Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2856: The saint's complaints!

The person who spoke was the Great Elder of the Elder Group, and the most authoritative person in the entire Guangming Palace.

He slowly walked up to him, lifted the cloak that covered his face, stared at Xue An with his old but not cloudy eyes for a moment, and then said calmly.

"what is her name?"

Wu Qiming was stopped by this question.

How did he know what Xue An's name was.

So he immediately looked at Xue An.

Although Xue An lowered his head, he could feel the strength of the person staring at him.

But he calmed down quickly, and said lightly, "My name is..."

Before Xue An could say the name he had conceived, the Great Elder suddenly waved his hand.

"Forget it, needless to say, although this woman has good talent, she is not suitable to be the maid of a saint. Take her back!"

Saying this, the Great Elder turned around and left.

Wu Qiming secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

So much the better.

As long as we eliminate her, it is estimated that the thoughts in her heart can be dispelled!

But at this moment, a calm female voice suddenly came from the high platform in the middle of the temple.

"Let her stay!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Wu Qiming was deeply shocked, but even the Great Elder showed surprise.

Because the speaker is none other than the saint who is sitting on the high platform.

And if the Great Elder remembers correctly, this should be the first time that the Holy Maiden has spoken out on her own initiative because of such a thing.

He couldn't help but took a deep look at Xue An, then shortened his stature, and said in a low voice: "Yes! Please follow the teachings of the Holy Maiden!"

After he made such a statement, the other elders naturally had no objection, and bowed and stepped aside one after another, making way for a passage.

Wu Qiming lowered his head deeply, as if he was excited by the words of Mrs. Saintess.

In fact, Wu Qiming's heart is full of deep fear at the moment.

No matter what, he couldn't figure out what method this mysterious "girl" used to make the Holy Maiden speak for her.

Could it be that she can influence the decision to get the Holy Maiden?

As soon as this idea came out, Wu Qiming was frightened.

If that's the case, it's horrific.

Xue An ignored these surprised or puzzled gazes, and saw him stepping forward, going up the stairs, and disappearing from everyone's sight after turning a corner.

The hall of the Temple of Light is very large, and even the high platform in the middle is extremely tall.

At this time, Xue An naturally couldn't use his cultivation, so he could only go up step by step.

After turning several corners one after another, a huge platform finally appeared in front of him.

In fact, if you look at this high platform from the outside, it is not very huge except that it is towering, but when you actually climb it, you find that the platform is so vast that you can't even see the side at a glance.

Xue An stared slightly, secretly startled.

Of course, he wasn't startled by Nasumi Yujiazi's little trick, but because of the power of light that permeated it, which had already become a substance.

Xue An has never seen such a purely condensed power of light.

This made him a little shaken.

In this case... Is it really possible to continue to implement according to my own plan?

But this thought just passed by in a flash, because at this moment, the power of light in front of him gradually condensed, forming a figure.

This is a woman whose whole body is shrouded in bright holy light. Even so, it can still be seen from the faintly visible outline that this is a stunning woman.

But Xue An's attention was not on this at all, he saw the necklace on the woman's neck at a glance.

At the end of the necklace hangs a fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror.

Xue An's blood boiled because of this.

Hard work paid off, and I finally saw it.

Then he began to prepare secretly, preparing to wait for the opportunity to seal off everything around him.

This is Xue An's plan!

First find a way to enter the core area of ​​Guangming Palace, and then secretly release the breath of ancient mirror fragments.

Xue An believed that as long as the Holy Maiden of Light really had the fragments in her hands, she would definitely be attracted by the aura she released.

In this case, I should be 90% sure to see this bright saint.

And as long as he has a chance to contact, Xue An will try his best to seal off a space, and then **** the Xuanyuan Mirror fragment.


This is just one of Xue An's plans, and everything needs to be adjusted in real time according to the actual situation.

For example, now, Xue An knew very clearly that even if he tried his best, he could only block this high platform for half a minute.

In half a minute, everything will be exposed.

So I have to **** the fragments within half a minute, and then escape.

This is not to say that it is not a huge challenge.

But there was no fear in Xue An's downcast eyes, instead they were as bright as flames.

But just as he was gaining momentum, the saintess spoke.

"Don't do it yet, I know what you want!"

Xue An was slightly shocked by these words, and immediately looked up.

At the same time, the holy light on the saintess gradually faded, revealing her true colors.

This is a face that makes people fall in love at first sight, and Gu Pan is full of unspeakable charm.

But Xue An couldn't care less about that at the moment, he looked at the saint in astonishment.

This saint smiled Don't be surprised, in fact, I already knew why you came from the moment you stepped into this temple! "

Xue An's eyes became colder, and his whole body tensed up like a crossbow opened by an enemy.

"Don't be so nervous, the outside world doesn't know about our conversation here, and I have no ill intentions towards you, so you don't need to kill!"

Even though he said that, Xue An still didn't relax at all, but just stared at her coldly.

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, you should not be your true face now! And the divine sense that tried to cross the barrier of light before was also you?" The goddess of light said with great interest.

Xue An took a deep breath, "Yes!"

Then a mist flashed by, and he showed his true colors.

Now that things are up to now, there is no need to cover up anymore.

And Xue An was already ready for a big battle.

But she never expected that when the Holy Maiden of Light saw Xue An's true face, she was taken aback for a moment, and then blurted out a word.

"Holy shit, so handsome!"

Xue An thought he heard it wrong.


But then the blazing brilliance bursting out from the eyes of the Holy Maiden of Light told him clearly that he had heard correctly.


Before Xue An finished speaking, the Holy Maiden of Light couldn't wait to say: "Handsome guy, what's your name?"

Xue An: "..."

The Holy Maiden of Light didn't care so much at all, and complained to herself.

"Mine, it's the first time I've seen a handsome guy that I can see clearly since I came here! I've had enough of facing a group of old men who wrap themselves tightly and look like zombies all day long!"

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