In fact, it didn't take ten seconds at all. As soon as Xue An's words fell, Wu Qiming jumped up from the ground like a spring.

"Let's go, let's hurry over now!" Wu Qiming said with lingering fear.

The pain that penetrated into the soul just now was so severe that Wu Qiming still hadn't recovered from it.

The killing intent from before was gone, and at this moment, he only hoped that this matter could be done as soon as possible, so as to gain a chance of survival.

Therefore, the next road went very smoothly. Although the security was strict, but because Wu Qiming was leading the way, he did not encounter any obstacles, and soon came to the front of the Temple of Light.

Only when you stand in front of this temple in person can you feel its grandeur and grandeur.

This is a sentence that has been widely circulated in Guangming Palace for a long time.

Although Xue An would not be moved by these external things, when he gazed at the palace, his heart was still slightly shaken.

Although at this moment his divine sense has been suppressed so much that he can't raise his head, he can still faintly feel that there seems to be an inexplicable aura hidden in this temple.

But when Xue An wanted to feel it carefully, the breath disappeared inexplicably.

Xue An let out a breath slowly, a look of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

Could this obscure aura just now be the Lord of Light believed by the Bright Palace?

Sure enough, as rumored, it cannot be perceived or observed in any way.

Just when Xue An was deep in thought, Wu Qiming at the side was even more hesitant.

For this "girl" standing beside her, the current Wu Qiming can be said to respect and fear him at the same time.

What I admire is his unpredictable means, and what I fear is whether he will go back and detonate the talisman in his mind halfway.

In fact, he still doesn't know Xue An's real identity, and he is not even sure whether he is a man or a woman.

He only knew that if he didn't cooperate well now, his little life might really be over.

So after thinking about it for a long time, he asked in a low voice, with no expression on his face.

"Girl... girl... what should we do now? Although I am also the archbishop in red, it is impossible for me to lure out the members of the elders inside!"

"No need, just go in according to the normal procedure!" Xue An withdrew his gaze and said calmly.

Wu Qiming still didn't give up, "Girl, I really think you should plan carefully, this will be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, just in case something goes wrong..."

Wu Qiming didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was very clear.

This Guangming Temple is the absolute important place of the Guangming Palace, the saintess and the members of the elders are all sitting here, if you are not careful, you will be lost forever.

Xue An smiled faintly, then glanced at him, "Don't worry, I have my own plan!"

Although the tone is understated, there is firm determination.

Wu Qiming shut his mouth and stopped persuading.

Because he knew that there was nothing he could say now.

He could only pray silently, hoping that he could escape this catastrophe, and then slowly stepped forward and pushed open the gate of the temple.

In fact, there are very few people in the entire Guangming Palace who can touch the gate of the Guangming Palace with their own hands.

Fortunately, as the cardinal archbishop, he is one of them.

Therefore, with a vigorous push, the door of the temple slowly opened, revealing the resplendent scene inside.

This Bright Palace seems to never know what simplicity is.

The churches built are more luxurious than the last one, and this Temple of Light is the most luxurious among them.

For example, the floor under the feet is made of ten thousand-year spiritual jade, and the light can be seen, and it also reflects the pure gold ceiling.

Don't ask how the ceiling is hung up, ask is that poverty limits your imagination.

Even Xue An, who is used to seeing big scenes, can't help but marvel at the generosity of the Bright Palace.

Not to mention anything else, this temple alone may be the entire net worth of an ordinary sect.

And this is only on the surface, the wealth hidden in the dark must be even more amazing.

For example, Wu Qiming, as a cardinal who is not considered powerful, he can have such a luxurious church.

This shows how extravagant and rich these guys are.

Of course, these thoughts are just fleeting. From Xue An's point of view, all the wealth in the world combined is not as important as a piece of Xuanyuan Mirror.

After all, this is the key to whether you can defeat Shuming and never restore the timeline of the heavens.

Thinking in his heart, Xue An lowered his head and followed Wu Qiming to the center of the temple.

"Lao Qi, today is not the day to meet you. What are you doing here?" There were several old men in red robes standing in the middle of the temple, and it was one of them who asked the question.

Although Xue An couldn't see the true faces of these people from Xue An's perspective, he could guess the identities of these people only by the condensed power of light on them that was almost substantive.

Is this a member of the elders group!

Sure enough, as Wu Qiming said, his strength is terrifying!

Xue An felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

He has guts, but that doesn't mean he's blindly arrogant.

Especially at this dangerous moment of dancing on the tip of the knife, even Xue An has to be extremely Elder, I accidentally got a woman with excellent talent today, and at the same time, I thought that the Holy Lady has always been short of a maid, so I brought her here to see if the Holy Lady is satisfied! "Wu Qiming said with a smile all over his face.

The third elder looked at Xue An upon hearing this.

In an instant, even Xue An felt a shock in his heart.

Such a strong coercion.

Such bright eyes.

If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't even need to do anything, and they would be defeated just by this look.

But Xue An's Dao heart is so tenacious, after only a trembling, he slowly lowered his eyes.

The three elders couldn't help being a little surprised.

This seemingly weak woman can actually bear my gaze without changing her face, this talent is really good.

But soon, he said in a deep voice: "He is quite calm, but..."

The third elder's tone turned cold.

"The selection of the lady's maid is a big deal. Although you have good intentions, Lao Qi, it's not something you should worry about!"

Wu Qiming's heart was full of anger, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"What the third elder taught me is that I also know that it is not appropriate for me to do so, but this woman is too suitable in terms of appearance and temperament. I really can't help it, so I dare to present it!"

Before the third elder said anything, another old man said in an old and unquestionable tone.

"Third and Seventh are also loyal, so don't blame him any more!"

"Yes! Big Brother taught me that!" The Third Elder immediately took half a step back and bowed his head to show respect.

Wu Qiming lowered his body in a hurry and performed a standard ceremony of light.

"Great Elder!"

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