Chapter 2865 Very lively

Even though Xue An was prepared, when he entered the gate, he was still shocked by the sight in front of him.

In front of him is a city built by the mountain, Xue An's current location is at the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, the row upon row of shop lights spread upwards, and finally merged with the little stars in the night sky.

In the ears are the voices of buying and selling one after another.

"Freshly baked Evil Cause Flowers, three hundred Lingyin flowers, large quantities are preferred!"

"The Hai Lingshi was sold cheap, the stall owner failed to invest, and sold it at a loss!"

"Exchanging Chenwu for Xuanwu sand, you can take a piece of Fengyujing as a gift. If you exchange it for a private chat, the liar will die!"

"Is there any treasure left by the ancient immortals? The main attack is there. I lack a strong backup. I want to go +++! The spoils are divided equally, and the agreement can be signed in advance!"

"The little girl is only twenty-eight years old. She was in her youth. She once studied with a famous teacher, but her master died in three years. Now she is looking for a caring and wealthy gentleman. If you are interested, please + me privately!"


This bustle and bustle, as if the hawking of the rural fair made Xue An inexplicably gratified.

A long, long time ago, before he practiced cultivation, and before he even knew An Yan, he once set up a stall in the market in order to subsidize his family.

What they sell is nothing more than the herbal treasures dug from the green awns. This thing is considered a rare thing in the city, but it is not very eye-catching in the rural market adjacent to the mountains.

But it was this meager income that supported Xue An through the most difficult period of time.

So much so that until Xue An left that small Qingmang Town, he would often think of the lively big market.

Of course, this market is much more mysterious.

This can be seen from the crowd walking on the street.

Almost everyone's face was obscured by the indistinct mist.

This is a city without a real identity.

No one knows who the other party is.

Maybe the street stall selling daily necessities is the head of a certain big business.

It may also be that the well-dressed and arrogant person is just a rookie who has just entered the practice.

All in all, here you can give up the fetters of identity and pursue what you want unscrupulously.

Xue An suddenly understood why this ghost city was so lively.

Human nature is private.

Especially after reaching a certain height, I don't want others to pry into my inner secrets.

Therefore, the identityless attribute of this ghost city perfectly caters to the needs of this group of people.

This creator is by no means an ordinary person! Xue An thought silently in his heart.

And just when Xue An was secretly sighing, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder from behind.

Xue An was slightly startled, almost subconsciously wanting to fight back.

But when he exerted his strength, he found that it was empty.

It turned out that after wearing the glasses and entering this ghost city, not only his identity was taken away, but his strength was also taken away.

To put it bluntly, this ghost city is an illusory existence based on some kind of mysterious connection.

Everything you have in reality cannot be brought into it.

"Don't be nervous, no one will sneak attack here, and no one will pay attention to you, you will get used to it gradually!"

The sound reached Xue An's ears, and Xue An was slightly taken aback.

Because the speaker was Shu Jingchu.

He looked back.

I saw a fat figure standing behind him.

The reason why this figure is fat is because she is wearing a thick doll costume, dressed up like a Kumamon bear.

When Xue An looked over, the Kumamon stuck out his tongue mischievously.

Xue An laughed out of surprise, "Can you still pretend like this?"

"Of course, and this is a limited edition high-level skin! I bought it after spending a lot of money, and it's different from your normal version of masking fog!" Shu Jingchu said quite proudly.


When they saw this Kumamon bear, the passers-by not only did not have the slightest intention of making fun of it, but stopped and whispered one after another.

"Did you see this black bear appeared again!"

"This is a ruthless character. Last time, he actually planned to sell the core secrets of the Guangming Palace. Some people said that he must be a senior official of the Guangming Palace, and he may even be a red-clothed archbishop!"

"Tsk tsk, I heard that she spent a lot of money on this skin, is it really worth it!"

These discussions were naturally heard by Xue An and Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu was a little embarrassed, and explained in a low voice: "Last time I fell in love with a new cloak, but I couldn't make enough money, so I planned to sell some useless things, and in the end... I became famous!"

Xue An just smiled casually at this, and didn't dwell on it, but asked directly: "Then where should I go if I want to find the rest of the fragments?"

"Of course it's the Treasure Hunting Pavilion! Come with me!"

Shu Jingchu led the way, leading Xue An through the street in front of him, then up the steps, towards the upper floor of Fang City.

The higher you go, the higher the grade and scale of the shops facing the street, and the quieter the surrounding environment.

Soon, they reached the halfway up the mountain.

Here, the shouts and uproar at the foot of the mountain have faded into obscurity.

The surrounding environment is becoming more and more magnificent.

Tall lanterns are hung in front of each shop, decorated with spirit patterns. Under the illumination of the lights, these lanterns are full of brilliance and change in thousands of ways, which can be described as colorful.

"See, these shops sell high-end items. As long as you can afford the price, you can find everything here, even..."

"Even what?"

Shu Jingchu didn't say anything, just raised her hand and pointed forward.

Xue An looked in the direction she pointed, and saw two big iron cages in front of a shop.

What was locked in the iron cage was not any monster, but two lovely and pitiful women.

The two women were dressed in rags, but their **** was just right, as if the whip-wielder knew this well, the places that should be exposed and the places that should not be exposed are faintly visible, making people unable to help but dream about it just by looking at them.

Looking at the faces, the two women are handsome, and the key is that charming expression, which is enough to arouse the possessive desire of all males.

But Xue An didn't pay attention to this. His gaze stayed on the collars worn by the two women for a while, and then moved up to their ears. UU reading

Because those are very different from the ears of the human race, with the tips of the ears pointing upwards.


Xue An's pupils shrank slightly.

A quiet sigh came from behind.

"This shop specializes in all kinds of female slaves, and they are all rare ethnic groups that are sold from the heavens and the world. The owner of this shop does not know why he can have such a great energy!"

Xue An didn't say anything, just looked at the two poor elves coldly.

"What? Are you tempted? That's right, very few men can resist this kind of temptation!" Shu Jingchu said indifferently, but there was a hint of sarcasm in that indifferent tone.

Xue An turned a deaf ear and walked straight towards the two elf women.

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