Chapter 2887

Just as Xue An was talking to the elf queen in the royal court, many elves surrounded Shu Jingchu, their faces full of innocent and curious expressions.

At this time, Shu Jingchu naturally didn't need to cover up Xingzang anymore, so what was revealed was her true colors.

But when they saw her round rather than pointed ears, the elves couldn't help but become more curious.

After all, for these elves present, they may never see outsiders in their entire lives.

Even if Zuo Shi and others hadn't forced their way into this plane, they wouldn't even know that there are other worlds outside.

Shu Jingchu's scalp felt a little numb from these gazes.

Although these gazes are very pure, without any trace of malice.

But being stared at by so many pairs of eyes is definitely not a good feeling.

Shu Jingchu felt that her social phobia was about to break out.

Fortunately, Xue An walked out of the royal court at that moment.

As soon as she saw him, Shu Jingchu hurried over as if seeing a life-saving straw.

"How is it? Didn't the queen say anything else?" Shu Jingchu asked in a low voice.

Xue An smiled slightly, "What do you think you can say?"

"I think she may have taken a fancy to you, and is going to keep you as her son-in-law!"

"Don't tell me, she really meant it, but it's not for her, but for her granddaughter Vera!"

"Just that little loli?"

"That's right!"

"How did you answer?"

"Of course I refused. You should be very clear that I'm not that kind of person!"

"Cut!" Shu Jingchu spat, but she took Xue An's words seriously in her heart.

Because she found that this young man in white seemed to be really not close to women, which can be seen from his attitude towards her.

He is not tempted even by a beautiful beauty like himself, let alone a little loli who wants nothing!

At the same time, the elf queen also appeared on the square.

"Great warrior, in order to thank you for your life-saving grace to our group, and to celebrate the eradication of demons, we decided to hold a grand dinner for you, please be sure to attend!" The Elf Queen sincerely invited.

And hearing her words, the elves present also showed joy.

The elves are a lively group, and these elves are no exception.

In the past, they often feasted all night over little things.

But during this period of time, because of the appearance of Zuo Shi and others, they had no choice but to hide in the small world honestly, not daring to hold any more feasts.

But now that the threat has been eliminated, these elves are already ready to move.

Especially after hearing Her Lady Queen's words, they all looked at Xue An expectantly.

Xue An just smiled lightly at this, and then shook his head, "There is no need to thank you, after all, this is just my job!"

"Then how is it possible, as a benefactor and friend of my elf family, we naturally want to thank you!" This time, before the elf queen could speak, Vera spoke first.

Xue An glanced at her, and then said with a smile: "I accept Her Royal Highness's wishes, but this matter is far from over. Although Zuo Shi and others are dead, the culprit Baishanpu still exists!"

"If you want your world to return to peace and no one will disturb you, you must solve the problem from the root."

"What do you mean?" Vera didn't understand.

Xue An smiled, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"It's very simple, that is to uproot Baishanpu, which is the chief culprit, so that future troubles can be avoided forever!"

Hearing this, Vera's heart trembled, and she was about to say something more, but Xue An turned around and left without hesitation.

"I appreciate everyone's kindness, but everything is complicated right now, please forgive me for not being able to wait for long!"

After saying that, Xue An took Shu Jingchu and left.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, Vera was a little dazed.

At this moment, the elf queen came to her side and said softly, "What a hero!"

Vera lowered her head.



"Grandma knows what you're thinking, but you have to remember that some people are born to be the protagonist, and this kind of person is destined to be impossible to be bound by a small world. All you can do is to watch him obediently, instead of trying to get close to or understand him!"

"Because such a person is beyond your reach!"

Vera lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covered all her emotions, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, Vera understands."

at the same time.

Shu Jingchu followed Xue An on the way back.

The way back is as cumbersome as it was when we came here, so I won’t repeat it here.

But Shu Jingchu hesitated to speak several times.

Finally, Xue An finished the final preparations, and then said calmly without raising his head: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Are you really going to go back like this?"

Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought you'd at least finish dinner tonight!"

"What? Do you want to participate?"

"That's not true, but don't you men like this kind of situation the most? After all, they are all beauties like flowers and You are the only man in the audience, how happy are you?"

Xue An raised his head and glanced at Shu Jingchu, "How do you know that it will be very happy?"

"I... I guessed so, didn't I?"

Xue An lowered his head, started to make the final preparations before returning, and then said calmly.

"Of course not, do you think I like dealing with these women whose heads are pure and blank?"

"Isn't it good to be simple?"

"Simpleness is of course good, but if you don't know anything about the world and just blindly live in your own comfort zone, then such simplicity is worth thinking about!"

With that said, Xue An looked back at the forest far away.

There is already a bonfire burning there at this moment, and the sound of playing musical instruments can be heard faintly.

"In fact, the elves in the past were also a big clan among the heavens and thousands of clans, but now they are gradually declining, and even become playthings in the eyes of many strong people. Do you know why?"


"Because they always regard ignorant innocence as a rare quality, but never think about how dangerous this world is!"

Shu Jingchu was touched by Xue An's words. After thinking for a long time, she nodded.

"It seems to make sense, so why do you still help them?"

"As I said before, I have some connections with their elves, so helping them is just out of friendship!"

"And there is not much kindness in the world. Even if the truth of kindness is so cruel, even with naivety and cowardice, I can't sit idly by and let it be destroyed by others!"

"The so-called seeing his life and not being able to bear to see his life is for this reason!"

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