Chapter 2870 Online Transaction

Xue An immediately understood.

According to what Shu Jingchu said, this ghost market is like a big online shopping mall.

You can choose to register the item to upload a photo, or you can directly upload the item for trading.

But what Xue An is most interested in is this transaction and delivery method.

"No matter where you are, will this thing appear the next day?"


"Who sent it there?"

"No one, there was a strong person who tried to record the whole process, and found that the purchased things simply appeared out of thin air, and then appeared in front of you with a few words!"

The power of rules!

Xue An immediately thought of these four words.

Because you can't find a second way to explain this phenomenon except the power of rules.


I didn't expect the power of rules to have such wonderful uses besides being used on the battlefield.

I don't know the existence that built the ghost city, what is its rule power?

Realization or digitalization, or controlling the teleportation of items?

While Xue An was thinking about it, several more items were sold on the stage.

These strange treasures from the heavens and the world have made many people addicted.

In fact, many people come here not only to bid, but also to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, the old man on the stage showed a mysterious smile.

"Everyone, although the items above are very precious, they are just ordinary after all. The items to be auctioned next are the real priceless treasures!"


Even these treasures in front are just ordinary?

So what should this priceless treasure look like?

Many people showed excitement on their faces.

But those who are familiar with the rules of Baishanpu have already shown a knowing smile at this moment.


A moment later, with the sound of chains, a ferocious-looking strong man walked up the steps holding several chains made of pure gold.

And dragging at the other end of the chain are beautiful figures.

When these women all climbed onto the high platform and displayed in front of everyone, there was a violent commotion in the stands, and some even blew whistles recklessly.

"What a beautiful little girl!"

"Tsk tsk, I don't admire anything else, but I really admire the girls from Baishanpu!"

"What? Have you tried?"

"Happy to hear and see the time is up, let's watch the beauties together!"

The reason why the audience in the stands was so excited was because these women on the high platform were so outstanding.

I saw that they were all dressed in tulle, and their graceful figures were looming. What was even more exciting was that each of these eight women had a peerless appearance.

Coupled with that blurred and mournful expression, it can easily break the defense of a person with weak concentration on the spot.

But Xue An's gaze stayed on the ears of these women.

The pointed ears proved their identity.

Another family of elves...

Xue An's eyes were calm.

Shu Jingchu, who was behind him, muttered in a low voice: "What a bunch of stinky hooligans, men really don't have a good thing!"

Hearing Xue An's words, she turned her head and glanced at her. Shu Jingchu realized that her words had hit too broadly, so she explained in embarrassment.

"Of course, you don't count!"

Of course Xue An was not angry because of this sentence.

In fact, at this moment, he only felt full of sadness.

Even if he has verified from these women that his previous thoughts are correct, the clues have been found.

But he didn't have the slightest joy, but was full of sorrow.

It is sad how despicable the lower limit of human beings can be.

Even evil creatures will only kill each other when necessary, but human beings can wantonly deprive others of everything just because of some ridiculous desires.

Behind these trembling women, the three characters of Baishanpu are particularly ironic.

But Xue An naturally won't fall into a rage just because of this incident, and then jump out to make an enemy of the whole world.

He just waved to Han Bao in the distance.

Han Bao immediately ran over in a hurry, and said with a smile on his face: "How about you, senior, are you satisfied?"

"Well, the quality is good, I am very satisfied!"

"That's good, but I want to remind you, because the quality of this batch of goods is too high, I think many people in the venue are already tempted, so you can get it when you bid later..."

Han Bao didn't say it explicitly, but the meaning was already obvious.

If you want to get it, you have to pay enough.

Xue An sneered in his heart, but remained expressionless on the surface, "I naturally understand this!"

Saying that, Xue An flipped his hands over, and in the palm of his hand was that beam of light.

"If this thing is mortgaged to you, how many points can you give me?"

There is no currency in the Nether Ghost Market, and transactions are all carried out by points.

Han Bao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, senior, I promise to give you a satisfactory price!"

"Time is running out, the auction is about to start, I need you to give me enough points first!"

Saying that, Xue An directly threw the beam of light in his hand.

After Han Bao took it in his hand, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and immediately nodded and said, "Okay! I'll apply for points for you now!"

It was said to be an application, but in fact it was Han Bao who took the number plate from Xue An's hand, clicked it and then succeeded. UU reading

At this moment, the auction officially started.

Lust has always been a great driving force for human progress.

For example, now, when the old man on the stage announced the official opening of the auction, people immediately invested with great enthusiasm.

Countless people took out their number plates and began to participate in the bidding. The event was unprecedented.

Xue An was not in a hurry to make an offer, but first asked Shu Jingchu in detail how much this point was worth, and then after a moment of contemplation, he solemnly wrote down an offer.

In an instant, the number glowed bright red.

Shu Jingchu was a little dazed.

She didn't expect Xue An to pay such a high price for these eight women.

The number written on the number plate has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

This made her look at Xue An in surprise.

Is this guy... so horny?

Xue An ignored Shu Jingchu's strange gaze, he just looked at the number on the number plate, counting down silently in his heart.

The auction is considered successful only after one minute has passed.

But this minute may not be so easy to survive.


Only ten seconds later, the number changed from red to green.

And Xue An only has two chances to modify it now.

But Xue An did not hesitate at all, and immediately wrote down a new number.

Shu Jingchu opened her eyes wide, shocked by Xue An's courage.

Is it really worth paying such a big price for a few women?

You must know that the number given by Xue An now is enough to issue a top reward in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion.

So far, Shu Jingchu has understood that Xue An did not participate in the auction because of lust.

He must have other reasons.

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