Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2889: Dead fellows never die poor

Chapter 2889

Li Dengfeng was a little afraid that Han Baozai would really be driven crazy.

After all, few men can bear such a blow.

Therefore, although he felt nauseous, he still forcibly endured it, pretending to be gentle, and comforted Han Bao in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, there is always a solution to the problem, if it breaks, just break it, and just find a way to connect it in the future!"

"This... can this still be connected?" Han Bao raised his head and looked at Li Dengfeng expectantly.

Li Dengfeng hesitated for a moment, " should be fine!"

You must know that although there are many panaceas in this world, Han Bao's situation is too special. If you want to make up for what he lacks, it is impossible for heaven, material and earth treasures.

And this kind of opportunity is rare.

So even if Li Dengfeng wanted to comfort him gently, he couldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense.

In an instant, the last light in Han Bao's eyes went out.

I saw him sitting on the ground in a daze, crying and laughing, and muttering to himself.

"It's hopeless. It seems that I really am hopeless. Hehehehe, it's all because of that bastard. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to fall into this situation. I'll kill him!"

At the end, Han Bao's face was full of deep-seated hatred, and then he jumped up from the ground, not caring about the wound that was still dripping blood under his body, and ran out like crazy.

But before he could rush out the door, he heard a loud noise from the front yard, and soon someone howled mournfully.

"It's not good, someone is calling in!"

Hearing this, Li Dengfeng was shaken all over, and immediately rushed out of the room before Han Bao.

What he saw afterwards made Li Dengfeng feel cold all over, and he could barely stand.

I saw raging flames erupting in the front yard, and the relentless flames were spreading to the atrium at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, Li Dengfeng felt a scorching heat wave rushing towards his face.

Although the Nether Ghost City is an illusion, because the people who built it are capable, every plant, tree, brick, and tile in it is extremely real.

Therefore, shops of this size such as Baishanpu have been moved in as a whole.

After a long time, Li Dengfeng even forgot that he was living in an illusion.

But when the raging fire hit today, Li Dengfeng suddenly thought of this, so he roared loudly.

"Don't panic, if the fire strikes, you will be forced to go offline!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a fiery snake charged straight at him, instantly engulfing several Baishanpu clerks who were running wildly.

Li Dengfeng saw clearly that the figures of these subordinates had already started to fade before being swallowed up, which was a sign that they were about to go offline.

But in front of the flame, this process was forcibly interrupted.

So much so that when these people were swept away by the fire snake, they couldn't help but scream in despair.

"No! I don't want to die!"

But soon these screams stopped abruptly, leaving only the sound of fat and bones being roasted by high temperature.

Li Dengfeng's eyelids began to twitch wildly.

If it is said that he was able to barely maintain his composure before, it was because he forced himself to go offline because of a serious problem.

Now he has seen a cruel fact clearly.

That is, even if I want to go offline, I probably won't be able to.

And the tragic situation of those subordinates just now clearly told Li Dengfeng that if he was a little careless, not only his spiritual body in the Nether Ghost City would die, but even his own body would probably be doomed.

I have to say that Li Dengfeng still has two brushes for being in charge of Baishanpu for so many years.

In a very short period of time, he clarified all the stakes.

But that doesn't change the reality one bit.

Because at this moment, the raging flames had become encircled.

Seeing half of his life's hard work collapsing under the flames, Li Dengfeng's eyes were red, and he hissed.

"Who? Who is messing with me behind my back!"

The shouting temporarily overwhelmed the power of the flame, and then a calm voice came from the depths of the flame.

"You're wrong, I'm not messing with you behind your back, I'm going to kill you in front of you!"

Following the voice, a figure walked out of the flames.

Although the flames were soaring, this figure was still dressed in white, shining brightly against the flames, making people dazzled and fascinated.

It is a jade-like young man who looks like a god.

As soon as the young man appeared, he bowed his head to the raging flame that was suppressed immediately.

Li Dengfeng was tongue-tied, " are...."

But before he could finish speaking, Han Bao, who did not know when he came behind Li Dengfeng, had already gritted his teeth and shouted.

"It's him! It's him who made me into a father-in-law! I'll fight with you."

Li Dengfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he finally knew what was going on with the inexplicable sense of familiarity before.

This is clearly the mysterious person who pretended to be a dual cultivation master before.

But shouldn't he follow Zuo Shi, Jia Zijie and others to hunt in that lower plane now?

And if he had followed his orders, he would have been captured with his hands **** and become a prisoner!

Li Dengfeng knew it was broken.

But Han Bao didn't care about that much, all his thoughts were on the lost treasure.

Besides, he has no logic at all.

So when he saw Xue An immediately rushed up desperately, wanting to avenge his shame.

This time Li Dengfeng did not stop him.

Because he also wanted to know what kind of strength this boy who showed his true colors had.

It just so happens that Han Bao can be used as a touchstone.

The so-called dead friends are not poor, although this Han Bao is usually a good person and respectful to himself, but at this time of life and death, he doesn't care about that much.

But soon his wishful thinking came to nothing.

Because Xue An didn't deal with Han Bao as he thought.

Instead he chuckled.

"You have to make it clear, what do you mean I made you a father-in-law?"

As soon as the words fell, the flames behind Xue An split strands of fire, binding Han Bao's hands and feet like silk threads, and hanging him in mid-air.

This one action alone made Li Dengfeng feel cold.

You must know that the temperature of these flames is extremely high, even if they are separated by a long distance, the skin of the person who is still scorching is still painful.

But such a violent and unruly flame was as docile as a sheep in the young man's hands.

It is said that a few strands of fire will fly out, and a few strands of fire will be separated.

Not only that, these fire wires also tightly bound Han Bao like real silk threads, and he was not harmed in the whole process.

What a terrifying flame control ability!

Just as Li Dengfeng was secretly startled, Han Bao had already fallen into hysterical madness.

"Let me go! You bastard, you made me the father-in-law. Otherwise, where is my baby? Wuwuwu..."

The last words suddenly became blurred, because a ray of flame had already penetrated his cheeks, blocking all the words behind him like a fish.

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