Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2886: Even if everything is false, you are the only one...

Chapter 2886 Even if everything is false, you are the only truth

If there is no strong suppression of these fragments, if he alone relies on himself, he must first break the power of the fragments.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to introduce the power of these fragments. Starting from the fragment in Yun Lingxuan's hand, the power of each fragment is different.

But if it is the most lethal, the most powerful one belongs to the current one.

After all, the law of words is the power of almost incomprehensible rules.

This can be seen from Xue An killing Jia Zijie just now.

Xue An thought to himself for a long time, and finally he calmed down and landed on the square.

At this time, all the people in Baishanpu had been wiped out, except for Shu Jingchu who followed behind Xue An, there was no one else.

Therefore, these elves didn't panic, but looked at Xue An curiously.

At this time, they had already learned about the previous plan through various means, so they didn't have much estrangement from Xue An.

Instead, because of his behavior, he attracted many grateful or curious eyes.

At this moment, Vera left the crowd and came to Xue An, and then gave a big gift solemnly.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving my group from the fire and water!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "You're being polite, but it's just a matter of convenience, so why don't you say thank you!"

Despite what he said, Vera's respect and gratitude didn't fade one bit.

And not only her, the other elves also understood at this time, knowing that Xue An had just done the entire elves a big favor, so they saluted one after another.

Xue An just smiled at this and didn't express much.

On the contrary, Shu Jingchu was a little nervous.

Because it was the first time she received such a formal thank you

Because she has been following Xue An's side all the time, the elves all think that she is Xue An's servant, so they treat her very respectfully.

This made Shu Jingchu a little overwhelmed.

But soon her predicament was alleviated.

Because at this moment, the elf queen separated from the crowd and came in front of the two of them.

"Great warrior, first of all, on behalf of the entire elves, I would like to thank you for everything you have done. If you don't mind, please follow me to the royal court!"

For this white-haired elf queen, even Xue An must give enough respect, so he nodded and said.

"my pleasure!"

Then the two of them followed in the footsteps of the elf queen holding the scepter to the royal court under the elf mother tree.

It is said to be the royal court, but it is actually a hollow in the trunk of the mother tree. After entering it, the abundant wood-type aura makes people feel refreshed.

Xue An ignored these, but looked at the elf queen very calmly, waiting for her words.


Seeing that the elf queen hardly delayed, she spoke very naturally.

"This great warrior, you have such a great favor for my elves, but what request do you have?"

Xue An shook his head with a smile, "I told Lisa and Vera before that I have a deep relationship with your elves, so when faced with such a predicament, I naturally have to help. As for the request, I really haven't thought about it!"

In fact, Vera said all these words to the elf queen, but she had to make this statement, otherwise it would be a great disrespect.

At least for the elves.

After listening to Xue An's words, the elf queen nodded, and then spoke to Xue An.

"Great warrior, you seem to be very concerned about that fragment!"

Xue An's heart trembled, knowing that the critical time had come, so he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, because this thing is very important to me, have you guys seen it?"

The elf queen shook her head, "We have never seen this thing, but a prophet in our clan once predicted the existence of this thing!"

"Oh? What prophecy?"

Xue An immediately showed great interest.

"That was when I was young. At that time, the great sage in our clan had received a personal revelation from the Mother Goddess, telling her that the clan would face a catastrophe in the not-too-distant future, and then a great warrior would come to end it all!"

"This great warrior wields a formidable weapon, so powerful that it can even end the heavens and the world!"

"I didn't pay much attention to this prophecy when I got it. Until today, I didn't understand that all this is destined by fate!"

The elf queen's words seemed ordinary, but they caused a storm in Xue An's heart.

Because he suddenly remembered what Shu Jingchu had told him.

She said that she was just an ordinary girl in a plane, but by chance, she was sent into the Palace of Light by a young man whose identity was unknown.

At that time, Xue An was thinking about the origin of this young man.

I even wondered whether everything I experienced was just a plot arranged by some existence.

But this guess was too surprising, so Xue An never told anyone about it.

Until this time, the elf queen's words once again pushed Xue An into that terrible situation.

If a **** had predicted that he would come here a long time ago.

So what is everything that I have experienced before?

Is it a script arranged by some unknown existence?

This frightening fact made Xue An's complexion more serious, and he felt a deep powerlessness for the first time.

You must know that ever since he stepped on the road of An has overcome all difficulties and forged ahead bravely, and has never felt afraid of anyone or anything.

Even when confronting the unknown evil, Xue An never backed down in the slightest.

But today, Xue An suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

If everything is a well-arranged script, then what is oneself?

Is it a poor wretch written by others?

It seems that because of Xue An's dignified complexion, the elf queen couldn't help but shut her mouth.

It was not until a long time later that the elf queen said quietly: "Great warrior, you seem to be lost!"

Xue An took a deep breath, "Yes, I am indeed a little confused now!"

"I understand your feelings. Do you feel that everything has been secretly doomed, and there is no fun anymore?"

"Yes!" Xue An replied with difficulty.

"There is no need to be like this, because the Mother Goddess made it clear that what she saw was actually just a small stream among countless tributaries of fate. It is possible that nothing will happen, and it is also possible that you will not appear at all!"

"Even if there is an invisible giant hand controlling everything in the dark, he is not omnipotent!"

"Fate is doomed, but one's own will decides everything!"

These words made Xue An feel as if he had been struck by lightning, and he stood there silently for a long time before finally nodding his head.

"Taught, respected Mother Goddess!"

As if she had expected that Xue An would see through her identity, the elf queen chuckled.

"Great warrior, I can't see through your destiny, so you can go on boldly with confidence. Even if this world is really a carefully arranged script, you will be the most unexpected variable!"

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