Chapter 2873 Eavesdropping

"Strange, why is there no sound at all?"

Shu Jingchu tilted her head and put her ears on the door of the secret room, listening carefully to the movement inside.

According to her guess, the secret room should be filled with indescribable sounds at this moment.

This is also the reason why she sneaked over and eavesdropped regardless of her face.

The result was a big disappointment.

Not only was there no movement that would make people blush and heartbeat, there was not even a sound of speaking, as if everyone inside had fallen asleep.

Could it be that I came late and it's over?

Thinking of this, Shu Jingchu couldn't help curling her lips.

I thought it would be great for you to buy ten beauties at once, but it turned out to be a silver pewter gun head!

Just when she secretly despised Xue An, she heard a voice full of shock and confusion.

"My lord, what are you doing here?"

Shu Jingchu was startled and looked up.

I saw Wu Qiming standing not far away, looking at him with doubts on his face.

Shu Jingchu's embarrassing toes buckled the sole of the shoe vigorously, but on the surface she remained calm, but coughed lightly and said indifferently.

"Oh, I just passed by here, and I heard some movement inside. I'm worried that it might be a thief invading, so listen to it!"

"Thieves invaded?" Wu Qiming blinked his eyes, turned his head and looked at the secret room, but he was wondering what kind of thieves would dare to break into the headquarters of Guangming Palace to steal.

But he didn't dare to ask this question, instead he asked very attentively.

"My lord saint, leave the rest to me. I will enter this secret room now. If there are really thieves inside, I promise to let him walk around without food!"

"No need, I have listened carefully just now, and there is nothing in it, I must have heard it wrong!"

"Let's check it out, so you can rest assured!" Wu Qiming still wanted to show his courtesy.

But at this moment, Shu Jingchu couldn't bear it any longer, she lowered her face and assumed the majesty of a saint.

"If I say no, I don't need it. Why are there so many nonsense?"

This stern question made Wu Qiming wake up like a dream, knowing that he was flattering and slapped the horse's leg at the wrong position.

You must know that he is really proud of himself now.

Although the Great Elder of the Elder Group is still alive, he is no different from dead after being deprived of his divine power.

This caused the domain he had previously controlled to lose control.

As a result, a huge power vacuum appeared in the Guangming Palace.

And Wu Qiming is a person who is very good at drilling, and he immediately expressed his loyalty to Xue An.

Xue An naturally didn't bother to pay attention to such a petty person.

He has no interest in the ownership of the rights in this Guangming Palace.

What's more, Wu Qiming still has the talisman he planted in his mind, which can guarantee his absolute loyalty, so he didn't kill him, but kept it.

And Wu Qiming took advantage of this shareholder trend to take advantage of the situation, and soon took over most of the rights of the Great Elder.

Therefore, this incident was a blessing in disguise for him, and he ate a lot.

Today he just heard that Xue An was here and wanted to come over to show his loyalty to Xue An.

In the end, he saw Shu Jingchu who was sneaking around, and his head got hot for a while, which provoked a reprimand.

He was full of remorse in his heart, nodded and bowed his head to apologize, and then turned around to leave.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the door of the secret room was opened.

Caught off guard, Shu Jingchu almost fell into the room, but fortunately she was supported by one hand, so she didn't fall.

Wu Qiming, who was planning to leave just then, was also dumbfounded.

I saw Xue An standing at the door, Shu Jingchu leaned towards him in an extremely ambiguous posture, but he supported his shoulder with one hand.

This posture is indescribably weird.

In the next second, Xue An said calmly: "Have you heard enough?"

Shu Jingchu's face turned red immediately, and she stood up awkwardly, "I... I just happened to pass by..."

Xue An didn't listen to her explanation at all, and directly stopped Wu Qiming who was about to sneak away.

"Don't go!"

Wu Qiming stopped immediately, and then asked with a smile on his face.

"What orders does your lord have?"

"Prepare enough food and drinks for ten people, and then send them to this room! Remember to be clean, fruits and vegetarians are the best, and meat is not allowed!"

"Yes yes yes!" Wu Qiming nodded and bowed, "I'm going to prepare now!"

"Well! Let's go!"

Wu Qiming quickly turned around and left.

Before leaving, the last words he heard were Xue An asking.

"Let's go if you're satisfied!"

Although Wu Qiming was a little confused, he still shivered and ran away in a panic.

At this time, Shu Jingchu also relaxed, and peeked into the room, but Xue An happened to block all sight, so she could only withdraw her gaze unwillingly, and asked.

"Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to sleep, otherwise what can I do?"

"Sleep? Haven't you slept enough in there?"

When Shu Jingchu said this, her tone was very strange, with a hint of sarcasm.

How could Xue An fail to understand the meaning, but he didn't even show the slightest expression, he just gave Shu Jingchu a cold look, and then strode away.

Shu Jingchu originally thought that Xue An would retort furiously But she didn't expect Xue An to be so calm, and she was a little dazed.

She didn't realize it until Xue An had gone far away, and then hurriedly followed.

"Hey, wait, are you really going to sleep?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought…."

"You thought I was going to spend the night in that chamber, didn't you?"

"Hey!" Shu Jingchu smiled awkwardly, just about to apologize, but Xue An strode away.

"Don't follow me, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

After saying that, Xue An turned around the corner of the corridor and disappeared.

Shu Jingchu never expected that Xue An would leave so simply, and couldn't help being furious.

"Asshole, it seems like someone rarely talks to you, hum!"

Shu Jingchu left angrily.

After both of them left, Wu Qiming came to the door of the secret room with drinks and food in person.

After knocking on the door, Wu Qiming was dumbfounded, and even forgot the speech he had prepared.

On the contrary, the elf girl who opened the door said happily, "Did that warrior send you over to deliver the food?"

"Uh...yes!" Wu Qiming nodded with difficulty, the shock in his heart increased rather than diminished.

Because he saw that there were still nine stunning people standing behind the door.

"Then give it to me, thank you so much!"

"'re welcome, tell me if you need anything!" Wu Qiming smiled with difficulty.

After the door of the secret room was closed again, Wu Qiming couldn't laugh anymore, and was replaced by infinite shock and admiration.

Just now he saw Shu Jingchu eavesdropping at the door with his own eyes, and then Xue An came out of the secret room majestically.

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