Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2878: The will of the plane strikes

Chapter 2878 Plane will attack

"Then find a chance to subdue him completely, and dig out the secret of why he has so many cheats!"

The other person smiled grimly and touched his bald head, "Don't worry, old man, if I don't force him to ask when this kid will be weaned, then I will be killed by Zuo!"

Li Dengfeng nodded in satisfaction, "I'm sure you can do things at ease!"

Then Li Dengfeng turned his head to look at the figures standing aside.

These few people stood in place silently, low-key as if they didn't exist at all.

But only Li Dengfeng and this bald man know how powerful these people are.

"The only thing you have to do in this operation is to keep an eye on this guy. If he makes any changes... kill him immediately!"

When he said the last three words, a ruthless look flashed in Li Dengfeng's eyes.

The leader nodded, "Okay!"

After everything was explained, Li Dengfeng waved his hand, and these people retreated one after another.

After the room returned to silence, Li Dengfeng suddenly sneered.

"If you want to fight with me, Baishanpu, you should be more tender!"

Three days passed in a flash, and soon the agreed day came.

On this day, Xue An and Shu Jingchu came to Baishan shop early.

And Baishanpu has already made preparations.

When Xue An and Shu Jingchu arrived, Li Dengfeng personally led the two of them to introduce the hunting team to the lower planes.

"This is the hunting captain Zuo Shi of our Baishanpu!" Li Dengfeng pointed to the bald man and introduced.

This brawny bald man was more than two meters tall, and the muscles all over his body bulged, even reaching a creepy level.

After hearing Li Dengfeng's introduction, Zuo Shi grinned happily, showing his white teeth.

Not to mention anything else, just this smile is enough to make the face of a weaker person pale.

But Xue An didn't seem to feel it, he nodded slightly, and then turned his gaze to the men beside him.

"This is…."

"Oh, this is the person I specially selected to protect you in order to ensure your safety!" Li Dengfeng explained, and then pointed to the person in front.

"His name is Jia Zijie, and he is fully responsible for your safety this time!"

Compared with Zuo Shi's arrogance and domineering, this Jia Zijie is much more low-key.

I saw him wearing a gray shirt, with an ordinary face and an ordinary expression.

Even if he is standing in front of you, you will subconsciously ignore him.

But facing such a seemingly ordinary person, Xue An became unusually solemn, and stretched out his hand towards him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Jia Zijie took a look at Li Dengfeng first, and saw that there was no other expression on his face except for a smile, so he stretched out his hand and shook Xue An lightly like a dragonfly touching water.

Xue An smiled and didn't take it seriously, but said to Li Dengfeng: "Is everything ready? When will it start?"

"Everything is ready, let's start now!"

As I said before, the Nether Ghost City does not really exist, but an existence built in illusion similar to the Internet.

Therefore, if you want to travel directly to other planes from here, you need to go through extremely complicated means.

Fortunately, this is already familiar to Baishanpu.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Xue An and his party to disappear in a flash of white light.

The crossing process is not long.

It seemed to be just a blink of an eye, and when he opened his eyes again, there was already a lush forest in front of him.

"Wow. The air here is so sober!" Shu Jingchu took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing.

Others on the team felt the same way.

The air is as clean as if it has been washed. Take a deep breath, and the clear spiritual energy will reach the depths of the cells, giving you the feeling of being cleansed.

Coupled with the picturesque scenery in front of you, it gives people a kind of relaxation and comfort that cannot be expressed in words.

But compared to the enjoyment of other people in the team, Zuo Shi, the captain, smiled coldly.

"Hurry up and put away your inexperienced looks! It's just a low-level plane, there is nothing worth nostalgic about, don't forget the purpose of our visit this time!"

Hearing this, everyone else in the team was shocked.

Xue An didn't pay attention to his words at all, but looked around at the surrounding environment.

Because he left the Nether Ghost City, the fog that covered his face disappeared naturally.

But Xue An had expected this a long time ago, so he had already changed his appearance in advance.

At this moment, he is just an ordinary man.

Zuo Shi and the others naturally understood that this was by no means his true colors.

However, this did not prevent Zuo Shi from being hostile towards Xue An.

As I said before, Li Dengfeng specifically asked him what to do.

So in Zuo Shi's eyes, Xue An was already a dead person.

But just now in the Nether Ghost City, this dead man dared to ignore him.

This made Zuo Shibu furious.

So when he saw Xue An looking around, Zuo Shi couldn't help but sneered.

"What are you looking at? I can tell you that this seemingly peaceful forest actually hides murderous intentions, so you must follow my instructions on the next road, and you must not violate anything!"

Xue An smiled without saying a word.

But the more he had this attitude, the more furious Zuo Shi became, and he really wanted to do it But at this time, he had just traveled through time, and the specific situation has not been figured out yet, so Zuo Shi could only force himself to suppress the anger in his heart, and said coldly.


This lower plane is full of lush trees.

So Zuo Shi and his party have been flying in the sky.

I don't know how long it took to fly, but the green under my feet still hasn't changed at all.

Xue An was fine, but Shu Jing couldn't hold on anymore.

"When will this fly? And why do I feel that there is nothing all the way!"

"That's true, this seemingly vibrant forest is actually extremely quiet!" Xue An said lightly.

Just as Shu Jing wanted to ask why, the green forest that had never changed suddenly changed.

Countless branches began to sway, rushing from far to near like ocean waves.

Such visions naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Zuo Shi just sneered at this, "Everyone, don't panic, it's a tree giant!"

Any plane will have a natural repulsion to invaders.

This plane is no exception.

Especially since it had already been invaded once, the reaction was quicker this time.

In the blink of an eye, the countless branches condensed into a green giant, and then bombarded towards Xue An and his party.

"Haha good job!"

Zuo Shi laughed wildly, advancing instead of retreating, and punched upwards with a fist in his hand, directly blasting towards him.


After a loud noise, most of the giant's body was shattered by the punch, but there were so many green branches, and they made up for it in the next second.

Not only that, everyone felt that their bodies were falling down, and their own strength was faintly suppressed a lot.

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