Chapter 2872 Rescue

After seeing the talisman hanging on his waist, Xue An couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this thing doesn't have to wait a day like other items.

This was also what Xue An specially ordered to Han Bao, that's why Baishanpu used a magic talisman to accommodate these ten women for him.

In Han Bao's words, this was given because he was a "big client".

At this moment, Shu Jingchu also woke up leisurely and took off her glasses.

"Please find me a secret room, I have something to do!" Xue An said.

The expression on Shu Jingchu's face became indescribable for a while, and after a moment of silence, she said in a disgusted tone.

"Okay... okay!"

The most indispensable thing in the Guangming Palace is the secret room.

So Xue An was quickly arranged in a resplendent and luxuriously furnished secret room.

This should be a place for a certain red-clothed archbishop to rest. There is a big bed in the middle of the secret room. The big bed is extremely luxurious and amazing.

But Xue An didn't have time to look at all of them. He took a deep breath, then tore off the talisman at his waist, and unsealed it according to the pattern on it.

After a flash of brilliance, the figures of the ten women appeared in the secret room.

I saw that the faces of these ten women were all pale, and they gasped heavily as soon as they came out, obviously the feeling of being in the talisman was not good.

But compared to the physical trauma, what frightened the ten women was the mental pressure.

Especially when they came to this secret room, the ten women were all shaking like chaff, barely able to stand up.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from behind.

"Are you elves?"

The ten women were all startled, and then slowly turned around.

Xue An was standing at the door smiling at them.

On the Nether Ghost Market, these ten women were sold like goods, and they had never seen Xue An's true face at all.

So when they saw a very good-looking young man standing not far away, they were inexplicably relieved.

Fortunately, it was a handsome young man instead of a potbellied old man with a disgusting appearance.

Although it is still forced, but as an extremely facial-controlled elf family, it is at least acceptable to lose one's body to a beautiful boy.

Just when they felt a little more relaxed, what Xue An said next directly shocked them.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, on the contrary, I'm here to help you!"

The meaning of this sentence is not important, the key point is that Xue An said it in the language of the elves.

The ten women were startled at first, and then ecstasy appeared on their faces, and the woman standing at the front even replied immediately.

"Dear warrior, are you also an elf?"

Xue An shook his head, "I am not, but I have many elf friends!"

In fact, Xue An was a little uncertain before speaking the secret language of the elves.

After all, the elf languages ​​he knew were all learned from the elves of the heavens. God knows whether the planes where these ten women are located use the same language.

Didn't expect it to work after a try.

It seems that this elf language is common in all planes!

The ten women were slightly disappointed to hear that Xue An was not of the elf family, but after hearing that he had many friends of the elf family, these women became happy again.

"Really, no wonder I feel kind when I see you!"

"Warrior, did you save us on purpose?"

These women chatted non-stop, their faces full of joy.

Xue An didn't stop him either, just watched with a smile.

He knew very well that for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, these women naturally needed to vent their anger.

It wasn't until they gradually calmed down that Xue An finally said: "That's right, I acted to save you all. After all, many of my friends are from the elves. I can't see you in trouble and remain indifferent!"

"Thank you warrior for saving your life!" The ten women saluted in unison.

Xue An waved his hand, "I haven't finished my sentence yet, what is the second reason for saving you..."

Xue An took a deep look at these elf women, "I really want to know how you were caught!"

Hearing Xue An mention this, the atmosphere couldn't help becoming dull.

These elf women obviously did not want to recall the painful past, so they were all silent.

It was the elf woman who was the first to speak just now to break the silence.

"Dear warriors, we originally lived on a peaceful planet and lived a peaceful life. The boundless forest is a gift from the gods, and we are his most beloved children..."

What follows is a narration similar to a long poem.

Xue An listened patiently without interrupting.

Because he knew that this was the speaking style of the elves, complicated and delicate but long-winded, and he couldn't be in a hurry.

Finally, after a full five minutes, after telling the history of her ethnic group, the elf woman spoke in a fearful tone.

"That day, the terrifying Demon King came!"

"He holds a terrible magic weapon, and if he gets a little bit of it, he will die!"

"He first defeated the guardian tree giant and then made a massive attack. We fought hard to resist, but our strength was very different, so we could only retreat steadily."

"The great Maple Leaf Royal Court ended thousands of years of glory, and our great king died because of this!"

"In the end, except for a small number of ethnic groups who fled to the deeper jungle, only those of us who were bound by evil magic were captured by it and brought to this terrible place!"

Speaking of this, the ten women were already in tears.

Especially the pair of sisters who were in the cage in front of Baishanpu before, weeping even more at this moment.

The elves have always been a peace-loving and art-loving group, and they have been living a life of indifference to the world. As a result, they did not expect to encounter unexpected disasters, and even almost became others' playthings.

If Xue An hadn't acted in time, they would have become the bed toys of some powerful people.

Xue An pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Have you noticed what kind of weapons those people who appeared suddenly used?"

The ten elf women frowned slightly, fell into deep thought, and then shook their heads one after another.

"It happened so suddenly at that time, where did we pay attention to so much!" said the leading elf girl.

Xue An was a little disappointed.

But at this moment, one of the sisters suddenly said, "I know!"

"Huh?" Xue An immediately looked at her.

The woman looked at Xue An timidly, "At that time... I hid behind the group and observed it secretly. Those demons who came suddenly almost defeated the group with their bare hands and with terrifying magic. Only the leader seemed to be holding a strange thing!"

Hearing this, Xue An's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "What is it?"

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