Chapter 2877 Picked by me personally


With a wave of Xue An's hand, the magic talisman at his waist projected a brilliance.

The brilliance scattered, forming a light curtain in the air.

In the light curtain is the scene in the magic talisman.

I saw these elf women all pale and huddled together, it seemed that even their vitality had been cut off.

"This is..." Li Dengfeng hesitated.

"I had so much fun last night that I accidentally inhaled a little hard, but now they are only in a temporary coma, and they will be fine after a few days of recuperation!" Xue An said lightly.

Li Dengfeng's eyelids twitched imperceptibly, and then subconsciously moved a little further away from Xue An.

He has been in charge of Baishanpu for so many years, and he has never seen any kind of thugs, except today when he faced Xue An, he felt a bit chilled.

Overnight, ten women were almost lost in his hands alone, but he downplayed it as if it was just an insignificant matter.

Li Dengfeng is not lacking in this attitude of treating human life like nothing, but for some reason, he just feels a little uncomfortable.

But compared to his fear, Han Bao was overjoyed, his whole body trembling with excitement.

Again, the stronger Xue An is, the more likely he is to cure his unspeakable secret.

Especially after seeing the dying appearance of the ten women who were once alive, Han Bao was convinced that the secret recipe Xue An gave him was true.

Seeing that the hope that he has been chasing for many years is in front of him, how can he not be excited about it.

After the light curtain dissipated, Xue An said calmly: "So you all know why I ordered another batch of goods!"

Naturally, Li Dengfeng had no objection, and nodded in response: "It seems that the senior is indeed not an ordinary person. If so, then we, Baishanpu, should place this order. We will be able to deliver another batch of goods to you within ten days at most!"

But Xue An shook his head, "No way!"

"Then eight days!"

"Or not!"

Li Dengfeng frowned, "Senior, going to a lower plane to capture prey seems simple, but actually requires extremely tedious preparations, so no matter how hard you try, it will take at least eight days to go back and forth!"

"I'm not talking about time!"

"what is that?"

"Although the quality of this batch of goods is good, the talents and physiques of a few of them are actually inconsistent with or even conflict with the skills I practiced! So this time I plan to choose the goods I need personally!"

Li Dengfeng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, I want to go to the lower plane with me and choose the right goods myself!"

"It's impossible!" Li Dengfeng immediately refused.

Xue An didn't hesitate, and immediately stood up and walked outside.

"Hey senior, what are you doing?" Han Bao hurriedly stopped him.

Xue An said indifferently: "What are you doing? Since we can't reach a consensus, I'm going to leave!"

Of course Han Bao couldn't let Xue An go.

Because his happiness for the rest of his life still depends on Xue An.

So he hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "Senior, don't be impatient, there must be some misunderstandings, let me talk to our old man, and there will definitely be a turning point!"

"Hmph, then I'll give you some face, but I can only wait for a stick of incense!"

"Yes, yes, please don't go, just wait here!"

Han Bao hurriedly went to Li Dengfeng's side, while Xue An stood there and waited.

At this time, Shu Jingchu quietly came over, lowered her voice and said: "What the **** are you doing? If the other party refuses to agree, wouldn't you even be able to go down the stairs?"

Xue An smiled lightly when he heard the words, "Don't worry, they will definitely agree to this condition!"


Shu Jingchu couldn't figure out why Xue An was so sure that Baishanpu would agree to this condition.

In her mind, going to the lower plane to hunt is the foundation of Baishanpu, and it can be called the lifeblood. How can an outsider be allowed to participate in it?

Xue An didn't explain too much about this, but looked at Li Dengfeng and Li Dengfeng who were whispering in the distance with a sneer.

Han Bao lowered his voice and asked, "Old man, why did you reject this person's proposal? Just follow him if he wants to go. Anyway, Boss Zuo and the others are here, so forgive him for not being able to make any trouble!"

"You don't understand!" Li Dengfeng shook his head, "If I agree to it simply and quickly, then this person will definitely be suspicious, so even if I can allow him to go with me, I can't agree on the spot!"

"But I think he will leave after you refuse!"

"Don't worry, what he did was just testing our attitude. After all, he just tasted the sweetness just now, how could he leave so easily!"

"Now what?"

"Go and talk to him, just say that I said this matter can be discussed, but you can't let him go alone!"


Han Bao excitedly came back to tell Xue An what Li Dengfeng meant, Xue An pretended to be dissatisfied and snorted, then returned to his seat carelessly, staring at Li Dengfeng with both eyes.

"What do you mean by not letting me go alone?"

"It's very simple. The route to the lower plane is the core secret of our For the sake of safety, we will send a few people to protect your safety!"

In fact, both Li Dengfeng and Xue An knew that the so-called security protection was actually surveillance.

But both of them tacitly did not say it.

Xue An nodded, "Okay, but after you get to the lower planes, you have to cooperate with me, at least allow me to choose the goods properly!"


"Leaving in a few days?"

"I'm stepping up preparations here, how about three days later?"


After the matter was negotiated, Han Bao respectfully sent Xue An away, and when he arrived in front of Baishanpu, he asked cautiously.

"Senior, when is the best time to use the secret recipe you gave me?"

"This is not fixed, you can control the time freely, it is best to choose a free time, after all, do you still need to recuperate!"

"Okay! If it really works, then I must not forget the great kindness of senior!"

Xue An waved his hand, turned and left.

On the way back, Shu Jingchu finally couldn't bear the doubts in her heart, and walked quickly to Xue An.

"Why are you so sure that Baishanpu will agree to this condition?"

"Hehe, because this Baishanpu also has plans for me!"

Xue An said something meaningful, and then strode away, leaving Shu Jingchu standing there alone in a daze.


What kind of plot can Baishanpu have against Xue An?

And just when Shu Jingchu couldn't figure it out, in the atrium of Baishanpu, Li Dengfeng was instructing a person carefully.

"After arriving in that world, you must find a way to stabilize this guy first."

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