Ke Jinyun also acted like a bachelor. After hearing Xue An's question, the blurry human figure quickly became clear, and the facial features and limbs were transformed into illusions.

Then he said bluntly: "Because of their master!"

Although there had been speculations for a long time, Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun were still in commotion when they really heard about it.

"Why? My master has already left the Guangming Palace, and he is even dead. Why do you still refuse to let her go, and even kill her two remaining apprentices?" Duanmu Guang couldn't help asking.

Ke Jinyun sighed, "Actually, I am not leading this matter alone!"

Xue An nodded, "I know this, but you alone can't do it!"

"The ones who really want to kill the two of you are those big bosses that I can't even afford to offend. As for why they did this, it should be because of fear!"

"Afraid? What are you afraid of?" Duanmu Guang asked.

"Actually... your master was the saint of our Guangming Palace!"

This sentence was like a shock, not only Duan Muguang and the others were shocked, but even Liao Zhiji was stunned.

He only knew that Duanmu Guang and his superiors had always been disliked by the higher-ups, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret.

"Impossible, how powerful is the saintess of your Guangming Palace? Although my master is powerful, he is far behind. How could it be the saintess of Guangming?" Wu Jun said.

"That's because your master returned all the power that belonged to the saint when he left the Guangming Palace!"

Wu Jun, who was at the top of the explanation, had nothing to say, and only murmured after a while.

"In this way, my master has successfully escaped, so why do you still keep thinking about it, and even want to kill us?"

Ke Jinyun shook his head, "I'm not too sure about this. After all, it's impossible for these big bosses to tell me what's going on in their hearts! All I know is that they want me to take you in and seek refuge, but then they ordered you to be executed in secret!"

"Who are the big guys you're talking about?" Wu Jun asked.

"Who else could be, naturally those red-clothed archbishops!" Ke Jinyun's tone was not very polite.

After all, I was just following orders, but in the end I met this difficult opponent, which finally caused my many years of hard work to be wasted.

He didn't dare to express his anger to Xue An, after all, the strong in the world of evil things are respected.

In particular, the flames between Xue An's eyebrows were full of fear, so he could only vent his resentment on those red-clothed archbishops.

And Wu Jun gritted his teeth angrily after listening, "These bastards!"

Then he looked at Xue An with a questioning look in his eyes.

He wanted to know how to deal with this guy, and how to investigate his master's affairs at the same time.

Xue An ignored his gaze, and just took a deep look at Ke Jinyun.

"Second question, have you ever seen this thing?"

As he said that, the images of fragments of ancient mirrors appeared in front of Ke Jinyun.

Seeing this thing, Ke Jinyun was slightly shocked, and immediately said: "I know!"

"Oh?" Xue An's eyes lit up, "You've seen this thing before, where is it now?"

"I saw this thing once when I met the saint, and it is now on the saint's body!"

"Saint..." Xue An murmured and repeated, his eyes contemplative.

Others didn't dare to disturb, they could only wait with bated breath.

Naturally, Ke Jinyun was no exception. He was standing in the air with a respectful expression, as if he had completely lay down and was just waiting for the judgment of fate.

But at this moment, a strand of flame suddenly flew out from Xue An's brow, and then turned into a flaming sword, stabbing straight into the distance.


The land in the distance was blasted away abruptly, and there was a tiny trickle of blood below.

This Ke Jinyun actually took advantage of Xue An's contemplation, and secretly released his clone to try to escape from here.

But under Xue An's flame, this trickle was immediately burned into nothingness.

Ke Jinyun screamed.


Xue An raised his eyes to look at him, his tone was indifferent and alienated, "Did I tell you to go, and you sneaked away?"

Ke Jinyun wanted to refute, but suddenly realized something, his face turned pale, and then he obediently closed his mouth.

"I said before that the more beautiful the flowers and plants, the easier it is to hide dirt, but even I didn't expect the dirt to be so abundant!"

Speaking of this, Xue An's eyes became colder and colder.

"So I'm curious, how do you generate so much blood?"

"I..." Ke Jinyun panicked and tried to explain.

But he racked his brains and couldn't think of any words to hide it.

Seeing this scene, Xue An smiled coldly.

"Don't you know how to explain it? After all, with so much blood, even if you kill one person a day, it will take a long time to accumulate!"

Ke Jinyun was tongue-tied.

"There is a grievance and a debtor. After so many years of doing evil, you will have to pay the price!"

Xue An said calmly, and then a ball of flame exploded in the air.

After a quarter of an hour.

Everything returned to calm, except for the bottomless pit on the ground, everything was as clean as if nothing had happened.

Liao Zhiji was dumbfounded.

Just... just die?

That is the majestic Guangming Palace Zongduo!

The top figure who was second only to the archbishop in red ended up with a dead end.

Then Liao Zhiji began to rejoice wildly.

Fortunately, I saw the opportunity early, otherwise I would have died a long time ago by now.

However, this emotion did not last long before being interrupted by Xue An's gaze.

Looking at the cold eyes, Liao Zhiji's heart was about to jump out of his stomach, and he forced a smile: "My... my lord!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet!"

This sentence directly made Liao Zhiji's heart drop back to its original place.

In any case, the most important thing is to save your life.

But what Xue An said in the next second made Liao Zhiji nervous again.

"But if I don't kill you now, it doesn't mean I won't kill you in the future, so you have to prove that you are worth not being killed!"

"For example...?" Liao Zhiji asked cautiously.

"For example, how do I meet this saint without alarming those strong men in the Guangming Palace!"

Looking at Xue An with a serious face, Liao Zhiji suddenly wanted to say that you should just kill me!

After all, he was just a small priest, at best a middle-level figure in the Palace of Light.

And the Holy Maiden of Light is the existence at the top of the pyramid, and there is no possibility of even the slightest intersection with her.

Now Xue An made himself think of a way to make him see the saint without alarming other people.

How can this be!

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, he still dared not say the words of giving up.

Because he knew very well that as long as he dared to speak, the boy in white would dare to kill.

So he could only frown tightly, "I...I'll try!"

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