Just as Liao Zhiji took a step to keep up, Wu Qiming glared at him.

"Just because of your status, you are not qualified to meet the saint. I will take her there. You can wait here!"

Liao Zhiji looked puzzled.

To be honest, he didn't want to follow, but the problem was that his own life was in the hands of others, what if he didn't annoy Xue An?

Thinking of this, he peeked at Xue An, only to find that Xue An's eyes were downcast, and he didn't seem angry.

Now his heart is a little more stable, but he is not sure, so he forced a smile.

"Then...then I'll wait here?"

On the surface, he was asking Wu Qiming, but actually he was asking for Xue An's opinion.

Wu Qiming snorted coldly, "If you tell you to wait here, just wait obediently, so much nonsense!"

Then he said to Xue An: "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Qiming walked out.

Xue An glanced at Liao Zhiji, and immediately followed.

Liao Zhiji was shocked, and then froze in place.

Without him!

The look in Xue An's eyes before he left was too terrifying.

In addition to the infinite silence, there is actually an extremely cold killing intent.

But who is his killing intent aimed at?

Could it be... it was aimed at Wu Qiming?

Thinking of this, Liao Zhiji shuddered Lingling, then shrank his neck, and obediently stood where he was, not daring to move again.

At the same time, Wu Qiming led Xue An through the lobby, around several corridors, and finally came to a secluded place.

This is a small garden, surrounded by tall walls, and on the walls are incomparably luxurious seals engraved with dense runes of light, isolating all prying eyes from the outside world.

When he came to this small world, Wu Qiming, who was hunched over and looked very old, gradually straightened his back, then turned around and looked at Xue An with Yinxie eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it's been a long time since I've seen such a fresh and tender product, today is a good time to taste it!"

The wretched meaning in the words is almost overflowing.

But the strange thing is that Wu Qiming didn't see the slightest look of fear on the face of the "girl" opposite.

You must know that this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. The women he brought over in the past, regardless of their status or cultivation level, once they find themselves in such a situation, they often don't need to do anything, and they will panic first.

Only today this "girl" is terribly quiet.

In particular, there was a hint of sarcasm in those overly good-looking eyes.

This made Wu Qiming startled for a moment, and then excited.

He was tired of the usual girl who would cry when something happened, but today this "girl" gave him an unexpected surprise.

"What? Are you not afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Xue An said calmly.

In fact, as early as when Wu Qiming was in a hurry to lead him away, Xue An had already seen the old guy's plot.

This can't help but make him a little dumbfounded.

In order to get the fragments of the ancient mirror smoothly, he followed Liao Zhiji's suggestion, changed into a female costume and went to see the Holy Maiden of Light.

This might sound humiliating, but to the current Xue An, it was just a thought.

Don't forget that he is now a body of spiritual thoughts. Although it is impossible to see from the outside because of the extremely condensed spiritual thoughts, the essence is still the incarnation of spiritual thoughts.

But the incarnation of spiritual thoughts is actually genderless, as long as Xue An is willing, he can change into various forms at any time.

So he only regarded it as an ordinary mission.

But I didn't expect that I seemed to be a little too successful.

First, the guy guarding the door was so fascinated by him that Xue An shot him a small punishment.

Immediately afterwards, even this dying old guy had other thoughts.

This naturally made Xue An a little dumbfounded.

But he didn't say anything, instead he followed Wu Qiming to this small garden very obediently.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect you to be soft and weak, but you are quite courageous. I hope you can still be so calm under my crotch later!"

At the end of the story, Wu Qiming was panting heavily with excitement, as if he had seen the beautiful girl in front of him struggling gracefully.

But at this moment, a burst of cold light completely wiped out Wu Qiming's thoughts.

I saw this cold light slashing horizontally like a horse, so fast that Wu Qiming didn't even react.

After a loud bang, the cold light struck Wu Qiming's automatically inspired body-protecting holy light.


The necklace worn by Wu Qiming's neck shattered at the sound, along with the holy light on Wu Qiming's body.

And it was only then that Wu Qiming reacted, and he couldn't help being frightened to death.

"You... who are you?"

At the same time as he spoke, he stepped back quickly, trying to escape from this small garden.

In order to create this small nest for his own entertainment, Wu Qiming spared no expense to set up shielding magic circles on the surrounding walls.

It can be said that once entering here, even the glory of the Lord of Light will be temporarily shielded.

But he never expected that these original settings have become the shackles of Wu Qiming at this moment.

If it was outside, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com He could activate the defenses of the Extreme Fire Cathedral with a single thought and summon the guards.

In that case, no matter how amazing the opponent's strength is, he will not be his opponent.

It can be said that this extreme fire cathedral is Wu Qiming's trump card, and the two complement each other.

As long as he was in the cathedral, Wu Qiming would take the absolute initiative, which was why Xue An felt the incomparably terrifying power in him before.

But Wu Qiming couldn't stand it and committed suicide by himself.

Because the canon of the Guangming Palace absolutely forbids female sexuality, especially the existence of Wu Qiming's status, if he violates it, he may be known by the gods. At that time, he will be deprived of his divine power, and even his life may be in danger.

That's why Wu Qiming carefully built this small world for himself to have fun.

In the end, he was trapped in a cocoon, but let Xue An take advantage of the loopholes.

The problem is, it's too late to regret it now.

Wu Qiming could only flee as fast as possible.

But Xue An didn't know his thoughts.

In fact, the reason why Xue An dared to make such a big move was precisely because of this.

So when he saw Wu Qiming who was retreating quickly, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he raised his eyebrows.

In an instant, countless sword glows appeared in the air, densely occupying the entire space.

Wu Qiming who was retreating quickly stopped immediately.

No way, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Because if he went any further, these sword glows that suddenly appeared would pierce him right away.

So he could only obediently stand where he was, let the countless sword glows surround him, and then shouted in a trembling voice.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, everything is negotiable!"

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