Chapter 2869 Star Core

"What's this?"

"I do not know!"

"It doesn't look too surprising, why does Baishanpu use it to start the show?"

People were whispering and talking, and most of them had doubts on their faces.

Only a small group of people seemed to recognize the origin of this thing, and immediately sat up straight, looking at this stubborn stone with fiery eyes.

Someone murmured: "Its quality is like iron, and its weight is as heavy as a mountain! this the star core when the world was first formed?"

The old man on the stage laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Good, sure enough, a well-informed senior recognized this thing. That's right, this seemingly inconspicuous rock is exactly what all worlds look like at the beginning, the star core!"

There was a commotion in the stands.

No mediocrity who can appear here naturally knows what this star core is.

As the old man said, all worlds looked like this in the beginning.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a large rock formed by the accumulation of dust and gravel in the void.

But if that's all, how can it be listed in the auction of Baishanpu.


The old man went on to say: "I think everyone knows that the star core is born with the energy that breeds the world, so all of them contain powerful opportunities, and they are rare treasures for cultivators!"

"This star core is naturally no exception, and it was found by my Baishan shop in the deepest part of the void. When I found it, the chance was so great that tiny life had already been bred on it!"

There was a low uproar in the stands.

The environment in the void is harsh, and apart from practitioners, few creatures can survive. Although this star core is only in its initial state, it can already shelter the existence of tiny life. This has to be said to be a miracle.

Thinking of this, the eyes of many people became hot.

As a veteran who has presided over many auctions, how could the old man fail to see this, so he said with a smile.

"This thing is amazing, so I won't go into details one by one. It appears here today, and it depends on who is destined to get it. Now I announce the official start of the auction!"

The Baishanpu auction is different.

Because he does not set a reserve price.

Even the bid is not an open call, but everyone writes down the price you want on the number plate in their hand.

If no one outbids you, your price will be red.

If it persists after the one-minute waiting period, then you have won the bid.

If so, the price will be locked and will appear golden.

And if someone bids more than you, the price will turn green.

The price in the green state can be adjusted upwards.

Of course, there is a premise that each person can only adjust the price three times for each lot.

This tests everyone's vision and ability to control market conditions.

After all, when facing one's favorite auction, who doesn't want to have it in the bag.

Especially for those precious cultivation resources, there may be no such store after passing this village.

Under such circumstances, everyone has to rack their brains to figure out other people's prices, study the market, and bid for the auction item at a reasonable price as possible.

As for why Baishanpu adopts such complicated bidding rules, Baishanpu has not seen an explanation, but people have many speculations.

For example, this method can maximize the price protection ability of Baishanpu and prevent the phenomenon that gold is sold at the price of iron.

After all, there are so many treasures in the vast universe, even if Baishanpu spends his whole life trying his best, it is impossible to know all the treasures.

In case an unknown treasure appears, how to set your auction reserve price will become a very important issue.

And this seemingly complicated bidding method can avoid this phenomenon, and at the same time can extract the maximum profit.

After all, in order to securely earn their favorite auction items, people will maximize the price to ensure the success rate.

In this way, this part of the price is equivalent to contributing to Baishanpu.

Of course, all of this is just speculation from the outside world. As for the real reason, no one knows.

This is not the time to think about those issues, after all, this star core has attracted the interest of all parties as soon as it appeared.

In order to be able to keep this treasure in their pockets, many people solemnly wrote and drew on the number plates in their hands.

As for those who have no intention of competing, they are also guessing who will win this auction.

"I think it will be the thirty-seventh!"

"The boss on the 25th failed to buy the item he wanted last time. Let's see, he will definitely make a move this time!"

People were discussing enthusiastically.

Although the highest principle of Nether Ghost City is to hide one's true identity, in order to attract regular customers, Baishanpu specially made fixed number plates for those big shots.

That's why these people who often come to Nether Ghost City will discuss the final result with numbers.

At this moment, a hammer sound was heard, and then the old man laughed and said, "Congratulations to No. 25 for winning this item!"

After the words fell, a golden light wrapped the star core on the ground and flew towards a direction on the stand.

Xue An also looked in the direction of the golden light, only to see that this golden light fell into the hands of a majestic Although this person's head and face were covered by mist, the aura of awe-inspiring aura on his body couldn't be concealed no matter what.

One can tell at a glance that this person is a big man who is used to giving orders to the people of Jiuju.

"Sure enough, it's Big Brother No. 25!"

"I said it would be him!"

The crowd was discussing again.

No. 25 nodded to the old man on the stage, and then sat back to wait for the next lot.

Xue An also withdrew his gaze, and softly asked Shu Jingchu who was standing behind him.

"Isn't this ghost market forbidden to bring in outside items? What happened to the golden light just now?"

"The rules are indeed like this, but there is another more important rule in the Nether Ghost Market, which is equivalent exchange. As long as you are willing to pay a higher price, you can also bring in items from the outside world, but what you bring in is not an actual item, but a stream of information!"

"Just like the registration you said before?"

"Some are the same, but there are also differences. Registration refers to registering the characteristics of the items you own and loading them into the Nether Ghost Market. Apart from displaying them, real-time transactions cannot be performed! It is the same as uploading photos!"

"And this information flow is actually turning this item into a data flow, which can be traded online!"

"Then the transaction is completed, how to get this thing after returning to the real world?"

"This is the most powerful place in the Nether Ghost City. No matter what you buy, no matter how expensive it is, it will magically appear in front of you the day after you buy it. The whole process is guaranteed to be intact!"

"That's why I also call it... Tailwind Express!"

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