Chapter 2879 Windfall

But Zuo Shi and the others were obviously used to this change, so they didn't show any surprise.

Instead, they dispersed in a tacit agreement, surrounded the giant, and each took out a talisman.

"Do it!"

Following Zuo Shi's order, these people all crushed the talismans in their hands.

The dazzling brilliance burst out instantly, and spread towards the giant like a tide.

Wherever it passed, the green branches were instantly scorched and turned into fly ash.

The giant struggled in pain, then dashed left and right, trying to escape from here.

How could Zuo Shi allow it to run away? He grinned grinningly and said, "Please work harder, whoever kills this giant first will get what it drops!"

Hearing this, the spirits of his team members were all lifted.

You must know that existences such as giants are born with the will of the plane, and have their own magic.

If you can get what it drops, it is tantamount to a windfall.

And this is also an unspoken rule within the Baishanpu hunting team.

Even Li Dengfeng knew about it, but he didn't interfere too much.

After all, only enough interests can stimulate a person's greatest motivation.

For example, now, these team members each have their own unique tricks, scrambling to bombard the giant, trying to compete for the first kill.

Because the connection with the outside world has been blocked by these talismans, without being replenished, the giant soon uttered a mournful cry under such intensive attacks, and was about to fall down.

But at this moment, a faint brilliance pierced through the barrier of the talisman and descended on the giant.

As soon as this brilliance came, the spirit of the giant who was covered in bruises was lifted, and the injuries on his body began to recover quickly.

"Hey, there is still a helping hand?"

Zuo Shi shook his head and looked towards the direction where Guanghua was flying, but seeing the trees in the forest swaying, he couldn't help sneering.

"You still want to run?"

People rushed out before the words fell.

But in the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above the forest and slapped it down.


Under the majestic force, all the trees in this forest snapped, and a petite figure appeared among them.

The figure was running with all its strength in the forest, but this palm shattered all the trees she used to hide.

Even she was affected by the aftermath of this palm, and her body trembled, obviously also injured.

But even so, the speed of this figure still did not slow down in the slightest, instead it rushed forward rapidly, trying to rush out of this dangerous blank area.

Seeing this petite figure, Zuo Shi couldn't help but grinned, "I didn't expect to be rewarded just now!"

As he spoke, the figure slammed into an invisible barrier and was bounced back.

Before she got up from the ground, Zuo Shi landed on the ground first, stepped on her shoulder, and said viciously.

"Don't move, if you move again, I'll crush you to pieces!"

But this figure is so decisive, after falling into Zuo Shi's control, without even the slightest hesitation, he opened his mouth and bit Zuo Shi's foot that was stepping on him.

Zuo Shi sneered, "Are you so anxious to die? I just can't help you, let me do it!"

With an order, the figure froze in place as if the pause button had been pressed, only the deep despair appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the giant surrounded by groups uttered an earth-shattering roar, and rushed towards Zuo Shi crazily.

But although the injuries on it had almost recovered, it was still unable to move under the restraint of the talisman brilliance.

Not only that, but the encirclement is shrinking rapidly.

At this moment, Zuo Shi's faint voice came.

"If you don't give up resisting, I will kill her in front of you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crazy giant immediately quieted down and gave up resistance.

Soon, the team members who subdued the giant came to Zuo Shi's side triumphantly.

Xue An naturally followed.

Seeing him move, Jia Zijie and others, who had been silent all this time, moved accordingly.

When everyone came to Zuo Shi's side, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because the one trampled by Zuo Shi was obviously a little girl.

This little girl has an immature face, she looks no more than eleven or twelve years old.

Even so, thanks to the racial talent of the elves, this little girl is so delicate.

But at this moment, all of this was destroyed by the anger and despair in her beautiful eyes.

"Captain, it's still a rare chick, and it should be sold at a good price!" A member of the team exclaimed excitedly.

Someone next to him continued: "Who said it wasn't, we had such a harvest when we first came here, so it can be seen that this time there will be a bumper harvest!"

"Then it has to be said that the captain reacted quickly. I didn't figure out what happened just now, the captain has already rushed out."

Facing the flattering sounds one after another, Zuo Shi laughed out loud, looking very proud.

Shu Jingchu, who had been following Xue An all this time, couldn't stand it any longer. She took a few steps forward and said in a low voice.

"Xue An..."

"Needless to say, I have my own measure!" Xue An said in a deep voice.

Although his tone was cold, Xue An's face was full of excitement at the moment, he walked a few steps forward, came to Zuo Shi, and then looked down at the elf girl.

Zuo Shiyi frowned, he didn't like Xue An's role at So he said coldly: "What are you looking at?"

Xue An didn't pay attention to Zuo Shi's words at all, but looked at the elf girl pretending to be greedy, while muttering to himself.

"What a tender little girl, wouldn't it be beautiful if this was used to make a cauldron furnace!"

When it came to excitement, Xue An took a drooling exaggeration.

And his almost shameless words made the elf girl lying on the ground feel heartbroken.

Don't look at her young age, but because the elves have a long lifespan, she has lived for decades.

In addition, this plane has undergone major changes during this period of time, and she has also heard many things from other women in the clan.

So she naturally understood what this ordinary-looking man meant.

And it was precisely because of this that she felt even more desperate.

At this moment, Xue An raised his head and said to Zuo Shiyan, "I want this woman!"

Zuo Shi snorted, "You want it? This has to be handed in, so you can just ask for it?"

"You have to sell it to me when you hand it in. After all, I have already placed an order for you Baishanpu. Besides, the purpose of this hunt is to gather the goods for me. I just ordered it in advance. Is there any problem?"

Zuo Shi was speechless, and couldn't help looking at Jia Zijie who was standing in the distance with inquiring eyes.

But Jia Zijie just stood there coldly, ignoring Zuo Shi's gaze at all, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

Zuo Shi was so angry that he secretly gritted his teeth, wondering why!

But since Jia Zijie didn't express his opinion, he didn't bother to flirt with Xue An anymore.

Anyway, it won't take long for this kid to die!

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