Chapter 2864 Nether Ghost City

Shu Jingchu laughed loudly, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you! That's right, this is indeed what I want!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jingchu once again began to complain bitterly and bitterly.

"You don't know what kind of life I lived before. Not to mention facing a group of dying old guys all day long, these old guys are also very perverted. They have an extremely disgusting desire to control me. They just know how to dangle in front of my eyes all day long. They pretend to protect me, but in fact they just want to monitor and disgust me!"

"Oh? Aren't you the only one who can communicate with the Lord of Light? Do they dare not listen to you in such a lofty position?"

"Hehe!" Shu Jingchu sneered a few times, "Look at my high status, that's only on the surface! In fact, each of these elders is more sophisticated than the other, otherwise, why would the Great Elder decide to secretly send people to deal with Fu Li's apprentices!"

"The lord of light doesn't care?"

"You don't know him, he's just a moody kid, he can do whatever he wants when he's happy, but he becomes cold-blooded and ruthless once he turns his face, and he doesn't realize this at all, he only cares about whether people are devout to his belief, and rarely asks about other things!"

"This is also the reason why Senior Fu Li would leave the Guangming Palace even if he returned everything! Dealing with such an existence is extremely tiring!"

"Then why is he so obedient to you, even because you are willing to help me?" Xue An asked the question in his heart.

"It's very simple, just three words, I'm not used to it!" Shu Jingchu answered crisply.

"As I said, he is just a child, and what children like to do most is to gain attention by acting as a demon, and my strategy is to never compromise and treat him coldly!"

"Under this attitude, he will soon feel uncomfortable, but the more he is uncomfortable, the less I will change! In this situation, he won't last long before he has to surrender obediently!" Shu Jingchu said confidently.

Xue An was also a little dazed, because he didn't expect to be able to play like this.

"Dare to ask girl what she studied in university..."

"The teacher's school I went to specialized in infant psychology!"

"So that's why you took this opportunity to get rid of the elder who has been secretly stumbling you?"

"That's natural! Since the Lord of Light has noticed the little Jiujiu that the Great Elder is playing behind his back, he must make a statement, otherwise he will lose his sacred status among believers in the long run!"

"And as soon as he expresses his opinion, I can use the donkey on the **** to throw that old **** out!"

Xue An was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Admiration!"

"Hehe, let's make a deal, this is just a very simple house fighting trick. You haven't seen a real house fighting method that kills people without adding blood! There is a TV series called The Truth! You have to concentrate on watching this, but if you walk for ten minutes, you will find that the person who was alive and kicking just now is dead..."

Xue An completely ignored these nonsense, and asked straight to the point: "Then Miss Shu deliberately kept me, besides telling me this, is there anything else?"

"Of course there is!"

Shu Jingchu rarely sat up straight, looking at Xue An with piercing eyes.

"Dare you want to find other fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror?"

Xue An's figure also stood tall in an instant, "What? Do you have a clue?"

"There are no clues, but I know there is a place where there must be!"


"Ghost City!"

"Ghost City?"

"That's right!" Shu Jingchu nodded solemnly, "It's a magical place, as long as you can afford the price, you can get everything you want!"

"Oh? So powerful?"

"Don't believe it?" Shu Jingchu smiled, "I didn't believe it at the beginning, until the day I spent a lot of money to buy the information of the Lord of Light, and then I discovered that this ghost city hides dragons and crouching tigers, and the water is as deep as the sea!"

Xue An fell into a brief silence.

Because he wanted to think carefully about Shu Jingchu's words.

Shu Jingchu didn't urge her, but just watched quietly, taking a few sips of coffee from time to time.

"Since the place you mentioned is so magical, why didn't you look for other fragments before?"

Xue An knew very well that this piece of Xuanyuan Mirror was very important to him, and it was the same for Shu Jingchu.

Because she relied on this thing to cross over.

So if given the chance, Xue An didn't believe that Shu Jingchu would not act.

"Of course I've looked for it, but I've posted a few times and it's gone forever. But this doesn't mean that the Nether Ghost Market is not good, it's because I didn't offer enough price!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jing showed embarrassment on her face.

"Before, I was the holy daughter of Laoshi. It seemed that I had a high status, but I didn't have any rights. The financial power is in the hands of these old guys. Naturally, I can't afford to pay too high a price!"

"How?" Xue An asked directly without much hesitation.

"Don't worry, this ghost city is different from what you imagined, it is not a place that actually exists!"

"What's the meaning?"

"The reason is simple, I don't know if there are computers in the world you live in..."

"You mean that the Nether Ghost City is actually a network-like existence?" Xue An responded extremely quickly. UU Reading www.

Shu Jingchu nodded approvingly, "That's right! And it's an existence hidden under the surface network, I call it...the dark net!"


"Are you sure this thing is the pass to the ghost city?"

Xue An looked at the unremarkable pair of glasses in front of him, and was a little taken aback.

"Of course, I didn't quite believe it at first, but after I put it on, I could only be amazed at the builder of this ghost city. At least the technology he mastered is beyond my imagination!"

Xue An picked up his glasses with some uncertainty.

It's cold to start with, without any energy fluctuations inside, and the surface is very smooth, without any trace of seal carving.

No matter how you look at it, these are just ordinary glasses, but the moment Xue An put them on suspiciously, he couldn't help being shocked.

Because the moment Xue An put on the glasses, it was as if Xue An had stepped into another world, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

A huge door stands in the vast starry sky, the door is closed, and a dialog box is suspended above it.


"Xue An!"

The dialog box then quickly disappears and a loading progress bar appears.

"Identity verification...human cultivator."

"The identity verification is successful... The account is created successfully, and the account name is Xue An!"

"Because the creator is a novice, the system comes with the privilege of blurry face. The privilege is valid for one hour, and the countdown starts now!"

"Do you want to open the Nether Ghost City?"

Xue An was a little taken aback by this dazzling reminder.

It's like playing a game!

But he quickly smiled in relief, and clicked OK.

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