Chapter 2863 Time Wilderness

This is the endless wilderness of time.

Dimensions, matter...everything loses its meaning here.

All you can see are rivers of time, which reciprocate vertically and horizontally, forming a time grid as dense as a cobweb.

One of these insignificant little rivers may be related to the life and death of a world.

This is where mortals cannot set foot, and only true gods are qualified to enter it.

And at this moment, a dying dragon appeared on the wilderness of this time.

The length of the dragon is unknown, but most of the dragon scales covering it have been broken, revealing the dense white bones underneath, which is shocking.

Even though the injury was so serious, when the giant dragon was lying on the wilderness, it still gave people a kind of endless coercion and shock.

It's hard to imagine what kind of existence could injure such an incredible dragon like this.

I don't know how long it has been.

Suddenly, a ray of breath from the nether world fluctuated.

It was this wave of aura that made the giant dragon slowly open its eyes.

Those were a pair of unimaginably huge vertical eyes. There was no emotion in the cold pupils, and there was only a calmness after seeing through all falsehoods.

"It's not surprising that the clone I sent out is still dead. Originally, I didn't expect to kill that Xue An with this alone, but what's with the bright aura coming from it?"

"Could it be that the little guy in charge of the rules of light also made a move? This is interesting!" the dragon muttered to himself.

Speaking of this, you must have guessed it. That's right, this giant dragon is the body of the space-time giant snake, which is where the real shriek is.

I just don't know what's going on with its injuries.

After all, just because of his status of mastering the double rules of time and fate, he is also the top of the top in this high-dimensional universe.

How terrible would it be to be able to seriously injure it?

At this moment, Shu Ming sighed slightly.

"Forget it, no matter whether the little guy Lord of Light intervened or not, now is not the time to think about these things, let's heal as soon as possible!"

Following the voice, Shu Ming's body slowly sank into this wilderness of time.

The countless rivers of time immediately soaked its body.

The broken dragon body began to recover, and the huge wounds began to heal.

As it was born with time, the time of all things is its best supplement.

But at this moment, most of the wound that had just healed and healed was suddenly torn apart again by an indescribable force.

As the blood dripped down, Shu Ming instantly opened his eyes wide and let out a muffled snort. Pain and fear appeared in his originally cold eyes.

That's right!

It is fear!

As an existence standing at the top of the high-dimensional universe and in charge of the power of time and destiny, it is actually afraid.

And it's the kind of fear that comes from the bottom of my heart.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, the wound that was healed most of the time before has been torn again.

Shuming resurfaced above the wilderness of time, muttering in his mouth.

"What a terrifying power, even after such a long time, it is still preventing me from recovering!"

Speaking of this, Shu Ming seemed to recall something, and even his tone trembled slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I exhausted the power of the evil gods in the entire high-dimensional universe, and even paid the price of the fall of several top evil gods, and finally defeated you! But even so, your body was not found until the end. What a respectable and fearsome opponent!"

This top evil god, who was supposed to hold the power of life and death in the universe, was chattering like an old man in the village at this moment.

It was not until a long time later that it recovered from its fear.

"It's the same for Xue An this time. It stands to reason that my avatar alone is enough to destroy him, but in the end my avatar was wiped out. These Chinese people...are they all so terrifying?"

The last sentence is like a complaint, but it is actually the words from Shu Ming's heart.

As an existence that has dealt with the Chinese for so many years, it finally realized something clearly.

That is, the Chinese are absolutely invincible.

Even if you destroy his body, it is still difficult to destroy his spirit.

And it is precisely this spirit of self-improvement and perseverance that makes this ethnic group that was once glorious and then weak, and is heading for glory again, have extremely terrifying potential.

It was so terrifying that even an existence like Shuming couldn't be underestimated.

"Fortunately, his strength is not too outrageous. As long as he recovers from his injuries, he can be crushed with one finger. Anyway, he has no backstage supporters now, so let's wait until then to talk about everything!"

Shu Ming rambled on, then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.


"This little girl seems to like you very much!" Shu Jingchu couldn't help but whispered as she watched Tuan'er leave with tears in her eyes.

Xue An chuckled, but did not answer.

"Actually, I can see that the other two women are also quite interested in you!"

"You stayed with me just to tell me this?" Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows.

"of course not!"

Saying that, Shu Jingchu waved her Two sofas appeared in the huge temple of light, and there was a small coffee table beside the sofa, and there were two cups of steaming drinks on the coffee table.

"Have a cup of coffee! It's all good things that I have worked so hard to find!"

After finishing speaking, before Xue An could respond to Shu Jingchu, he sat on the sofa by himself.

Her sitting posture is very strange, like a puddle of mud sinking deep into the soft sofa, a ray of white light holds up the hot coffee and flies to her mouth.

Shu Jingchu opened her mouth to take a sip, then sighed comfortably.

"Damn, this is life! Before, I only dared to be so unrestrained when those old guys were not around! Hey, why don't you sit?"

Xue An took a deep look at Shu Jingchu, who was sitting in an indecent posture, and finally chose to sit opposite her.

"Drink coffee!"

"Sorry, I'm not used to drinking other beverages besides tea!"

"Tea... In fact, I used to like drinking milk tea the most, Xuemi Bingcheng... I almost drool just thinking about it! But drinking coffee has one advantage, that is, it can keep me awake all the time!"

Shu Jingchu was in high spirits and seemed quite interested in talking.

Xue An was not interested in continuing on this topic.

He looked around the empty Guangming Temple, especially noticing that there was no elders group under the high platform in the distance.

This can't help but make him concentrate slightly.

Seemingly noticing his gaze, Shu Jing chuckled.

"Don't look at it, after their boss was forcibly deprived of all his powers, these guys who kept saying they wanted to serve me by my side at any time ran faster and faster!"

"Isn't this what you want!" Xue An said with a smile.

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