Chapter 2883 tearing skin

In an instant, the giants transformed from these vines rushed towards Zuo Shi crazily.

Caught off guard, even Zuo Shi was in a hurry.

Seeing that he was forced to retreat again and again, he could only parry but had no power to fight back.

At this moment, Jia Zijie, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly appeared beside him.

As soon as he waved his hand, the giants transformed by these vines were smashed to pieces on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Not only that, after defusing this wave of attacks, Jia Zijie uttered a word to the elf mother tree in the distance.

"seal up!"

This word is like the noble sound of Tianlun, directly suppressing the mother elf tree that was struggling to sway its branches.

After all this was done, Jia Zijie turned around and said to Zuo Shi indifferently: "Captain Zuo, although these elves are already in the urn, they should not be taken lightly!"

Old Zuo Shi blushed and looked at Jia Zijie in embarrassment, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, he was indeed the one who rescued him just now, so even though his heart was full of dissatisfaction, Zuo Shi could only admit it.

Jia Zijie ignored Zuo Shi's embarrassment, he looked down at the elves in the square, and said in an indifferent but unquestionable tone.

"You can't eat so many Elven Captain Zuo alone, why don't you give me half of them, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Zuo Shi was furious.

In his mind, these elves have long been his own food, how can he allow others to get involved.

So he sneered and said: "Brother Jia, I am very grateful to you for your help just now, but now you open your mouth and want to split it in half, this appetite is too big!"

Jia Zijie shook his head, "I don't think I have a big appetite. After all, without the help of such things, you can't take so many goods with you!"

Hearing this sentence, Zuo Shi's face changed slightly, he thought for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, let me repay the favor just now, one third, this is the limit I can accept, after all, I also have subordinates, you have to let my people also drink some soup!"

"Deal!" Jia Zijie readily agreed this time.

And in front of so many people, the two of them unscrupulously discussed the ownership of these elves, and they even directly referred to them as goods.

This behavior deeply stimulated the elves in the square.

Vera's teeth were about to shatter.

As the first daughter of the royal family, she has always been proud of her bloodline and identity as an elf.

In this plane, their elves occupy the absolute main body, and because of their peaceful nature, they have been living a peaceful and peaceful life for so many years.

Until these nasty devils fell from the sky and immediately broke the tranquility.

These devils not only possess terrifying strength, but also have extremely despicable personalities, and they paid a very painful price when they came into contact with the elves.

Later, in order to take refuge, they had to escape into the small world opened up by the elf mother tree, hoping to avoid the pursuit of these devils.

But in the end, the elves still lost many elites for this, and many of them were taken away, and there was no news of it.

All of this was seen by the young Vera, especially when one of her teachers died because of covering herself, her hatred for Zuo Shi and others reached its peak.

For this reason, she even did not hesitate to disobey the order and sneak into the main plane secretly, just to find the secret path for these devils to land, and then block it.

Coincidentally, Zuo Shi and others came, and when he saw that the giant upholding the will of the plane was about to be defeated, Vera got hot-headed and made a bold move, but was captured by Zuo Shi.

If Xue An hadn't rescued her in time, she would have already become the trophy of Zuo Shi and others.

And after seeing Xue An, the flame of vengeance that was already burning in Wei La's heart became more and more violent.

Especially the plan that Xue An told her made her dazzled and fascinated.

Because this overly good-looking human youth actually wanted to wipe out all these hateful devils.

To be honest, Vera couldn't believe it at first.

After all, she didn't know how powerful this boy was.

But I don't know if it was infected by Xue An's naturally powerful self-confidence, or because of the ten elf women he saved.

Vera finally decided to trust Xue An, and began to implement his plan.

But what you think in your heart is what you think in your heart, and reality is reality.

Vera couldn't guarantee that Xue An's plan would be successful.

But this time she has bet on the fate of the entire group, so she can only wait patiently.

As it turned out, her wait was not in vain.

Because just when Zuo Shi and Jia Zijie had just finished discussing and were about to carve up the elves in the square, Xue An came over calmly.

"Wait a moment!"

Zuo Shi suddenly turned his head and looked at Xue An with cold eyes.

"What? Do you have anything else to do?"

Xue An smiled lightly, "It's not a big deal, but since you plan to carve up these elves, I want to choose the right candidate first!"

Zuo Shi looked at Jia Zijie.

In fact, he had already had enough. If he hadn't felt that Xue An had a little use value before, he probably would have done it outside.

After all, what Li Dengfeng said was clear, let Zuo Shi play by ear, especially to find out the source of those secret books on him.

And now that the matter has been settled, and the only use value of this guy has disappeared, it should be time to do something.


He didn't see any dissuading look on Jia Zijie's face this time, instead he lowered his eyes, as if acquiescing.

Now Zuo Shi's heart was settled, and then he laughed strangely.

"Interesting, really interesting. You don't even know when you're about to die, and you even plan to pick the goods. I really don't know what you think!"

As soon as these words came out, Zuo Shi's subordinates dispersed silently and surrounded Xue An quietly.

But the expected panic did not happen, on the contrary, Zuo Shi only saw the infinite silence on Xue An's face.

This was in stark contrast to the hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? I'll tell you what it means right now!" Zuo Shi coldly and following these words, his subordinates swarmed up and rushed towards Xue An.

In fact, these members of the hunting team already hated Xue An to the core.

In their opinion, this "despicable and lewd" guy deserved to die long ago.

And this scene was naturally seen by the elves in the square.

Vera's heart suddenly rose to her throat.

After all, this is a matter of life and death for one's own group.

(end of this chapter)

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