Chapter 2861 Go... go?

Shu Ming didn't realize this at all, but became more and more arrogant.

"Xue An, do you have anything else to say before you die?"

Xue An smiled calmly, but did not speak.

Because he had already seen that faint glow appearing behind Shuming.


Without waiting for Shuming to react, the glow directly fell on Shuming.

It was as if a spark fell into a warehouse full of explosives, causing a violent explosion immediately.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, there was a shrill howl.

"No! Lord of Light, you bastard, aren't you unable to interfere with the cause and effect of reality? Why do you want to intervene in this matter?"

Of course, it was impossible for the Lord of Light to respond to him, only a more violent explosion greeted him.


A violent shock wave raged in this temple of light.

If it weren't for the extremely strong temple of light, it might have been destroyed directly.

Despite this, the members of the elders group in the audience were still shocked by the huge coercion.

And after the turmoil calmed down a bit, let's see if there were any traces of slamming in the field.

Xue An Xin caught the fragments of Xuanyuan Mirror that flew back, and a serious look appeared on his face.

He also didn't expect that the Lord of Light would be so powerful and would actually help him.

Originally, he was ready for a hard fight, but under the hand of the Lord of Light, he easily wiped out the twinkling clone.

But why?

Xue An frowned slightly.

And it was at this moment that Shu Jingchu's body glowed faintly, and an extremely complicated and majestic insignia pattern appeared between her eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, all the elders present prostrated themselves on the ground, prostrating with great excitement.

Xue An couldn't help being slightly surprised, but then he just smiled.

"Thank you for your help just now!"

That's right.

At this moment, the Lord of Light has descended on Shu Jingchu.

This is also the only way for the Lord of Light to communicate with the outside world.

To put it bluntly, Shu Jingchu is like a bridge connecting the Lord of Light and reality.

After hearing Xue An's words, Shu Jingchu, or the Lord of Light took a deep look at Xue An, and then spoke.

"Don't thank me, because I'm not helping you, but my sister!"

Shu Jingchu spoke very seriously.

Xue An was a little stunned.

He originally thought that the lord of light he was talking to would be a mature and prudent old monster.

After all, to become an evil god, which one is not an old monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

But he never expected that he would be a sincere young man.

Don't ask Xue An how he knew.

With just this simple sentence, Xue An heard a lot.

In particular, the pride and sincerity revealed between the lines clearly and unmistakably demonstrate the character of the Lord of Light.

But Xue An soon felt relieved, and nodded with a chuckle, "Then I have to thank you too!"

"Hmph! Actually, I'm really puzzled. With your strength, how did you dare to provoke a top evil **** like Shuming!"

Xue An sighed softly, "I don't want to provoke him either, the key is that he takes the initiative to attack me first, I can't just sit and wait for death!"

"That's true!" Shu Jingchu nodded, and then gave Xue An a meaningful look.

"However, I still have to advise you. With your current strength, trying to defeat Shuming is nothing but a dream. You should not expect me to help you in the end. After all, this shot has violated my principles, so you will have to ask for more blessings in the future!"

Xue An smiled calmly, "Of course I know this, and I would never pin my hopes on others!"

"Well, you are a good guy, at least better than these guys on the ground!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jingchu turned her head and looked at these people kneeling and crawling on the ground with disgust.

"Don't think that I don't know what you guys are doing secretly, who is secretly taking action against Sister Li's apprentice, stand up yourself!"

As the source of power for this palace of light, the lord of light has a supreme status in the hearts of these believers.

So with just one word, the Great Elder knelt and climbed a few steps forward tremblingly.

"Back... back to the Almighty Lord, I ordered Wu Qiming to send people to deal with the two apprentices of the former saintess Fu Li!"

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Because that Fu Li dared to betray you, the supreme being, and even preferred to live in the outside world and refused to come back. I think she has tarnished the glory of Guangming Palace, so I plan to erase all traces left by her!" The elder did not dare to hide anything, and said honestly.

"What is betrayal? Sister Li just wanted to try another way of life, and she had already returned everything when she left. How could it be said to have tarnished my glory?" Shu Jingchu asked sternly.

The Great Elder touched his head to the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Shu Jingchu raised her hand and pointed, and a ray of white light was drawn from the body of the great elder, and it fluttered into Shu Jingchu's body.

"It seems that you are no longer fit to use the power I bestowed on you. From today on, you can retire to retirement!"

With the departure of this white the elder's body trembled violently, and then he became old at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the Great Elder turned into an ordinary, dying old man.

Even so, he still shouted in an indistinct voice: "Thanks to the omnipotent master!"

These scenes naturally terrified the rest of the elders, especially Wu Qiming. The cold sweat dripped down from his forehead and wet the floor in front of him.

But the Lord of Light obviously didn't bother to pay attention to such a small character, so he just glanced at him, and then spoke to Xue An.

"Be nice to Sister Jing, otherwise I will make you look good!"

After the words fell, the radiance on Shu Jingchu's body dissipated, and the tin pattern between her eyebrows also disappeared.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already Shu Jingchu herself.

The two looked at each other, and Shu Jingchu really wanted to ask Xue An if he knew the boy who tricked him into the ghost market back then.

And who is that voice in the mist!

But the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Because she was really afraid of Xue An.

What if he rushed forward to "forcibly rude" himself like before!

Thinking of this, Shu Jingchu was already scared.

Xue An didn't have time to pay attention to her.

He made it clear before that Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun took Yun Lingxuan and Tang Xiao out of Guangming Palace as soon as possible, and then waited for him outside.

It is almost time now, if I don't show up again, these three people are probably already waiting anxiously.

Thinking of this, Xue An nodded at Shu Jingchu, then disappeared in a flash.

go... go?

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