Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2874: What is it called? This is called means!

Chapter 2874 What is this called? This is called means!

At that time, although Wu Qiming thought that there would be women in the secret room, he didn't expect there to be so many.

Finally combined with Shu Jingchu's eavesdropping...

Wu Qiming couldn't help but gasped, and then he was full of infinite admiration towards Xue An.

At the same time, there are ten peerless Jinwo Zangjiao that can make the saint never forget, and there are three beauties waiting outside.

What is it called?

This is called means!

Wu Qiming really wished he could go to Xue An as a teacher now, so that he could learn how to make so many women fall deeply in love with him.

Xue An naturally didn't know this, and he didn't go to Yun Lingxuan and the others like Wu Qiming thought, but went straight back to his room, and then communicated with An Yan in the inner space through his consciousness.

This is almost a daily routine for the two of them.

"Did you miss sleep?"

"Not yet. I was clamoring to come out to see you just now. I said you have business to do, so I had no choice but to give up!"

Xue An smiled, "How are these two little girls doing now?"

"I'm learning quickly, but I'm getting more and more mischievous, and the two sisters often quarrel over trivial matters. You don't know how many lawsuits I have to break every day!" An Yan said in a helpless tone.

"It's normal, after all, it's getting bigger and stronger, and its self-awareness is getting stronger!" Xue An laughed.

The two chatted a few more words about children, and then An Yan changed the subject and asked softly, "Husband, is Shu Jingchu really from another Earth?"

"Judging from the information we have now, this is indeed the case!"

"It's such a wonderful and unimaginable world. There are other planes, and the earth and even the Chinese people exist in other planes!" An Yan sighed.

"Strange? I don't think so!" Xue An smiled and shook his head, and said lightly.

"In my opinion, the heavens and myriad worlds are like a giant tree, and the major planes are the branched branches. Because they come from the same source, these planes will inevitably have similarities!"

"Oh, so it is like this!" An Yan said.

"Well, do you understand?"

"Hey, no, but husband, don't you understand, you just need to understand!" An Yan smiled.

Xue An couldn't help laughing, "What a fool, well, go and rest!"

"Ah, just say a few words and drive me away!" An Yan felt a little bit reluctant.

"I'm not afraid that you will be sleepy!"

"Why am I sleepy? I've been in your space all day, and I've had enough sleep! Hey, my husband, what are you going to do with the girls you photographed?"

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements!"

An Yan tacitly did not ask Xue An what arrangement he had.

The husband and wife chatted for a while before An Yan went to rest.

It wasn't until the space of consciousness became silent that Xue An closed his eyes and breathed out slowly.

And with his breathing, those Xing Tian tattoos on his body also flickered slightly.

The night passed quickly.

When Xue An opened his eyes again, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, the Xing Tian tattoo on his body became more vivid.

But Xue An quickly hid this change deeply, got up and came to the secret room.

When I saw these ten elf women again, they all became much better after a night of rest.

After meeting Xue An, they naturally expressed their thanks in every possible way.

Xue An smiled and said, "Don't be so polite. Since I'm friends with you elves, it's only right for me to do all this. What's more, you have provided me with a very important piece of information!"

Even so, these elf women are still full of gratitude to Xue An.

Xue An waved his hand, then said seriously: "I'm asking you now, do you want to go home?"

go home!

As soon as these words came out, these elf women were stunned for a moment, and then nodded frantically with tears streaming down their faces.

For those who have gone through so many ups and downs and suffered countless hardships, going home is simply their biggest dream.

But they always think that this is an impossible luxury.

until today.

When Xue An said these words to them, the fire of hope in their hearts was rekindled.

"Very good, since you want to go back, then I will take you home, but the premise is that you cooperate with me unconditionally!" Xue An said in a deep voice.

Plop plop!

These elf women fell to their knees in unison, and gave Xue An the highest elf etiquette.

"Great warrior, if you can really bring us home, we will pay any price for it!"

"That's not necessary, I just need you to cooperate with me to put on a show!" Xue An laughed.

play a play?

These elf girls looked at each other, and they all saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

In fact, they didn't have a good rest in the past night.

Although after so many hardships, they finally found a safer place, but they habitually suffered from insomnia.

Then he began to think about how to repay Xue An's kindness.

Such is the disposition of the elves, they will never fail to live up to any kindness.

While discussing and discussing, they all thought of one thing by coincidence, and then they all blushed.

Although when they were imprisoned by Baishanpu, they already knew that the fate waiting for them would be like But at that time they were full of resistance to this fate, but now they are not so resistant.

Because Xue An not only has great kindness to them, but also looks so handsome.

This is simply a huge attraction for the face-controlled elves.

So when they heard that Xue An asked them to cooperate with him, they were all ready.

But he didn't expect that Xue An's cooperation didn't mean what he understood, but to put on a show.

But even though they didn't know what to play, these elf girls nodded immediately.


Shu Jingchu didn't sleep well that night.

She was always thinking about what Xue An would do next.

He bought so many gorgeous beauties but didn't even touch them. What kind of medicine is this guy selling in his gourd?

So she woke up early before dawn, and then walked towards the secret room like a ghost.

Before reaching the secret room, Xue An had already opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, did you come early enough!" Shu Jing said clearly.

Xue An frowned, but he didn't pay attention to it, and just said it himself.


"Where are you going?"

"Of course I went to Nether Ghost City!"

"What are you doing there?"

While speaking, Shu Jingchu looked curiously into the secret room, but saw that it was empty, not even a single person.

"Go there and find Baishanpu!"

"You return the product?" Shu Jingchu saw that the talisman was hanging on Xue An's waist again, and couldn't help but think of this possibility.

Xue An shook his head, "Of course not, not only not, but also to order another batch!"

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