Chapter 2859 Lonely Child

Maybe a hypocritical and sentimental person like me is destined not to be happy!

—Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu never thought that one day she would travel to a completely unknown world.

She thought she would be like this for the rest of her life.

Indulging in self-indulgent fantasies and unable to extricate themselves, but evading all kinds of reality.

In the words of her roommate, you are always immersed in your own world and cannot extricate yourself, but you never open your eyes to see the world, you are a selfish ghost.

Be selfish, be selfish!

At least...not so sad.

Shu Jingchu silently comforted herself like this, walking on the street where the sun had not yet risen in winter.

There are stalls next to each other on the street, and there are all kinds of things you can think of or can't think of.

Shu Jingchu liked this feeling very much.

She feels that these old objects have a condensed time.

When you look at it carefully, it seems to have a dialogue with its owner across time and space.

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals.

That's why she became the only female college student in this ghost market.

But all of this disappeared when he saw the tiny, lonely mirror shard.

For some reason, Shu Jingchu always felt that there seemed to be countless stories hidden in this mirror, waiting for her here after experiencing thousands of winds and rains and ups and downs.

This prompted her to slowly squat down and look at this thing.

"Girl, do you want it?"

A gentle and mellow voice came, and through the hazy moonlight in the sky, Shu Jingchu saw that the stall owner was a gentle and elegant young man.

Although the clothes are old, they are exceptionally clean, and the eyes are as bright as the stars in the sky.

This look made Shu Jingchu dazed for a moment, and then she nodded slightly.

"If you like it, pick it up and have a look! Maybe it's waiting for you!" The boy said with a smile.

By accident, Shu Jingchu picked up the piece from the booth.

It is slightly cool in the hand, just like the moonlight at this moment.

And the throbbing from the depths of her soul made her even more horrified.

"Boss, this thing..."

The sound stopped abruptly, because when Shu Jingchu raised her head, there was nothing in front of her.

The boy is not there, and neither is the booth.

Only the fragment in his hand clearly told Shu Jingchu that it was not an illusion just now.

After a moment of daze, Shu Jingchu stood up and returned to the dormitory.

The girl in the lower berth is getting dressed carefully, preparing to meet her long-awaited male god.

The woman opposite is reading a book seriously.

Everything seems so ordinary, but not so ordinary.

At least that's what Shu Jingchu thought at the moment before falling asleep.

Then she woke up in chaos.

Where is this?

Shu Jingchu looked at the fog that was so thick that it couldn't be dispelled in front of her in a daze.

It seems that I have just been in the dormitory!

Why did I come to this strange place when I opened my eyes.

As if sensing her doubts, a voice came from the mist.

"Next, I want you to go to a place, wait for a person, and then give him the fragment in your hand to help him tide over the difficulties!"

"Who are you?"

There was a long silence in the mist, so long that Shu Jingchu even thought that the speaker had left.

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you remember my words!"

"Wait a minute, why me? Where am I now?" Shu Jingchu shouted.

But this time there was no answer in the fog.

Shu Jingchu felt an inexplicable fear, and then she woke up.

"Huh, it turned out to be a dream!" Shu Jingchu let out a long breath, but the next second she noticed something was wrong.

Because at this moment, it is not a bed in the dormitory, but a cold high platform.

Under the high platform, there are more than a dozen people wearing red clothes, kneeling towards him.

"Welcome to the return of the saint!"


Is this a TV show?

Shu Jingchu was full of doubts, and then felt a sharp pain in her mind.

All kinds of memories came one after another.

Palace of Light, Saintess, Lord of Light...

These messy things mixed together gave her a splitting headache.

But soon, the pain went away from her.

Because at this moment, streams of white light like waterfalls descended on her head.

The person kneeling underneath was extremely excited, kowtowing and chanting frantically.

But these have nothing to do with Shu Jingchu, because at this moment she saw a lonely figure in the white light.

For some reason, when seeing this figure, Shu Jingchu's heart ached for no reason.

That feeling was like seeing a child who was wronged and refused to speak, but just curled up in a corner and endured silently.

She subconsciously walked over.

"Kid, what's wrong with you?"

"Dead! Died again!" The figure turned its back on Shu Jingchu, muttering to itself

"What died again?" Shu Jingchu was a little dazed.

"The saint from the previous session died again, and I have no one to play with me. I'm really sad!"

"What do you mean no one will play with you anymore? Sister, I can play with you!" Shu Jingchu said.


Accompanied by this surprise voice, the figure turned to look at Shu Jingchu. UU reading

Shu Jingchu took two steps back in fright.

Because what kind of child appeared in front of him, it was clearly a monster.

Without the five senses, there is nothing but a human form.

"Are you afraid of me? Is that okay?"

Following the voice, the monster squirmed for a while, and then a cute and innocent child appeared in front of him.

At the same time, the memories in my mind were finally fused.

Shu Jingchu's eyes widened, "You... are the Lord of Light?"

"Lord of Light?" The child tilted his head, "It seems that's what they call me!"

Then the kid became excited, "Since you can see me and even communicate with me, then we will be good friends from now on. I can give you strength and give you everything you want, provided you stay with me!"

Shu Jingchu pursed her lips slightly.

Now she has understood the ins and outs of the matter.

I did cross over, and was sent directly by some kind of existence.

The premise is to let yourself wait for someone, and hand over the fragment in your hand to him.

And the identity of his time travel is the Holy Maiden of the Palace of Light, and the enthusiastic child in front of him is the Lord of Light that countless people believe in.

She actually wanted to ask why me!

But when she saw the expectant gaze of the child opposite, Shu Jingchu nodded in a strange way.

"Okay, I have friends again!" The child was very excited.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?" These words directly broke Shu Jingchu's memory.

Shu Jingchu was startled, and then she came back to her senses, and then smiled at the curious child with her head tilted to one side.

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