Chapter 2880 Next step plan

Thinking of this, Zuo Shi lifted his foot, let go of the elf girl who was being stepped on, and said coldly: "Okay, since you said so, I will give it to you!"

Xue An chuckled, and immediately picked up the elf **** the ground.

Because of the holding spell, the elf girl couldn't move on her own, and could only let Xue An fiddle with it.

Just as she was staring at Xue An with almost cannibalistic eyes, she was thinking about how to end it once she regained her freedom.

A voice suddenly came from her mind, "Don't be impulsive, I'm here to help you!"

The elf girl looked at Xue An in front of her in surprise.

The voice in my mind sounded again, "You must cooperate with me later, otherwise you will suffer catastrophe!"

Although this was the first time she heard this voice, for some reason, the elf girl subconsciously believed Xue An's words, and the resistance in her heart also weakened a lot.

In this situation, Xue An smiled at Zuo Shi in the distance.

"Please wait here for a while, I will deal with some things first, and then I will arrive!"

Saying that, Xue An half-armed and half-hugged the elf girl and walked into the depths of the jungle, while his face was still full of anxiety.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Zuo Shi, even his team members showed contempt on their faces.

As for Zuo Shi, after watching Xue An disappear into the jungle with the elf girl, he curled his lips and gave a vicious mouthful.

"Bah, trash!"

In his opinion, Xue An, who was so impatient that he couldn't even wait for such a short time, was no different from a waste.

So his vigilance towards Xue An was greatly relaxed.

As for Jia Zijie, he just glanced at him for a moment, and then fell silent again.

At this time, Xue An had already dragged the elf girl to a lush jungle.

But Xue An knew that the barriers of these jungles would not help at all, and people like Jia Zijie must have ways to monitor his every move through other methods.

So he still maintained that lewd and lustful persona, and said with a sinister smile: "Little lady, today I will take you to the pinnacle of bliss!"

But in the next second, Xue An used his divine sense to construct an illusion, directly replacing the surrounding environment.

As for the real him and the elf girl, they took this opportunity to enter the space that Xue An had created in advance.

After arriving in this space, the restraint originally imposed on the elf girl was immediately lifted.

In the next moment, the elf girl jumped up, jumped to a place some distance away from Xue An, and then asked in an extremely cold voice: "Who the **** are you?"

Although the voice that appeared in her mind made her temporarily cooperate with Xue An, the doubts in her heart were not resolved after all, so she immediately began to question sharply whenever she had the opportunity, and was ready to commit suicide at any time.

Facing the elf girl's questioning, Xue An just smiled lightly, "Don't be so nervous, I said I'm here to help you, and I'm here to help you!"

Following the words, Xue An showed his true colors.

He is well aware of the nature of these elves, which is to admire all good things.

This also led to the fact that they are all heavily color-controlled, and their good looks can really be eaten by them.


After seeing a young man with peerless grace, the vigilance and vigilance in the eyes of the elf girl disappeared a lot, and her attitude eased accordingly.

"Then how can I trust you?"

Xue An didn't answer, but just clapped his hands lightly.

Then I saw the ten elves appearing in the space one by one.

The two sides were shocked when they first met, and then said in unison.

"Why are you here?"

After saying that, the ten elf girls all bowed their heads and saluted, "I have seen Her Royal Highness!"

That's right!

This elf girl, who looked no more than eleven or twelve years old, was actually the princess of the elves.

The elf princess was even more excited, she rushed forward and hugged the leading elf woman, crying.

"Lisa, great, it's really you, I thought I'd never see you again!"

Although this girl is a princess, the elves respect equality, and the reason why the royal family exists is entirely because their blood is the oldest and closest to the great mother goddess, so it is just a kind of honor given to them.

Moreover, the relationship between Lisa and the elf princess is obviously very close, so after being hugged, Lisa also shed tears of excitement, and then gently stroked the girl's back.

"Your Highness, don't be sad, aren't we doing well! But why are you here, princess?"

The elf princess raised her head, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and spoke in a voice full of hatred.

"Those terrifying devils have descended again. The giants sent by the mother **** are obviously not the opponents of these cunning devils. They will be defeated soon. I happen to be not far away, so I quietly gave a support!"

Then, through the narration of the elf princess, Lisa and the others knew what had happened, and they couldn't help saying with lingering fear: "Your Highness, this is really too dangerous, you can't put yourself in danger like this again!"

The elf princess nodded, then looked at Lisa curiously.

"What about you? What's going on with you?"

Lisa sighed, and then told what happened.

When they heard that it was actually Xue An who rescued, the elf princess couldn't help dispelling her doubts, and walked towards Xue An full of gratitude.

"Great warrior, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for my suspicion of you just now!"

Xue An smiled, "You're being polite! I would have doubted what happened just now!"

"My name is Vera!" The elf princess held out her hand to Xue An solemnly.

Xue An shook her hand like a superficial touch, and said calmly, "Xue An!"

"Xue An... Okay, I've got this name down! May I ask what you plan to do next? Or what can I do for you?" Vera said very seriously.

Xue An looked at Vera in surprise.

To be honest, he was a little surprised.

Surprised at the calmness and calmness of this elf princess.

"That's a good question. This time I followed Zuo Shi and others to this world, one is to save you, and the other is to get something, but I'm still not sure who owns this thing, so I can't do it rashly!"

"As for what you are going to do..." Xue An pondered for a while, and then told Vera his plan.

After listening, Vera's cheeks were slightly red, but her eyes became extremely determined.

"Are you sure this is really okay?"

"Don't worry, these people are terrifying devils in your eyes, but in my opinion, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs. The reason why they didn't do it immediately is because of that thing!"

"As soon as that thing appears, I can destroy it immediately, thus saving your entire group!"

Hearing Xue An's assurance, Vera nodded without any hesitation and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then do as you said!"

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