Footsteps came from behind, Wu Qiming didn't dare to turn his head, but his strong desire to survive made him laugh.

"Girl...Girl, as long as you don't kill me, I guarantee that I can satisfy any of your demands, including money, status, strength and so on!"

Although he didn't see Wu Qiming's face, Xue An could imagine that the expression on his face must be very exciting just by the trembling voice.

Xue An had expected this.

After all, for such a person who is used to being pampered in a high position, nothing is more important than his own life.

The only thing he was curious about was that Wu Qiming, the archbishop in red, was also a high-ranking member of the Guangming Palace, so why was his strength so mediocre?

But these thoughts are fleeting, because Xue An has no time to waste on this kind of person.

He just walked slowly behind Wu Qiming, raised his hand and patted the back of his head.

It was just this light pat, and Wu Qiming screamed like killing a pig.

Because he thought Xue An was going to kill him.

"Enough! If you dare to scream again, be careful, I will really screw your head off!" Xue An said lightly.

This understated threat was very effective, Wu Qiming immediately shut his mouth, and then he also noticed something strange.

"You...what did you plant in my mind?"

"It's nothing, it's just a talisman. From now on, if you disobey me in any way, this talisman will explode immediately. At that time, I guarantee that your head will be worse than a balloon blown by the sun!"

Xue An's words frightened Wu Qiming to death.

"Yes yes yes! I understand, I promise I won't violate you in any way!"

The sword light dissipated.

Wu Qiming turned around tremblingly, but he didn't even dare to look up at Xue An, just buried his head, his heart was full of remorse.

He regretted that he shouldn't have the sperm in his head, and ended up causing such a big trouble.

Xue An naturally didn't bother to pay attention to what he was thinking.

"See this?"

Xue An spread out his hand, in his palm was the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror.

Wu Qiming recognized this thing at a glance, and couldn't help being surprised: "I've seen it, isn't this the thing that the Holy Maiden wears?"

Xue An immediately felt relieved.

Ke Jinyun said before that he had seen this thing when he was visiting the Holy Maiden of Light, but he was not qualified enough, so he only had a glimpse from a distance, and he was not sure if it was true.

But Wu Qiming was different. As the archbishop in red, he was the closest person to the Holy Maiden of Light. Since he said yes, there must be nothing wrong.

"you sure?"

Wu Qiming nodded, "How dare I joke about this kind of thing, I'm sure I can't be wrong!"

"Very good! Then you take me to see her now!"

A look of hesitation flashed across Wu Qiming's face.

Xue An raised his eyebrows, "What? There is a problem!"

"Ah, no!" Wu Qiming shook his head in fright.

"Then why are you hesitating?"

Wu Qiming's face was red, and he hesitated and said: "Actually, in my capacity, it is not so easy to see the saint. I must apply in advance and get the consent of the elders before I can do it!"

Xue An frowned, "It's so complicated, aren't you the archbishop in red?"

Embarrassment appeared on Wu Qiming's face, "I am the archbishop in red, but there are actually high and low status among the archbishops in red!"

Afterwards, through Wu Qiming's description, Xue An knew that there was a strict hierarchy in the Guangming Palace. Although they were both archbishops in red, they also had different statuses due to their different personal strengths and powers.

The highest status are those who are called the elders.

In Wu Qiming's words, that is the real boss in Guangming Palace, everyone has unpredictable strength and unparalleled influence.

As for himself, he is just a **** with no appearance.

This can be seen from the gap when meeting the saint.

Members of the Board of Elders can visit the Holy Maiden without restriction anytime and anywhere, but they must apply in advance if they want to see her.

Hearing this, Xue An couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

After all, with the passage of time, the disappearance of Ke Jinyun will arouse the suspicion of the people around him soon.

And once he attracts the attention of the group of elders, all his previous plans will be in vain.

At that time, not only will I have to face the attack of the space-time giant snake that hides in the dark and I don't know when it will appear, but I will also have to bear the wrath of the Palace of Light.

The situation under the attack of the two phases can be described as extremely dangerous.

So Xue An doesn't have so much time to waste on so-called applications.

He pondered for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Then do you know where this Holy Maiden of Light usually appears, and who is around her?"

"The saint is naturally in the Temple of Light. Under normal circumstances, the members of the elders will guard the temple, ready to listen to the oracle of the Lord at any time, and then promulgate it!"

Speaking of this, a sarcasm appeared on the corner of Wu Qiming's mouth.

"After all, they claim to be the closest to God, so they naturally have the right to speak on behalf of God!"

When Wu Qiming said this, the resentment in Wu Qiming's eyes was so strong that it almost overflowed.

It can be seen that his resentment towards this phenomenon is great.

Xue An didn't have time to pay attention to him, after a moment of hesitation, he said in a low voice.

"Then you should find a way to send me into the Temple of Light!"

"How can that be done? You must know that those members of the elders group are usually in the temple. How can you do it by yourself?"

"Besides, so what if you meet the saint alone? The saint directly communicates with the is extremely powerful, wouldn't you be courting death if you want to get something from her?" Wu Qiming said anxiously.

Of course he said that not to worry about Xue An's life or death.

In fact, if it wasn't for the talismans planted by Xue An in his head, Wu Qiming really wished that this guy died quickly.

But not now, Wu Qiming didn't know if the talisman in his mind would explode with the death of its master.

If so, wouldn't he have to be buried with him?

So he tried his best to dissuade him, just to let Xue An give up those unrealistic ideas.

But how could Xue An listen to him.

"Stop talking nonsense, take me there now! If you are really worried about your own life, find a way to expel the group of elders!"

Wu Qiming shut his mouth obediently, then nodded helplessly.

"Okay... okay!"

After speaking, he led Xue An out of this small garden.

The moment he re-stepped into the Extreme Fire Cathedral, Wu Qiming suddenly had a killing intent in his heart.

If I take this opportunity to kill this guy now...

Before he could finish his thoughts, a sharp pain surged, and Wu Qiming fell to the ground with a plop, and then rolled crazily on the ground.

For no other reason, it was just too painful.

The pain from the depths of the soul is enough to easily defeat anyone who claims to be strong.

It wasn't until a moment later that Wu Qiming collapsed to the ground profusely with sweat.

Xue An didn't want to waste time, so he said calmly.

"Believe it or not, if you don't get up for another ten seconds, your head will explode like fireworks!"

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