Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2852: Infiltrate in disguise

Chapter 2852

"Brother Liao, you're being polite. It's hard to say based on the relationship between us, but this is..."

Jiang Jialu looked at this unusually quiet girl, his face was full of surprise.

Liao Zhiji was cursing secretly in his heart, what the fuck, if he didn't give a thank you gift, he probably wouldn't even be able to get in the door.

But when he saw that Jiang Jialu actually turned his attention to Xue An, and was even very interested, he was so frightened that he even forgot to complain.

This Jiang Jialu is not a good guy, so it's not surprising that he did anything.

But the key point is that this girl is not an ordinary person!

If this leaks at the door, it will be over.

Thinking of this, he immediately took a step forward to block Jiang Jialu's sight, and then said with a smile: "It's nothing, this is just a maid I found for the Holy Maiden!"

"A maid dedicated to the saint?"

Hearing this, Jiang Jialu's aura dropped by half first, but he was still dubious in his heart.

Liao Zhiji is just a middle class, what qualifications does he have to serve as a maid to the saint at the top?

However, these doubts were quickly dispelled by the red envelope that Liao Zhiji stuffed in again.

"Oh, so that's the case, you two wait here first, I'll go in and report!"

Said Jiang Jialu turned and left.

And after he left, Xue An raised his head to look up at this majestic cathedral, and said calmly.

"Is this the style of your Guangming Palace?"

Liao Zhiji, who was feeling sorry for his two thank you gifts, was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly.

"That's right! Anyway, I haven't seen anything that can be done without giving gifts!"

Xue An stopped talking, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Jiang Jialu came back.

"My lord bishop happens to be free, so go in!"

"Thank you, Chief Jiang, we'll have a couple of drinks later when we're free!"

"Hehe, let's talk about it later!" Jiang Jialu smiled, but his attention was always focused on this girl.

Fearing that something else might happen, Liao Zhiji led Xue An into the church.

And just as they passed each other, Xue An suddenly turned his head and took a look at Jiang Jialu.

Jiang Jialu, who was originally full of thoughts, suddenly felt many terrifying images in his mind, and the thoughts disappeared in an instant, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

And when he calmed down, Liao Zhiji and Liao Zhiji had long since disappeared.

This can't help but make Jiang Jialu full of doubts.

What happened just now?

How could I suddenly have so many scary pictures?

He didn't know that this horrible scene would accompany him for the rest of his life, to the point that he would be powerless to face no matter how beautiful a woman was.

At the same time, Xue An, who gave Jiang Jialu a small warning, followed Liao Zhiji to the church hall.

Only by stepping into it can you experience the luxury of this Guangming Palace.

As far as the eye can see, the hall is so big that it can't be seen at a glance, and there are golden lights everywhere.

Even the floor beneath your feet is an intoxicating gold.

After coming here, Liao Zhiji bent down habitually, not even daring to lift his head.

Although Xue An followed suit, his divine sense has been secretly peeping into the church hall.

Because he could sense that there was some kind of existence that had been observing the two of them in the dark.


At this moment, a little brilliance appeared in the hall, and then a figure appeared on the throne in the middle.

This figure was wearing a bright red teaching gown, which was a little thin against the tall throne.

But Xue An's expression was solemn with his head down, because in his spiritual observation, this seemingly thin figure actually possessed extremely terrifying power.

Especially in this church, this kind of power has been infinitely expanded.

Liao Zhiji was the first to fail, and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Liao Zhiji, meet the Bishop!"

Even the voice trembled.

After a long time, an old and majestic voice came from above the throne.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me!"

Liao Zhiji knelt and climbed a few steps, and then said in an extremely flattering voice: "Master Bishop, I got this woman by accident when I was performing a mission outside. She is pure in nature and amazingly talented. I heard that Her Majesty has always been short of a maid, so I am bold..."

Before he finished speaking, a roar interrupted him.

"Nonsense, what is the status of a saint, she lacks a maid and it's not your turn to worry about it! Get out!"

The bishop's words were very unkind.

But Liao Zhiji didn't get angry at all, and immediately responded: "Yes, yes, my subordinates know that their status is shallow, but this woman is indeed very talented, and I'm here to present it to you, my lord bishop!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" the bishop said coldly.

"The reason is very complicated, so I can't explain it with words alone. All the reasons are in this ball of light. Please learn from me!"

As he spoke, Liao Zhiji respectfully raised a ball of light above his head.

A brilliance flashed, and then this ball of light appeared in the hand of the archbishop.

After a while, the archbishop chuckled twice.

"Not bad, you really have a heart!"

Liao Zhiji's eyelids were throbbing with pain.

All his savings over the years were stored in that ball of light!

Only such a heavy gift can impress this greedy red-clothed archbishop Wu Qiming.

But helplessly, for the sake of my own life, I can only do this.

So after hearing Wu Qiming's praise, Liao Zhiji wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a smile.

"Then look at this..."

"Let her come forward, I'll take a closer look!"

Liao Zhiji's heart trembled, his face turned pale.

If he misses the trick at this time, not only will he lose his wealth, but he may even lose his But at this moment, Xue An took a few steps forward in a very relaxed manner, and then looked directly at the archbishop in red on the chair without being humble or humble.

Under the robe was a thin and old face, only a pair of eyes were frighteningly bright.

After noticing Xue An's gaze, the red-clothed Archbishop Wu Qiming was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Let's not talk about talent, this calmness alone is not comparable to ordinary people!"

Hearing these words, Liao Zhiji let go of his hanging heart just now, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and forced a smile.

"Then you see..."

"The status of a saint is extremely honorable, so the selection of her maid is naturally a big deal. I will try my best!"

Liao Zhiji was overjoyed, "Thank you, sir!"

"Hehe, there is no need to thank you, you are also thinking about Guangming Palace, and your loyalty is commendable!"

Perhaps because of receiving a generous gift, Wu Qiming's attitude became much better, and he even praised Liao Zhiji for the first time.

If it was the past, Liao Zhiji would have been extremely excited after hearing these two compliments.

Because being appreciated by the archbishop in red means that he is about to rise to the top.

But now that even his own life is in the hands of others, he naturally lost these feelings.

At this time, Wu Qiming stood up slowly, and said to Xue An: "Come with me! It just so happens that the saint has just finished training, so I will take you to see her now!"

I have a mouth ulcer, and I haven’t eaten much for two days, because eating anything but water is a kind of torture for me, so I coded these two chapters when I was hungry and dizzy, there may be omissions, please forgive me!

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