Chapter 2558

Almost in the blink of an eye, almost twice as many evil creatures filled the gap, and then rushed towards Zhong Lishan and the others crazily again.

Faced with such an offensive, even Zhong Lishan and the others, who were used to big battles, couldn't help turning pale.

"These sons of **** don't know anything about fear, they just kill like wild animals!" Zhong Lishan gritted his teeth and said with a fierce swing of his palm, smashing several evil creatures.

But this palm also consumed a lot of his physical strength, so when the shooting was over, his figure became a bit bleak.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xianyi silently stood in front of him, bearing most of the pressure for him.

The battle started like this.

There is such a thing in the real battlefield that does not give you the slightest chance to breathe.

Even though Zhong Lishan and the others had experienced battles, they still felt great pressure.

But even so, they still gritted their teeth and persisted, refusing to back down even a single step.

Because behind them there are soldiers and soldiers who are urgently adjusting their status.

The little time gained by relying on them is that these soldiers who are already on the verge of limit finally have a little breathing space.

Even if this respite may be just to wipe the blood off the face, take a sip of the water bag on the waist, or hastily bandage the exposed wound, it still seems so precious.

So even if it's for these soldiers and soldiers, they must persist for as long as possible.

After all, only in this way can unnecessary casualties be reduced as much as possible.


Another charge.

Gu Xianyi let out a muffled grunt, was shocked and retreated dozens of steps, and then her figure began to shake violently.

There are signs of injury.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Lishan couldn't help but his liver and gallbladder burst and he shouted loudly, "Xianyi is you, are you okay!"

"Don't worry, I won't die for the time being!" Gu Xianyi replied weakly.

Zhong Lishan felt a little certainty in his heart, but immediately there was boundless anger.

"The woman who dared to hurt me is an evil thing, it's grandpa, I will fight with you today!"

As he said that, Zhong Lishan suddenly raised his palms and slapped them hard.


These two palms directly shattered hundreds of evil creatures. It was because of his bravery that the actions of the other evil creatures also stagnated.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Huazang, Long Tianzong, Sima Yu and others made moves one after another, pushing the battle line forward a little bit abruptly.

But that's all, because they will face an even crazier counterattack from the evil thing next.

Zhong Lishan's face was pale and his body was slightly transparent.

But he is still not far from his own battle line, which is frantically bombarding the evil thing in front of him.

At this time, Gu Xianyi also rushed over to join the battle group again regardless of her injuries.

Facing this scene, the man in black let out a sneer.

"There are really a bunch of old ghosts who don't know how to live or die. Since you guys like to show off so much, I'll let you all go down there and show off!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and planned to do it himself, ending up with Zhong Lishan and the others.

At this moment, he no longer has so much patience to continue waiting.

After all, what Master Donghuang said clearly is to let him and other evil things clean up the major sects of Tianwaitian in the shortest possible time.

So he didn't spend too much time with military strategists.

Otherwise, if you are robbed by other evil things, you will lose a lot if you win the first prize first.

Holding this idea is because the man in black just wanted to make a move.

But at this moment, a sword light suddenly flew from the distant void.

The sword light was so fast that it came to the battlefield almost in the blink of an eye, and then slashed down with terrifying power.

The man in black trembled all over because he forcibly dodged the sword within a short period of time.

But he was not so lucky to be able to hide from his subordinates.

There was only a muffled thump, thump, and there were almost corpses of these evil creatures present all over the place.

Just one sword was enough to destroy more than half of the army of evil things that originally covered the sky and the sun.

For a while, the pressure on the military strategists was greatly reduced, so they couldn't help looking at where the sword light came from.

Also looking at where he came from, the man in black growled in a tone of infinite resentment when he saw his face livid.

"The Shen family!"


When the sword light dissipated, a young man's water mirror virtual image appeared in the void.

There was Shen Muyu, the second son of the Shen family.

I saw him saying in a deep voice, "The chaos outside the sky is the crisis of the various sects. At this critical moment, the Shen family is willing to do their best, so I use this sword to help."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the military family couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Especially Zhong Lishan touched his head in surprise.

"Eh, why did the Shen family suddenly change their **** this time?"

Gu Xianyi glared at him, "Will you die if you don't say a word?"

Zhong Lishan shut his mouth embarrassingly.

Then I saw Yue Huazang took a step forward and cupped his hands at Shen Muyu, saying, "The military family thank the Shen family for their generous help, this kindness must be repaid!"

Shen Muyu smiled slightly and said, "The old senior said seriously, slaying demons and eliminating demons is the duty of a sword cultivator! What's more, the sects that belong to Tianwaitian also need to help each other!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly yelled hysterically.

"Shen family, don't be complacent. It's already early. The army is marching towards you. It should arrive soon. When the time comes, you just wait to die!"

After saying this, the man in black gave Bingjia a look of infinite resentment, then turned and left.

He knew very well that this battle must have failed.

After all, after losing most of his men, it was impossible for him to break through the military front.

So he turned and left without hesitation.

As for what he said before he left, there was a lot of meaning in it.

You must know that he is not the only one who took action against the various sects of Tianwaitian this time.

Also, many of Donghuang Taiyi's subordinates have also been dispatched.

If they really win, then they are in danger.

That's why he used this threatening tone to reveal some information.

The reason is for the Shen family to take precautions.

This kind of style is the most common state among good and evil things.

Naturally, everyone was well aware of these thoughts, so when he turned around and disappeared, Shen Muyu immediately turned off the sound transmission method of the water mirror, and then paced up and down the room with a serious face.

What happened today made his mind a little messed up.

Especially what he heard on the Baijia battlefield subverted his previous That's why he left the Yinyang family without hesitation and was going to come back to ask the head of the family to question him.

But he didn't expect that the news about the invasion of evil things would spread as soon as he returned home.

He didn't even have time to meet the Patriarch, so he received several messages one after another, especially when he heard that the military family was under siege.

Shen Muyu finally couldn't hold it back anymore and immediately moved his hands and rescued the best soldiers with his sword.

And after doing all this, he also learned an important news from the man in black.

Then something evil would attack the Shen family.

Thinking of this, his sword eyebrows raised slightly, and then he suddenly turned around and walked towards the meeting hall with big strides.

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