Chapter 2881 Advance step by step

"Why haven't you come out yet? When will this be?"

"Who says it's not! He's having a good time inside, but it's better for us to let him play outside!"

A member of the hunting team complained softly.

In fact, it's not just the two of them, the others are also full of complaints.

Zuo Shi's complexion became more and more gloomy, he felt that he had had enough of this guy.

Or else just deal with him here.

Thinking of this, he came to Jia Zijie.

"Brother Jia!"

Jia Zijie looked up at him, "What's wrong?"

Zuo Shi hated Jia Zijie's current attitude very much. Although he didn't show contempt, his speech and demeanor were all condescending, as if he was a head shorter than him invisibly.

But now is not the time to argue about this, Zuo Shi whispered: "Brother Jia, the old man made it clear before we came here, let us play by ear, I feel that the time is almost right now, or..."

Jia Zijie interrupted him suddenly, "Here we come!"

Zuo Shi was taken aback, and turned around to look.


Seeing Xue An dragging the staggering Vera out of the jungle with a "comfortable" face.

Seeing his expression, even these ruthless hunters showed disdain.

Zuo Shi's complexion gradually darkened, he stared at Xue An coldly, and planned to make a move.

"Don't worry, he seems to have something to say!" Jia Zijie said suddenly.

Zuo Shi was taken aback.

And at this moment, Xue An was seen walking in front of Zuo Shi.

"This woman is the princess of the elves, she knows where the elves are located!"

"Is this true?" Zuo Shi couldn't believe his ears.

You must know that in order to find the residence of the elves, they tried all kinds of methods, but they all returned in vain.

The ten elf girls found before were just leaks picked up during the pursuit.

It can be said that Zuo Shi dreamed of finding the residence of the elves, because that meant countless high-quality goods.

"Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, ask her!"

Xue An pointed to Vera behind him, seeing that Zuo Shi was still full of disbelief, he laughed.

"Don't worry, the magical powers of this seat are endless. All the women I use as cauldrons will completely submit to me, and they will no longer have any resistance. They have to say what I tell them to say! Don't you think so?"

A look of humiliation appeared on Vera's face, but she still nodded her head patiently.


"Then tell him now, where is your ethnic group's residence!"

Vera raised her hand and pointed in a certain direction, "Go straight down here, and when you see three giant trees lined up in a triangle, you will be there!"

"No, we've searched almost all of this planet, and we haven't found any clues at all!" Zuo Shiyan said.

"That's because what you see is only the appearance, and the residence of our ethnic group is actually in a small space attached to this world!" Vera said.

Hearing what she said, Zuo Shi believed most of it in an instant.

Because he thought about it before.

After all, they have almost searched this plane all over, but they have not been able to find the residence of the elves.

This shows that the residence of this group of elves is probably not on this planet at all!

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" Zuo Shi said eagerly.

As for his subordinates, they were even more impatient, wishing they could rush into the elves' camp in the next second.

"Don't worry, if you want to enter it, you must think carefully. After all, these elves are not fools. It is impossible not to guard and defend at the entrance!" Xue An reminded.

Although he really didn't want to listen to Xue An's words, Zuo Shi had to admit that what Xue An said was true.

If they follow Vera with such fanfare, not only will they not be able to enter the garrison, but they may also startle the snake.

"Then what do you say?" Zuo Shi said in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. We let her go first, and we follow far behind. We will rush in after she tricks the gate of the station!"

"This is a way, but..." Zuo Shi still hesitated, after all, no one knew whether this Vera would betray.

If she betrayed her on the spot, it would be all over.

"Don't worry, none of the women I use as cauldrons can escape my control. If I tell her to go east, she won't dare to go west!" Xue An said confidently.

Zuo Shi didn't say a word, but the expression on his face showed that he still didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, then I'll show you!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An glared at Vera, "Take off!"

Vera trembled all over, her face full of shame and indignation, but her hand involuntarily stretched to her neck and began to unbutton it.

In an instant, a button was undone, revealing a piece of white under the neck.

Because of extreme embarrassment and anger, his skin was stained with a faint blush, making it even more dizzying.

The members of the hunting team present had all seen the world, but they were still stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Okay, stop it!"

After calling Vera, Xue An said to Zuo Shi and the others "smugly": "How is it?"

Zuo Shi and the others had nothing to say.

The elves are an extremely conservative group, especially these women.

So asking them to undress in public, even by unbuttoning it, goes far beyond their boundaries.

So far, Zuo Shi and others finally believed Xue An's words.

"Okay, since that's the case, do as you say!"

I have to say that these subordinates of Zuo Shi are still quite capable. Once there is a clear division of labor, they will be deployed step by step immediately.

However, during the whole process, these people stayed away from Xue An intentionally or unintentionally.

Even when looking at him, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

Xue An was well aware of this, but he didn't say anything, instead he pretended to be complacent and followed the team towards the depths of the jungle.

Shu Jingchu came up again, looked at Xue An with strange eyes for a moment, and then said in a low voice.

"Although I know it's a fake just now, I still can't help but want to beat you up!"

Xue An smiled, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Who told you it was fake?"

"What do you mean? Did you really attack this little girl in the jungle?"

"What do you think?" Xue An glanced at her.

Shu Jingchu originally wanted to say that I thought it might be true, but when she saw Xue An's cold eyes, she couldn't help but swallowed those words back.

"Then what do you mean?"

Xue An looked ahead, and said calmly: "The station is real, and the strategy is correct, but none of these people can survive!"

In fact, in the original plan, there was no scene just now.

Although Xue An really wanted to get information about the fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror, he was not willing to make a girl undress in public.

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