Chapter 2871 Auction Success

Shu Jingchu was shocked, and there was a commotion in the huge stands.

Because Xue An's price this time was so amazing that it directly shocked other bidders who were eager to try.

Although the beauty is touching, the eight women on the stage are all stunningly beautiful.

If possible, none of the men present wanted to keep it in the house.

But when the price obtained is too high, it is worth considering whether it is worth it.

Because of this, Xue An's price has always been as red as blood, without any change.

It was about to last a minute, but at this moment, a cold snort was heard from the crowd.

"Someone dares to steal what this young master likes?"

After saying that, the number on Xue An's number plate instantly changed from red to green.

Xue An immediately turned his head to look, and then found that the owner of the voice was No. 25 who took the picture of the star core earlier.

I saw him sitting on the chair proudly, looking at the eight elf women on the stage with fiery eyes, obviously he was bound to win.

No need to ask, the bidder must be the twenty-fifth.

For this result, the onlookers were not surprised, but rather excitedly discussed.

"It's the boss on the 25th!"

"Big brother's move is really extraordinary, he dared to pay such a high price for these few women!"

"Such a generous shot, this No. 25 must come from a wealthy family!"

These comments made the 25th very proud, and the slight distress in his heart disappeared.

He likes the feeling of being admired.

And although the bid this time was a bit outrageous, it was not unbearable.

In particular, he can also get eight stunning beauties, no matter what counts, it is not a loss.

Just when he was full of ambition, Xue An withdrew his gaze and said calmly, "Han Bao!"

"The little one is here!"

"I still have a few higher-level cheat books in my hand, and I will mortgage them to you later. You first pay me enough points, I need them urgently!"

"Yes!" Han Bao responded immediately without any hesitation.

Of course, this does not mean that Han Bao's trust in Xue An has reached the point where he can withdraw points at will.

It's because the secret books that Xue An gave Han Bao just now are rare and rare books, and Han Bao has already made a lot of money with these books alone.

In this way, it is nothing to give away some more points, not to mention that Xue An will have better cheats to mortgage later.

Han Bao moved very quickly this time, and after only a dozen seconds, another sum of points was transferred to Xue An's number plate.

After that, Xue An didn't even hesitate, and directly studded.

Han Bao, who saw such a big deal, was also secretly speechless.

This mysterious senior is really generous!

Up to now, Han Bao has firmly believed in Xue An's previous words.

Because only those who are good at dual cultivation will value these women so much, and are willing to pay a high price for it!

After all, these are excellent cauldrons!

And it was at this moment that there was an uproar in the audience.

"Damn it, who is this who shot so hard?"

"Who knows! But this person is a wonderful person, willing to pay such a high price for a group of girls!"

The twenty-fifth stood up abruptly, and the mist covering his face trembled slightly, which showed his rage.

"Who dares to bid so much to compete with me?"

No one answered.

This is the advantage of secret bidding, no one knows who bids the price!

So although the twenty-fifth was full of anger, he had nowhere to vent it. He could only look around the audience resentfully, and sat down again full of unwillingness.

He has decided to give up.

After all, the price this time was too outrageous.

It was so outrageous that he couldn't bear it, so he could only give up.

This time there was no twists and turns, and a minute later, the price was locked and turned golden.

Then the old man on the stage laughed and said, "Congratulations to the one who won the shot and got the beauty back!"

This time, he didn't even report his number, which shows that Baishanpu is meticulous in its work.

Xue An didn't have the time to pay attention to these, he randomly picked out a few relatively good exercise cheats from the memory he had obtained and threw them to Han Bao.

Han Bao hurriedly caught it, his hands were shaking with excitement, and there was only one thought in his mind.


But what Xue An said next made him calm down a little.

"These cheat books are all converted into points. In addition to paying the worth of these eight women, the two outside the door are also counted. If there are any remaining, it will be a reward for you!"

Han Bao nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, the little one understands, the little one understands, I'll go through the formalities for you right now!"

"Well! Let's go!"

Han Bao turned around and left, at the same time feeling extremely envious.

Tsk tsk, look at him, he bought ten beautiful women as soon as he made a move, and it is estimated that these ten women will not be able to escape his palm tonight.

I have to find an opportunity to ask this senior about the art of men and women.

Han Bao secretly made up his mind.

The so-called procedures were nothing more than handing over the remaining funds and then taking the ten women away.

For this reason, Baishanpu also thoughtfully stuffed these ten women into a magic for the convenience of Xue An to carry.

That's right!

For these people in Baishanpu, these women are no different from goods. Although a talisman is a bit crowded, as long as they can't die, it doesn't matter.

Seeing this, Xue An didn't make a sound, took the talisman directly, and then said to Han Bao: "I'm going to test the effect first, and if it's good, I'll come to you again!"

Han Bao laughed so hard that his face almost blossomed, "Good senior, I wish you great success!"

Xue An turned around and left Baishanpu. When he was walking on the road, Shu Jingchu couldn't help but leaned over and asked.

"Xue An, what the **** are you doing? And where are we going now?"

"go back!"

"Go back? Don't go to the Treasure Hunting Pavilion?"

"I won't go for the time being. I have important things to do. Let's talk about tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An strode away without waiting for Shu Jingchu's response.

Shu Jingchu stared blankly at Xue An's disappearing figure, and a question mark could not help appearing in her mind.

Could it be that I thought wrong before, this guy didn't have any other plans at all, but pure lust?

Otherwise, why did he leave in such a hurry?

Could it be that he was eager to enter the gentle village?

Thinking of the scene where Xue An was hanging out with ten girls, Shu Jingchu shuddered, and then spat secretly.

Shameless and nasty!

Of course, Xue An didn't know that his image in Shu Jingchu's mind had become very unbearable.

He didn't delay for a minute, and almost ran out of the ghost city at a trot.

After returning to the real world, he immediately took off his glasses and looked at him.

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