Chapter 2875 Fish take the bait

At the same time, in the Baishan shop, Han Bao was reporting the situation to the old man who presided over the auction with a big smile on his face.

"Sir, the goods we captured in the lower planes have been sold out this time, and the profits have been huge. It seems that this group of self-proclaimed elves is a rare treasure. We must manage it well, and we must not let one go!"

"Well, I heard that the person who bought this batch of goods this time is a strong man who is good at dual cultivation?" The old man ignored Han Bao's suggestion, and instead asked about the identity of the buyer.

Han Bao was taken aback, as if he didn't quite understand why the old man would ask this.

But he reacted very quickly, and then nodded in response: "That's right, this man is powerful, and his moves are very generous, he should be a rare expert!"

"Well, you did a good job this time, but if this person comes again, you must report to me. After all, Baishanpu needs to maintain such a big customer!" The old man said.


"Go, since this batch of goods has been sold out, then notify the hunting team and let them step up their preparations and go out as soon as possible!"

"Understood!" Han Bao hurriedly responded, and then retreated respectfully.

After he left, the old man picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip while thinking about it in his heart.

There are not many sects that are good at dual cultivation, and among them, there are very few people who can be called strong, and they basically know them all.

But I've never heard of such a mysterious strongman before?

Moreover, this person bought ten women as soon as he made a move. Could there be any tricks in it?

Thinking of this, the old man's heart suddenly moved, and then he turned his hand, and a beam of light appeared in the palm of his hand.

Impressively in the beam of light are those secret exercises sold by Xue An.

Even from the eyes of an old man, these cheats are all fine works.

Any one that can be taken out is enough to become the treasure of the small sect.

And so many secret exercises are all produced by one person, and at the same time, this person is only a monk who is good at dual cultivation, which is even more interesting.

This is why the old man told Han Bao to notify him when Xue An came again.

Of course, this is not to say that as the old man of Baishanpu, he will be afraid of this mysterious strong man who does not know his origin because of this abnormality.

on the contrary.

Not only was he not afraid, but he became very interested in the secret book in this person's hands.

Since this guy can come up with so many cheats in exchange for points, it proves that he must have better ones.

Could it be that this person was lucky and obtained some inheritance from ancient relics?

This is the old man's speculation.

And this speculation is reasonable.

Because in this vast universe, there are indeed many lucky people who have obtained some relics handed down from ancient times by chance.

But it's really hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse, at least nine out of ten of these lucky ones can't die well.

Either he was designed to be killed by jealous people around him, or he was defeated by some big sects.

Even the remaining survivor can only carry huge wealth but dare not show it, and spend the rest of his life in fear.

This guy dared to sell precious exercises in the ghost market so blatantly.

This proves that if he is not a beginner with no experience at all, he is extremely confident in his own strength, so confident that he doesn't care about the coveting of the outside world at all.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help becoming more and more interested.

And it was at this time that Han Bao, who had just exited, went back and returned to the house again.

The old man frowned slightly, "Didn't you tell the hunting team? What are you doing here?"

"Old man, he's here!"

"Who's here?" The old man was still a little unresponsive at the time, until he saw the expression on Han Bao's face.

"Is it the mysterious man from yesterday?"

"Yes!" Han Bao nodded.

In fact, even he was taken aback.

He had just received an order from the old man and was about to go to the back to find the hunting team.

Coincidentally, I ran into a young man who rushed in to report the news.

At that time, Han Bao scolded the young man, but when he heard the young man said that it was the mysterious person who visited yesterday, he couldn't help being surprised.

Why did I just buy a batch of goods yesterday, and I went to the door today.

Could it be that you want to return the goods?

But Han Bao didn't dare to delay, and immediately turned around and told the old man the news.

The old man stood up immediately after receiving Han Bao's confirmation.

"Do you know what he's here for?"

"I don't know, I came to report to you as soon as I received the news, I haven't had time to see him yet!"

The old man walked back and forth a few steps in the room, and immediately ordered in a deep voice: "You go to the front to meet him first, then lead him to the tea room in the atrium, and just say that I want to see him!"


Han Bao didn't dare to delay, so he hurried forward.

When he came to the door of the front hall, he calmed down first, then put on a smile all over his face, and laughed loudly: "I didn't know that senior was coming, and I was far behind to welcome him. It's a sin, a sin!"

After that, he walked into the living room.

Xue An was sitting on a chair in the living room drinking tea at the moment.

After hearing the laughter, he just raised his eyes and glanced, and didn't even mean to get up.

"Shopkeeper Han, we meet again at UU Reading!"

Han Bao was startled.


He was not surprised by Xue An's words, but because of Xue An's aura at this moment.

If I remember correctly, although Xue An's aura yesterday was majestic, it was far less powerful than today.

If yesterday's aura was like a torch, then today's aura is like a flaming mountain, soaring straight into the sky.

what happened!

Why is there such an obvious change in just one day?

Could it be... because of the dual cultivation technique?

Han Bao's heart was shaken, and then he had an ambition.

As soon as this wild sight came out, it immediately became like a wildfire and started a prairie fire, and Han Bao's five internal organs were all hot.

Xue An deliberately suppressed part of his strength yesterday in order to create a stark contrast with today.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Why doesn't Shopkeeper Han say anything?"

Only then did Han Bao tremble all over, he woke up from his fantasy, and forced a smile.

"'s nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you in a day, and the senior seems to have changed a lot!"

"What change?"

"It seems to be much stronger!"

"Hahahaha that's natural. I absorbed a huge amount of Yuan Yin overnight, and after absorbing it, my cultivation will naturally improve!" Xue An laughed loudly.

These words verified Han Bao's guess, and the thought in his heart became more and more irresistible, but he still forcibly endured it and said with a smile.

"Senior's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, and they are really extraordinary! My old man admired you very much after hearing what happened yesterday. I didn't hear that after you came, I specially set up tea in the atrium and invited you to come and talk!"

Xue An's heart skipped a beat.

Not in vain of his strenuous performance, the fish really took the bait!

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