood Pool

The raging flames rumbled over the sea of ​​flowers. Wherever they passed, these delicate or cool flowers and plants first withered due to the high temperature, and then exploded under the action of the critical temperature, turning into fly ash.

All good things have a cruel beauty when they are destroyed.

This sea of ​​flowers is no exception, even worse.

But what is more cruel than this beauty is Ke Jinyun's cry.

It can no longer be described as miserable, it feels as if a dying beast is facing a **** butcher knife slashing at him.

Full of despair and anger.

Of course, along with the screams came Ke Jinyun's all-consuming attacks.

But every method you can think of, he has used it.

His idea is actually very simple, just to put this young man who ruined his life's hard work to death.

But his stormy attack couldn't do anything to Xue An at all.

Especially when the sea of ​​flowers was destroyed and the domain was broken, Ke Jinyun's attack could not even break through Xue An's defense.

So after admiring the dazzling attack, Liao Zhiji watched helplessly as his immediate superior roared unwillingly, and then disappeared in place.

The flames shot up into the sky, but they couldn't see through the shadow in the young man's eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, Liao Zhiji couldn't help shivering.

In his vision, this time it will definitely be a fierce battle.

After all, Ke Jinyun's ability to become Zong Duo of Guangming Palace has its own unique features.

Although this young man is unpredictable, it is not so easy to achieve his goal.

As a result... Ke Jinyun only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour before being defeated.

Liao Zhiji immediately understood this **** reality.

This young man is by no means ordinary. If he wants to survive, he can only cooperate with all his strength without the slightest disagreement.

With this thought in mind, an extremely obsequious smile bloomed on Liao Zhiji's face.

"Big...Your Excellency is mighty!"

Xue An just glanced at him casually, and then said calmly: "Okay! Come out!"

After the words fell, the raging fire quickly extinguished, and then two figures walked out of the fire.

It was Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun.

At this moment, Wu Jun's face was full of excitement, and he said with great admiration when he saw Xue An for the first time.

"My lord, what kind of flame is the fire you gave me, and why is it so powerful?"

You must know that Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun's best attack method was flames, so this time Xue An sent them to set fire secretly.

And Wu Jun was shocked by its cruel power as soon as he used the fire seed Xue An gave him.

Xue An just smiled at this, "It's nothing, it's just a ray of strange flame from my cultivation!"

The admiration in Wu Jun's eyes became even stronger.

The strange flame that I cultivated...

In other words, Xue An's methods may be far more miraculous than he imagined!

In contrast, Duanmu Guang is much calmer.

He looked around and frowned slightly.

"My lord, is Ke Jinyun dead?"

"Of course it's not that simple!"

"Then where did he go?"

Xue An pointed to his feet.

Duanmu Guang was taken aback, "Underground?"

"Yes, and no!"

Xue An stomped his feet violently, and the huge impact directly collapsed the land in a radius of tens of meters, and at the same time, countless cracks spread rapidly to the surroundings.

If you look at it from the air, the scene just now is like a thunderbolt suddenly exploded in the sea of ​​flowers that were burnt into charcoal.

And in these cracks, one can faintly see the **** light below.

"What is this?" Wu Jun was a little curious, and then leaned down to take a closer look.

As a result, it didn't matter at all, Wu Jun's scalp was numb from the scene under the crack.

Because where is the blood below, it is genuine blood at all!

And so many cracks all shining the same light….

In other words, there should be an incomparably huge lake below, which is formed by the gathering of blood.

Wu Jun was petrified by his guess.

If that's the case, where did the blood come from?

No wonder this sea of ​​flowers blooms so well, it turned out that the scene below is like this!

At this moment, these cracks suddenly started gushing blood.

Wu Jun was the closest, caught off guard, and almost fell into the blood, but Duanmu Guang saw the opportunity quickly, and yanked him by the back of his clothes, which seemed to pull him up.

Xue An frowned slightly, "Do you still want to resist when death is imminent?"

Speaking of this, Xue An suddenly clenched his fist.

The land that had been burnt to ashes was directly squeezed into nothingness.

At this point, the huge blood pool below is completely revealed.

It's a horrifying sight.

Viscous fresh blood surged in the blood pool, and from time to time, huge columns of blood rose from it.

There was an unforgettable smell of blood in the air.

Liao Zhiji was already dumbfounded, and murmured: "It turns out that this is his real body!"

As Ke Jinyun's subordinate, he had previously speculated that this sea of ​​flowers must be closely related to Ke But he never expected that the truth would be like this.

Thinking of this, he secretly looked at Xue An, and saw this young man standing there quietly, his eyes were crystal clear, and he naturally exuded a heart-wrenching demeanor.

Probably only such a character can easily reveal all the mysteries! Liao Zhiji secretly thought in his heart.

But this didn't end. After the blood pool was exposed, the speed of the surge accelerated rapidly, and at the same time, a stormy wave was set off, sweeping towards Xue An and the others standing in the air.

Before the waves arrived, the pungent stench clearly showed that the blood was definitely not a good thing.

But facing this unwilling counterattack, Xue An just smiled coldly, and then a ball of flames appeared between his brows.

The color of the flame is transparent and palpitating.

As soon as the flames came out, the blood pool that was originally arrogant immediately quieted down, including the wave that swept towards the crowd, it also stagnated in the air, and gradually wriggled into a human shape, and bowed to Xue An.

You must know that Xue An's Red Lotus Fire is the nemesis of all evil things in the world,

With this kind of attribute bonus, even if Ke Jinyun's strength was far superior to Xue An's, he was still crushed to death.

Even as long as Xue An is willing, this flame alone can burn Ke Jinyun's body into nothingness.

Ke Jinyun is not a fool, so he can naturally see this.

Therefore, his decision can be said to be straightforward, Dang even gave up resistance and lay down completely, asking for forgiveness.

In terms of desire to survive, as Liao Zhiji's boss, he and Liao Zhiji have similarities.

Seeing Ke Jinyun kowtowing endlessly, Xue An didn't talk nonsense.

"Two questions, first of all, why did you kill Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun?"

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