Chapter 2884 Strangling

Even the elf queen wearing the crown of thorns was looking up at the moment with rapt attention.

Facing the impact of these people, Xue An remained motionless, only chuckled.

"So I wanted to do something, you just say it if you want to do it, why are you beating around the bush like this!"

After saying that, Xue An lightly stepped on the void.

The originally tough space instantly became like soft satin and began to shake.

Already rushing forward, the hunting team members who were about to chop down with their knives raised were immediately thrown away by this violent force.

This is not over yet, before they landed, a ray of sword light flashed, easily slit their throats, and ended their lives.

Blood sprayed wantonly, staining the sky and the eyes of every elf present.

"Vera!" said the queen holding the scepter suddenly.


"Is this the warrior you mentioned who can save our elves?"

"Yes! And this is not my opinion alone, sister Lisa and the others are the same!"

"What? Is Lisa back too?"

"That's right, and it was also saved by this warrior!"

The elf queen nodded, "I understand!"

When Vera opened the gate of time and space before, she had already communicated with the elf queen.

Because of the racial nature of the elves, they can skip cumbersome language and communicate directly with their hearts.

So don't look at Vera who just closed her eyes for a while when opening the gate of time and space, but has already confessed all her plans to her grandma.

Although the elf queen agreed to this, it was of course impossible if she didn't have any doubts in her heart.

Until now, after witnessing Xue An's strength with his own eyes and getting the testimony of his granddaughter Vera.

The elf queen was completely convinced just now.

At the same time, above the sky, Zuo Shi's face was redder than the blood.

It was half shock and half fear.

Shocked at why this "unattractive" guy has such a powerful strength.

Fear that he hides so deeply, what on earth is he planning to do!

But soon these emotions dissipated, because he thought that Jia Zijie was standing behind him.

He had experienced Jia Zijie's strength just now.

What's more, even if he can't, there is still such a thing.

As a person who has personally held that thing, Zuo Shi is well aware of the terrifying power of that thing.

He even felt that few people in this world could defeat it.

This is tantamount to giving him a reassurance.

Therefore, he calmed down quickly, and said with a sneer, "I really didn't expect that you still have such strength!"

Xue An smiled lightly, "There are so many things you didn't expect!"

"But do you really think this will do anything? You are too naive, because no one will be the opponent of Baishanpu. Anyone who wants to stop our business will be wiped out!"

At the end of Zuo Shi's speech, he was already roaring, and he didn't know if he was trying to build up his courage, or he wanted to tell Jia Zijie behind him, or it was a combination of both.

But Xue An's attention was not on him at all, instead he kept looking at Jia Zijie who was standing in the distance.

It was this kind of ignorance that made Zuo Shi happy.

How dare you lose your mind at this time, you are courting death!

Thinking of this, Zuo Shi rushed in front of Xue An like a ghost, raising his hand to strike him.

It can be said that Zuo Shi used all his strength in this blow, and he really wanted to slap Xue An to the ground with one palm.

But based on his strength, there was no way he could be Xue An's opponent, so just halfway through the palm, Xue An grabbed his arm and twisted it in the opposite direction.

There was a click.

Zuo Shi's arm was directly twisted into a twisted shape, and the sound of bone cracking made people's teeth ache after hearing it.

Zuo Shi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately hissed and screamed under the torrential pain.

"Ahhhhh, brother Jia, save me!"

But the envisioned rescue never came.

From the corner of Zuo Shi's eyes, he saw that Jia Zijie had been standing safely in the distance, no matter how much he yelled, he didn't even have the intention of looking at him.

Suddenly, Zuo Shi thought of something, and his heart felt like falling into an ice cellar, cold to the bone.

But the reality could no longer allow him to think too much, and at this moment of stupefaction, a pair of slender but extremely stable hands gently rested on his neck.

Immediately afterwards, these hands completed a beautiful strangulation.

Different from the bang and crisp sound when the bone joint is broken, the neck is very tough when it is twisted because of the rich blood vessels and muscle fibers, which makes the sound of it being twisted very dull.

But after such a muffled sound, Zuo Shi felt that his eyes quickly turned black, and then gradually sank into bottomless darkness.

Before he died, his last thought was not to resent Xue An, but to be full of hatred for Jia Zijie, who "will not save him".

Because he understood that Jia Zijie's indifference in the end was all intentional.

After strangling Zuo Shi easily, Xue An let go of his hand, Zuo Shi's body fell in a straight line, and finally hit the corner of the aroused a cloud of smoke and dust.

But just like Jia Zijie, Xue An's attention was not on this insignificant little character at all.

He just quietly looked at Jia Zijie in the distance, and suddenly sighed softly.

"If this Zuo Shi knew that you planned to kill him, I don't know if he would dare to step into this space!"

Jia Zijie smiled, "To each other, didn't he die in your hands in the end?"

"That's different. After all, in this small world, even the all-pervasive Baishanpu can't monitor you, so if I'm not here, you might not even talk nonsense with him, and you will kill him directly, right?"

"You are very smart! That's why I'm really curious why a smart person like you would go to great lengths and pay a huge price, even if he insulted his own reputation, to sneak into Baishanpu!"

"Hehe, why do you think?"

"I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it!"


"You came here for that too, right?" Jia Zijie said flatly.

Xue An didn't hide anything, and nodded directly, "Yes!"

Because it's not too hard to guess.

A sneer appeared on Jia Zijie's face.

"That's why I said that Zuo Shi deserved his death. He used means to control this thing for a while before, but I didn't expect that he would use such a precious thing to hunt goods, and even left traces. He is a complete idiot!"

"So you want to kill him?" Xue An said calmly.

"That's right, because only people like me are qualified to own that noble thing, how can a dog like Zuo deserve it?"

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