Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2857: The similarity of time and time-traveling women

Chapter 2857 The Similarity of Time and Traveling Women

time travel?

This familiar yet unfamiliar word caused Xue An to fall into a momentary daze.

The Holy Maiden of Light didn't care about that much, and she approached Xue An with great interest, carefully sizing Xue An up.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, the eyes of the Holy Maiden of Light were fascinated, and she kept muttering in her mouth.

"Oh my god, these facial features, this appearance... It's like a character who came out of a comic book! It's so handsome that you can't close your legs."

While speaking, Xue An saw with his own eyes a wisp of transparent liquid dripping down the corner of the bright saintess's mouth.

Xue An shuddered, and subconsciously took half a step back, wanting to stay away from this woman with an idiot expression on her face.

The Holy Maiden of Light also realized her gaffe, but she didn't show any intention of restraining herself. Instead, she carelessly wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, and then stretched out her hand to Xue An.

"Get to know me, my name is Shu Jingchu, of course, you can also call me Sister Jing!"

Xue An looked at her hand reaching out to him, and frowned imperceptibly.

Because if he remembers correctly, Shu Jingchu just wiped the drool with this hand.

So he didn't reach out to respond, but just nodded slightly.


As soon as I uttered the words, Shu Jingchu interrupted me.

"Hey, after talking for a long time, you also told me your name!"

Xue An had no choice but to say: "Xue An!"

"Xue An?"

Shu Jingchu on the opposite side tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Why do you think this name sounds familiar? It seems like I've heard it somewhere!"

"Huh?" Xue An was slightly taken aback.

My real name should never have been spread in this high-dimensional world!

Then where did Shu Jingchu hear it?

Just when he was wondering about it, Shu Jingchu quickly put this little doubt behind her, because she had more important things to do.

"Handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?" Shu Jingchu looked at Xue An with piercing eyes, as if expecting something.

Xue An was confused by this completely incomprehensible woman.

He had envisioned various scenarios, such as how he should respond if the Holy Maiden of Light was too powerful, but he never thought about this possibility.

"Of course, and my children are already very big!"

"Sure enough, I knew it!" Shu Jingchu sighed helplessly, "Handsome guys are in high demand no matter which plane they are in!"

"I, Shu Jingchu, was an older leftover girl with a single mother and child in my previous life. After traveling through time with great difficulty, I became a holy woman again. I usually don't even see a man. Do I have to spend my whole life as a widow?"

It can be heard that Shu Jingchu has great resentment.

But Xue An gradually understood.

This Holy Maiden of Light is obviously not an aborigine of this world, she seems to have traveled from another plane and was forced to become this Holy Maiden of Light.

This setting....

Xue An complained silently in his heart, and then quietly watched the woman across from him go crazy.

Finally, after gritting her teeth with a lot of complaints, this Shu Jingchu gradually calmed down, and then looked at Xue An.

"Handsome guy, I can see that your strength is good, and you should have been planning for a long time to come here, so is this thing really that important to you?"

As she said that, Shu Jingchu took off the necklace from her neck casually, and dangled the fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror at the end of the necklace.

Xue An took a deep breath, "Of course it's important, because it concerns the safety of my world!"

This time it was Shu Jingchu's turn to be dazed, and then her eyes gradually burst into a bright light.

" also came from time travel?"

Xue An nodded, "If you interpret it literally, I did come here through time travel!"

Xue An came to this world just after passing through a black hole, so it is not wrong to say that he came here through time travel.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were finished, Shu Jingchu grabbed Xue An, her eyes were red with excitement.

"That's great handsome guy, no wonder I felt you were pretty when I first saw you. Only my vast China can give birth to a character like you!"

"Huaxia?" Xue An was a little surprised.

"What? You are not from China? Then where are you from? People from that country where you have a good life?"

Xue An became more and more confused.

Seeing this scene, Shu Jingchu seemed to think of something, slowly let go of her hand, and asked in a strange tone.

"Where are you from?"

"Ethnic Chinese!"

"Which country do you belong to?"

"Of course it's the Kingdom of Hua!"

"Not Kyushu?"


Finally, after talking with each other, Xue An and Shu Jingchu finally understood one thing.

They come from two different worlds, but what is strange is that there is actually a blue planet in these two worlds, and the composition of the countries on it is also very similar.

This can be seen from the two titles Huazu and Huaxia.

After understanding this point, the two couldn't help but fell silent.

It was not until a long time later that Xue An chuckled, "Is there a similarity in time?"

As he said that, he turned his eyes to look at Shu Jingchu, "That is to say, it is because you got this piece of Xuanyuan Mirror by accident, so you have traveled through it?"

Shu Jingchu nodded again and again, "Yes! I bought this ancient mirror fragment at the ghost market for 500 yuan. I thought I could make a small profit, but who would have thought that I would come to this ghost place after waking up!"

Speaking of this, strong resentment appeared on Shu Jingchu's face again, and her tone became agitated.

"I am a female college student who grew up in the new era and bathed in the sun. I have no bad habits other than going to the ghost market and picking up some idle items to earn a little money. I have never even held a boy's hand when I grow up!"

"I was very happy after time travelling. I thought that I would be able to marry Gao Fushuai and reach the pinnacle of my life. But who would have thought that I would become such a holy lady! Five years! Five years!"

Shu Jingchu stretched out five fingers in grief, "Do you know how I got here in the past five years? I have been facing a bunch of old guys whose soil has been buried up to my neck all day long. As a saint, I still can't show any lies. If it weren't for my mother's determination, I would probably have gone crazy already!"

Xue An looked at Shu Jingchu who was in tears, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Xue An understood some of what she said just now, but didn't quite understand some of it.

But one thing is certain.

Shu Jingchu's time travel should be inseparably related to the piece of Xuanyuan Mirror in her hand.

As for why the earth exists in both planes...

Apart from the similarity in time, Xue An couldn't find any other explanation.

And if you dig deeper, Xue An feels that the water inside will be unimaginably deep, so Xue An simply put it aside for the time being.

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