Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2885: Words follow the law?

Chapter 2885 What can you say?

Speaking of this, Jia Zijie's face flushed with excitement.

Xue An frowned slightly.

Because he saw an unspeakable madness from Jia Zijie.

It was a look he had only seen on the face of a paranoid.


Without waiting for Xue An to ask, Jia Zijie continued in a rambling manner.

"The power of that thing is truly inconceivable, unmatched by anyone! It's ridiculous that this Baishanpu only uses this kind of power for hunting. It's really ridiculous!"

"do you think so?"

Xue An smiled, "It seems so!"

"It's not like, but it is!" Jia Zijie's tone became more and more crazy as he narrated.

Accompanied by his voice, the entire small world disturbed by the leaked spiritual power was disturbed.

There was a commotion among the elves in the square, and many elves showed fear on their faces.

Because they felt the indescribable power of terror from Jia Zijie.

Only Xue An still looked cold, "Then do you think this power really belongs to you?"

These words pierced Jia Zijie's heart, and his reaction was fierce, "Why don't you belong?"

"Why belong?"

"I am the master of this power. Only I can control it, and no one else can control it!"

In the end, Jia Zijie's spiritual power fluctuated like a stormy sea.

Not only that, but Jia Zijie took a step forward and pointed at Xue An with one hand.


With one word down, a terrifying coercion descended directly on Xue An's head, trying to completely obliterate him.

This power is not aura, or even any power within the realm of worldly understanding.

Xue An's heart trembled, "You can't follow what you say?"

"Hahahahaha, it looks like you don't have any knowledge at all! That's right, this is exactly what you say, so you can die obediently!" Jia Zijie laughed recklessly and arrogantly, as if Xue An was a dead person.

This is not surprising, because since Jia Zijie mastered this power, no one has been able to escape this power.

That's why Jia Zijie was deeply infatuated with it and couldn't extricate himself.

But just when he was full of ambition, he saw Xue An smile coldly, completely unaffected by the power of following his words.

"It is indeed a very powerful force, but unfortunately, it is useless to me!"

Following the words, Xue An shot straight up like an arrow from the string, and rushed towards Jia Zijie in the sky.

Although Jia Zijie was shocked, he flipped his wrist, and a fragment of an ancient mirror appeared in his hand.

It is the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror.

"Listen to my orders and kill all invading enemies!"

This is different from the one-word killing just now, and it is already a very formal request.

Therefore, as soon as Jia Zijie's words fell, he saw the terrifying pressure of spiritual energy attacking Xue An like a billowing tide.

Wherever it passed, even the space seemed to be flattened, and the momentum was quite astonishing.

Vera's eyelids twitched wildly.

In fact, not only her, but all the elves who knew the inside story were paying close attention to the situation on the battlefield at this moment.

Everyone knows that this young man in white carries the hope of the entire elf group.

If he loses, the entire elf family will fall into a place of eternal doom.

But even these elves didn't expect Xue An's countermeasures to be so simple in the face of the overwhelming coercion.

Seeing that he didn't even slow down, he directly rushed through the layers of coercion and appeared in front of Jia Zijie.

Jia Zijie never dreamed that Xue An would be so domineering, so when Xue An appeared in front of him, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide and screaming.

"How can this be?"

Xue An smiled coldly, "How is that impossible!"

As he said that, Xue An saw the fragments of the Xuanyuan Mirror he had grasped appear.

As soon as the fragment came out, it immediately became strongly attracted to the fragment in Jia Zijie's hand.

After all, after several fusions, the fragments of Xuanyuan Mirror controlled by Xue An are much larger.

So even if the fragment in Jia Zijie's hand struggled hard, it still couldn't escape its fate of being swallowed.

With a flash of white light, the shard in Jia Zijie's hand disappeared, while the shard of Xuanyuan Mirror in Xue An's hand became a little bigger.

Jia Zijie stared at him dumbfounded.

You must know that as the number two person in Baishanpu, his influence is even greater than that of Han Bao, the shopkeeper at the front desk.

But if we get to the bottom of it, the reason why he has such a great influence is entirely because of his control over this piece of Xuanyuan mirror.

This fragment was obtained by Baishanpu by accident, and it didn't attract people's attention at first.

It was only later by accident that the people from Baishanpu discovered that this fragment had all sorts of wonderful uses.

But at the beginning, Baishanpu only used a small part of the power of the Xuanyuan Mirror fragment.

It wasn't until it was in the hands of Jia Zijie that it was brought to the extreme.

As a result, Jia Zijie became an important figure in Baishanpu.

This is exactly where his previous confidence lies.

But they never expected that all of this would come to naught when they faced Xue An.

"" Jia Zijie talked to you for a long time, but couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

"What are you? You should die obediently!"

Saying Xue An uttered a word coldly.


After merging the piece just now, the Xuanyuan Mirror in Xue An's hand already has half a piece. With the addition of each other, the power of his words to follow has more than doubled.

So when Xue An uttered the killing word, Jia Zijie didn't even groan, and his head went away.

Not only that, all the skin and blood on his body were stripped off at the same time, leaving only a white skeleton, which can be said to be dead beyond death.

There was a deathly silence.

No one expected that Jia Zijie, who was flaunting his power just now, would die like this.

But only a moment later, the elves in the square started making noise.

Because when Jia Zijie died, it meant that Baishanpu's hunting team had been wiped out.

This is simply the best news for the elves who have a blood feud with the hunting team.

Xue An didn't show much joy.

After all, he could kill Jia Zijie and others without relying on the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror.

The only thing he was thinking at the moment was whether this fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror was the one he felt before.


After feeling it carefully, Xue An finally confirmed his previous thoughts.

This Baishanpu obviously obtained the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror by accident, so the secret inside it has not been revealed.

Therefore, at the beginning, the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror was buried, so that it fell into the hands of people like Zuo Shi.

It wasn't until Jia Zijie noticed the strangeness and made use of it that the power of this fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror could be displayed.

In fact, Xue An was completely exposed to the light of these Xuanyuan Mirror fragments.

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