Chapter 2876

But he didn't show any emotion on the surface, instead he said impatiently: "Do you still want to go to the atrium? Is there anything you can't say here?"

"Senior doesn't know, this is only a place to receive ordinary guests, and you are already a distinguished guest of our Baishanpu, how can I receive you here?"

"Okay, lead the way!"

Xue An followed Han Bao through the front hall, but he didn't enter the garden corridor like he went to the auction site last time. Instead, he turned a corner and entered a long corridor through the side door.

Walking on the veranda, there are carefully cultivated bonsai on both sides, and the scenery is very pleasant.

This Han Bao led the way, deliberately flattering along the way, Xue An also cooperated very well and laughed loudly from time to time, it seemed that the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

But when he walked about half of the way, Han Bao suddenly lowered his voice.

"Ahem, senior, I have something to ask, but I don't know if senior can help me?"

"Oh? What's the matter, tell me!" Xue An said carelessly.

Embarrassment and embarrassment appeared very rarely on this Han Bao's face, and he said softly after a long time of tweaking.

"Senior, to be honest, I have always been dissatisfied with my ability in that area..."

that aspect?

Xue An didn't understand at first, but when he saw Han Bao's embarrassing expression, he couldn't help but suddenly understood.

As for Shu Jingchu who has been following behind as a servant, her cheeks are even more flushed at this moment, and she can't stop spitting secretly.

Xue An forcibly suppressed the smile in his heart, and asked with a straight face: "Oh? Shopkeeper Han still has some unspeakable secrets in this regard? It shouldn't be. After all, with your wealth and status, Shopkeeper Han, why can't you find such treasures?"

"Hey, you don't know something. I have this problem since I didn't step on the path of cultivation. According to the doctor, it is congenital insufficiency. I have also searched all over the years for secret prescriptions and precious medicines, but all of them have little effect!"

Saying that, Han Bao looked at Xue An with a blushing face.

"Senior just bought ten beauties yesterday, and collected all their vital yin in one night, which proves that you must have extraordinary ability in this area! So I would like to ask you, senior, to be merciful and show me a clear way!"

"This..." Xue An was really stumped by Han Bao.

Where did he know the method of double cultivation, even if he had obtained some secret books on this aspect during his previous cultivation, he had destroyed all of them.

Although there is nothing wrong with the dual-cultivation method, it is easy to go wrong, and once you go wrong, you will fall into the eternal demon path, so Xue An is not even interested in understanding it.

But now he is playing the role of a strong man who is good at both cultivation. If Han Baoqiu acts like he doesn't know anything, wouldn't he be a helper?

Xue An's hesitation made Han Baoli understand the wrong meaning, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, senior, as long as you can give me a clear way, then the disciple will be very grateful!"

After finishing speaking, Han Bao looked at Xue An anxiously, the desire and anticipation in his eyes were almost overflowing.

Xue An didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he could only say with a stern face: "Is this your matter...but it's not difficult!"

As soon as this remark came out, Han Bao couldn't help being overjoyed, "Thank you senior, if I can improve, I will never forget your great kindness and virtue!"

Xue An waved his hand, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I haven't finished talking yet!"

"Heaven and Earth Harmony, Great Yin and Yang and Harmony Kungfu practiced by this seat are the secrets of the master, and the wonderful methods are infinite. Don't say that you are born with incompleteness, even if you are a heavenly eunuch, it can make you grow back!"

Xue Anxin made up a name that sounded crazy.


Han Bao fell to his knees directly, looking at Xue An eagerly.

"The disciple is willing to worship the teacher of the senior. As long as you can teach me the exercises, I am willing to do anything!"

Of course Xue An wouldn't really pass on his exercises, because Xue An wouldn't either.

He sighed in embarrassment, "Shopkeeper Han, please hurry up, it's not that I don't want to teach it, it's because our master has a strict order to strictly prohibit this exercise from being passed on to the outside world!"

As soon as these words came out, the disappointment on Han Bao's face was almost overflowing.

Xue An saw that the heat was about the same, this time he said mysteriously: "But you don't need to be discouraged, although I can't pass on the secret method to you, but there is a secret recipe that I can share with you!"

Han Bao's eyes rekindled the raging fire of hope.

"What secret recipe?"

"Come here with your ears!"

Han Bao didn't even care about getting up, he crawled up to Xue An on his knees, and put his ear towards Xue An respectfully.

Xue An leaned over and whispered something in his ear.

Han Bao's eyes widened instantly, " this true?"

"Of course it's true, I can still fool you with this kind of thing!"

"But...but this...." Han Bao still couldn't make up his mind.

"It's not broken or built. I've already shared the secret recipe with you. As for whether to do it or not, it's up to you to decide!" Xue An said lightly.

Han Bao thanked him a lot, and then led Xue An into the atrium tea room with a heavy heart.

At this time, the old man had already been waiting here, and when he saw Xue An, he immediately greeted him with a happy face.

"I heard Han Bao mention you It's just that I couldn't visit in person because I was busy with mundane affairs at that time, and I was regretting that I didn't expect you to come here in person!"

This old man is obviously also a slick veteran, and the way he speaks makes him feel like a spring breeze.

Xue An didn't express too much, just nodded lightly.

"Hehe, old man, let me introduce myself. My name is Li Defeng. Just call me Shopkeeper Li!"

"Well, shopkeeper Li has a heart!"

After sitting down to watch tea, Li Dengfeng exchanged pleasantries again.

It's just that Li Dengfeng spied on Xue An's identity a lot, but Xue An ignored them intentionally or unintentionally.


This Li Dengfeng knew that what he was facing was not a fledgling boy, and it would be a waste of time to waste it like this, so he no longer detoured and asked straight to the point.

"Senior just bought a batch of goods yesterday, but I don't know if he came to the door again today, why?"

"It's very simple. The quality of yesterday's shipment was very good. I am very satisfied, so I plan to order another batch!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Li Dengfeng was stunned, but even Han Bao was a little dumbfounded.

He saw Xue An take away those ten women with his own eyes, but he didn't expect to order another order after only one night.

How big is this person's appetite?

But immediately Han Bao's heart began to heat up.

The more outrageous Xue An's ability is, the more reliable and feasible the secret recipe he gave himself will be!

Han Bao secretly made up his mind that he must try it after the matter is over.

Li Dengfeng's expression was concentrated, and then he looked at Xue An meaningfully.

"Oh? So the seniors have already used the batch of goods yesterday?"

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