Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2858: The Lord of Light Comes

Chapter 2858 The Lord of Light Comes

At this moment, Shu Jingchu wiped away her tears and gently stroked the piece of Xuanyuan Mirror in her hand. The previous resentment disappeared, and her eyes were full of teasing and teasing.

" you want it?"

Xue An froze for a moment, then nodded.

"I want you to tell me. If you don't tell me, how would I know you want it? Although you look at me sincerely, you still have to tell me what you want. Why? You really want it..."

After this nonsense, Xue An looked at Shu Jingchu who was standing overjoyed, and suddenly felt that she might not be crazy.

And Shu Jingchu also noticed the blankness and doubts on Xue An's face, and couldn't help sighing.

"I forgot that you and I come from different planes, so you can't understand these memes! It's a pity, Master Xing's Westward Journey is a classic among classics."

Xue An directly interrupted her emotion, "This thing is very important to me, so I want to get it. Of course, I will give you other compensations!"

Shu Jing chuckled, "Then can I know why you are obsessed with this thing? Is it just because you want to get it together?"

Xue An hesitated for a moment, and then roughly narrated what happened.

Although what he said was brief, Shu Jingchu still listened with gusto.

Especially when she heard that Xue An came through time travel alone, facing the ancient evil gods, just to correct the timeline of her own world and rescue her friend, her eyes couldn't help but shine brightly.

"So, this shriek is very powerful?"

Xue An nodded, "With my current strength, if I want to deal with it, I can only rely on Xuanyuan Mirror!"

Shu Jingchu smiled brighter and brighter, "In that case, it's not impossible to give you this piece of Xuanyuan Mirror, but the question is how do you plan to compensate me?"

At the end, Shu Jingchu licked her lips very seductively, and looked at Xue An quietly.

Xue An raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, "What do you think?"

"Giggle, let me say... I said, of course, I want you to agree with me!" Shu Jing smiled like a little fox who had successfully cheated.

But she never expected that Xue An nodded as soon as she finished speaking, "Okay!"

After saying that, Xue An walked up to Shu Jingchu, looking down at her from a high position.

This distance is so close that even Shu Jingchu's heartbeat can be heard.

And amidst the beating sound of the heart beating like a deer, Shu Jingchu's cheeks blushed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, even the roots of the ears were red as if stained with blood.

Xue An said lightly: "Didn't you ask me to promise you with your body? Then let's start now!"

Shu Jingchu didn't say a word, because at this moment she just felt dazzled and completely forgot what she should do.

Seeing this scene, Xue An smiled, "What? Do you want me to take the initiative?"

With that said, Xue An put his hand on Shu Jingchu's shoulder.

Shu Jingchu screamed, and jumped out like a frightened deer, looking at Xue An with trembling eyes.

"you you…."

You haven't said anything for a long time.

Instead, Xue An smiled slightly, "What's wrong with me? Didn't I do what you said?"

"Or is it that you are just a king of mouth who only dares to show off his strength in words, but actually dares not go too far?"

Shu Jingchu was speechless with every word of these words.

Xue An was right.

Don't look at her bold and frivolous words, but when it comes time to see the real chapter, she will be cowarded faster than anyone else.

"Then...then you can't just touch me casually! You said you have a girlfriend, and even a daughter! Bah, scumbag!" Shu Jingchu spat hard.

Xue An couldn't laugh or cry.

He was just teasing Shu Jingchu just now.

Because he had already seen this Shu Jingchu's sternness and inwardness, and after a try, it was as expected.

"Okay, I admit that I'm a scumbag, but didn't you provoke me first? Now you're blaming me instead. I understand why you are single!"

Shu Jingchu was so angry that she was dying.

But she didn't dare to refute, because she was afraid that this handsome and shameless boy would really do something to her.

The key is that I almost fell into the trap just now.

Thinking of the close contact and the hand reaching out to her, Shu Jingchu's face turned red.

The atmosphere became a little awkward for a while.

Xue An didn't urge him either, he could already see that although the girl looked carefree on the surface, she was actually very delicate in her heart, so he just looked at her with a smile.

And Shu Jingchu was also dodged repeatedly by Xue An's gaze, quite a bit overwhelmed.

Fortunately, at this moment, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared.

Xue An was taken aback for a moment, then looked up.

This Temple of Light is extremely grand and tall, so even though he is standing on the high platform, there is still a distance from the dome.

And this fluctuation happened to come from the center of the dome, and there was an indescribable pressure in it.

"This is…."

At the same time, Shu Jingchu had regained his composure, and said lightly, "It's the Lord of Light!"

Xue An was slightly shocked.

Lord of light!

All the top and bottom of the Guangming Palace, no matter they are strong or weak, all believe in the gods they It is also rumored to be an unobservable and inconceivable existence.

It was such a mysterious existence that actually showed a wave of fluctuation in front of him today.

Seemingly seeing Xue An's suspicion, Shu Jingchu said indifferently: "Except for the high platform of the Temple of Light, you can feel its aura, and it cannot be detected in other places. Of course, there are also my reasons for this!"

Saying that, Shu Jingchu strolled to the center of the high platform, opened her arms, as if waiting for something to come.

Xue An took a few steps back, watching the scene with cold eyes, secretly prepared to defend against the enemy.

God knows whether the Lord of Light is an enemy or a friend.

Although the Holy Maiden of Light does not look like a bad person, the Lord of Light is an evil thing.

Even if it might be an evil from the lawful camp, it is still an evil.

So it is always right to be careful.

And at this moment, Shu Jingchu turned her head to look at him and smiled slightly.

"Don't be so nervous, the Lord of Light will not hurt you, in can't hurt anyone!"

After saying this rather incomprehensible sentence, I saw strips of white light like waterfalls falling on Shu Jingchu's body.

In an instant, Shu Jingchu's entire body was enveloped in a bright brilliance.

And at this moment, the members of the elders group outside, including Wu Qiming, also felt the trembling of the temple.

Although they couldn't see what happened on the high platform from their point of view, and they couldn't even perceive the coming holy light, but this didn't hinder their piety.

Because they know that the Lord has come!

So Qi Qi knelt down on the ground and began to chant scriptures with great excitement.

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