Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2862: Only infatuation cannot be let down

Chapter 2862 Only infatuation can not be let down

Shu Jingchu was a little confused.

But soon she woke up, and looked at Wu Qiming who was kneeling on the ground again.

"This did you know him and recommend him?"

Wu Qiming was secretly rejoicing that he escaped from death, but he never expected that the Lord of Light's questioning had passed, and then the Holy Maiden's questioning was ushered in.

This can't help but make him speechless!

And that was when Shu Jingchu dealt with the rest.

A fierce quarrel is going on in the void, which is about a million miles away from the Guangming Palace.

"I'm not leaving! If you want to go, you can go, anyway, I want to stay and wait for the young master!"

Tuan'er, who was always gentle, had a stubborn temper at this time, and said with anger on his face.

Although Yun Lingxuan didn't speak, the look on her face said everything.

In contrast, only Tang Xiao was calmer, but even so she looked at Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun impatiently.

"Yeah, how far are you going to take us to run! You should tell me exactly!"

Duanmu Guang looked back at the way he came, and frowned, "It's not enough. If the big elders send strong men, they can catch up in a quarter of an hour. So we still have to run, at least thousands of miles away!"

"But what about young master? We all ran away, so is young master left alone?" Tuan'er asked sharply.

She has long disliked Duanmu Guang.

I originally stayed on that planet well, just waiting for Xue An to come back!

As a result, as soon as he came, he held the sword intent given by Xue An and forced himself and the young lady to run out.

He also kept saying that it was ordered by the young master.

Tuan'er is still skeptical.

Especially after running for such a long distance, Tuan'er's worries about Xue An increased instead of diminished, so after hearing that Duanmu Guang wanted to run again, he couldn't help but get furious.

Facing Tuan'er's hostile gaze, Duanmu Guang sighed, "Miss Tuan'er, it's not that I want to run away, it's really a special situation, if you want to keep you safe, you have to stay away from here as soon as possible, this is also the order of the young master!"

"I won't run away even if you are ordered by the young master. I will wait for the young master here. After all, I have run so far, what if the young master can't find us!" Tuan'er was already crying a little at the end.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

After receiving Xue An's order, they immediately returned to the planet and took Yun Lingxuan and the others away.

But now they have come to their senses after running so far.


Although the young master said that he could handle it, the situation he had to face was extremely complicated. What if something happened to him?

Thinking of this, Duanmu Guang nodded.

"Since Miss Tuan'er insists on this, then do as you say!"

At this moment, Tuan'er's worries were almost overflowing.

This journey has already exhausted her physically and mentally, and she has to rely on one breath to hold on.

So after hearing Duanmu Guang's words, she didn't respond, but just stared in the direction of the Guangming Palace, praying silently in her heart.

Son, please don't worry!

I'm here waiting for you!

Seeing her like this, Tang Xiao wanted to sarcastically say a few words, but he couldn't say anything.

In this world, only a woman's infatuation cannot be let down.

It is not easy for this group to do so.

And just when the five fell into collective silence, a ray of light flew towards here at an extremely fast speed.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun were shocked, and they immediately stepped forward to protect Yun Lingxuan and the others behind them.

Although they also knew that if someone really came from the Guangming Palace, they would not be able to stop it with their own strength.

But whether the strength can be achieved is one thing, and whether to do it is another.

Let the two of them hide behind the woman like cowards, or even flee without fighting, it would be better to kill them both.

Tang Xiao also calmed down and made preparations secretly.

In fact, her strength is the highest among these five people.

And at this moment, Guanghua rushed across the void and rushed in front of everyone.

"It's Young Master!" Tuan'er shouted in surprise.


Guanghua stopped, and Xue An's figure appeared.

After seeing him, Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun heaved a sigh of relief together, with joy on their faces.

Even Tang Xiao, who was extremely at odds with Xue An and wanted to be right in everything, had a smile on his eyes and brows.

This guy... has a lot of life!

Xue An stepped forward, first nodded with a smile to the tearful Tuan'er, then took out the piece of Xuanyuan Mirror, and said to Yun Lingxuan.

"Okay, put together another piece!"

Yun Lingxuan was naturally overjoyed, "You really did it!"

Xue An smiled and nodded.

"Not only did it do it, but it also wiped out the clone of the space-time giant snake that was chasing us!"

Even Tang Xiao couldn't help shaking, but she was too embarrassed to open her mouth to ask, so she could only **** up her ears and listen.

Xue An naturally wouldn't hide anything, and briefly told the story.

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun were shocked when they heard that the shrieking clone was actually destroyed by the Lord of Light They had studied the Sutra of Light under the teaching of their master since they were young, so they naturally knew how the Lord of Light existed.

According to the doctrine, except for the saint, the Lord of Light cannot communicate with anyone, and cannot even interfere with reality.

But soon they were relieved.

Because Xue An made it very clear.

All this is because of Shu Jingchu, the saint of light.

But after talking about Shu Ming being destroyed, Xue An looked at the two of them calmly.

"Now the mystery about your master has been revealed! Do you want to hear it?"

The two naturally nodded.

"Actually, your master is the last Holy Maiden of Light!"

Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun didn't show much surprise.

After so many years, they have already guessed.

In particular, Guangming Palace's various performances towards the two of them supported their guesses.

Then Xue An also finished talking about what happened later.

After hearing that the lord of light actually deprived the power of the great elder who was secretly dealing with the two of them.

Duanmu Guang and the two couldn't help being shocked.

Then Duanmu Guang let out a long breath and said: "Actually, we have thought about this and guessed why Master left the Palace of Light, and even thought it was because of the Lord of Light!"

"This has also caused the two of us to be unable to fully believe in the Lord of Light!"

"It wasn't until I heard you talk about it this time that I realized that everything stemmed from a choice made by Master at the beginning, and this Lord of Light has lived up to his title!"

After the words fell, Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun actually had a faint holy light, which was the expression of their hearts of faith being strengthened.

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