Chapter 2890 Desperate

Then I saw Xue An casually said: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. At that time, you repeatedly begged me to give you a secret recipe. I saw that you were really pitiful, so I mercifully gave you one!"

"It turns out that you are lucky. Not only are you ungrateful, but you put all the responsibility on me!"

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

After the words fell, the wires of fire tightened suddenly.

Han Bao's wrists and ankles immediately dripped with blood, the severe pain made him wake up, and then he broke out in a cold sweat from the fright, and looked at Xue An in a ball of trembling.

Now he can be described as regretful.

It is true that my baby is gone, but that thing is of no use to me, so if it is gone, it will be gone.

But if one's own life is over, it's called blowing out the candle, and it's over.

Xue An was very satisfied with Han Bao's current attitude, so he said lightly, "Very well, it seems that you have cleared up a lot, if you really think you have figured it out, then nod your head!"

Han Bao immediately began to nod wildly.

With a wave of Xue An's hand, the line of fire piercing his cheek dissipated.

Regardless of the **** wound on his face, Han Bao immediately said: "My lord, spare my life, my lord, my lord, I was confused for a while when I was young, and my words offended you. I beg you, my lord, to have a lot, don't kill me!"

"What? Don't you think I made you the father-in-law?" Xue An asked with a half-smile.

Han Bao was so frightened that his calves were about to twist, he said in a hurry: "How could it be, that's all my own fault, how can I blame you, my lord!"

At the end, Han Bao had a humble smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Li Dengfeng, who originally planned to ask Han Bao to test Xue An's weight for him, was completely out of breath.

This guy... Just now he was gnashing his teeth, planning to die with others.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, he bowed his knees and flattered him to survive.

But I have to admit that Han Bao was really quick to see the opportunity, at least after hearing his words, Xue An smiled lightly.

"Very good, it seems that you are more knowledgeable about current affairs!"

"Yes, yes, the little ones have always been like this!"

"Then let me ask you, Baishanpu relies on human trafficking for a living. How long have you been involved in this matter?"

Han Bao was taken aback.

He never dreamed that Xue An would ask this question.

But soon he calmed down, and at the same time his brain started to run at high speed.

Obviously, the boy's intention for asking this question is definitely not that simple.

And my answer will also be related to my life or death.

"Huh?" Xue An slightly raised his eyebrows.

Han Bao immediately made a decision, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, I have been involved in this matter since the moment I entered Baishanpu!"

These words not only exceeded Xue An's expectations, but even Li Dengfeng who was standing on the ground couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Han Bao didn't care about these things, and continued to say: "But there is something I need to tell you, sir. Although I participated in this matter very early, one thing can be guaranteed, that is, I have never harmed any woman!"

Xue An nodded, "I can believe this, after all you can't do harm even if you want to!"

With a puff, Shu Jingchu, who was standing in the flames, couldn't help laughing.

Because what Xue An said was really too hurtful.

Han Bao, however, nodded his head as if he had received an amnesty: "That's right, my lord, what you said is absolutely right! Over the years, I have only followed Li Dengfeng's instructions to run this Baishan shop, and I have never violated any rules!"

"Oh? So you have no responsibility at all?" Xue An said lightly.

Han Bao shook his head, "Of course not, not only am I guilty, but I deserve death!"

"After all, although I followed Li Dengfeng's order, I was the one who carried it out. I can't absolve myself of the blame for this alone!"

After finishing speaking, Han Bao looked at Xue An, "I'm just telling you everything I've done!"

Xue An didn't say anything, just looked at Han Bao quietly.

Lie Yan soared behind him, as if covering him with a layer of armor.

Han Bao's heart beat faster, his lips were dry, and he anxiously waited for Xue An to pronounce his fate.


Seeing the corner of Xue An's mouth raised, a cold smile appeared.

"You are really smart, smart enough to know what to say and what not to say, and you have enough courage to fight for your life."

As soon as these words came out, Han Bao felt his heart relax, and cold sweat broke out on his back immediately.

Because he knew that he passed the test.

At least I can't die for the time being.

As for what happens next, that will have to wait later.

"Thank you, my lord, everything I said is true!" Han Bao said, with unprecedented sincerity in his eyes.

Xue An chuckled, then looked down at Li Dengfeng.

Just now when Xue An asked Han Bao something, this Li Dengfeng was not idle, but was running around, trying to pass through the flame barrier.

But his efforts were in vain.

No matter how hard he tried, the flame barrier was indestructible.

Of course, Li Dengfeng also tried to force him to go offline.

But it wasn't until then that he realized in horror that he didn't even have the right to log off.

To put it bluntly, he was firmly trapped in this small courtyard, unable to go anywhere.

So when Xue An looked at him, Li Dengfeng's legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

But even so, he still clenched his teeth, and didn't intend to open his mouth to beg for mercy.

In fact, he also knew that his begging for mercy was useless.

Unlike Han Bao who is an accomplice, as the founder of Baishanpu, everything has a direct relationship with him.

So he simply stood where he was, waiting for his fate.

Xue An was not in a hurry to kill him, but took out the Xuanyuan Mirror fragment.

"Not much nonsense, how did you get this thing, tell me quickly, I can give you a happy, otherwise..."

"This flame devours not only the human body, but also the human soul, and it will be tortured every day without end!"

Hearing Xue An's words, Han Bao's expression changed slightly, but he soon sneered.

"I don't know what you're talking about. If you have any tricks, use them all. I have nothing to say!"

Xue An was not polite either, he pointed casually, and a flame immediately dragged Li Dengfeng into the sea of ​​flames.

Then Li Dengfeng, who was still very stubborn just now, began to howl miserably.

"Ah, ah, ah, you have the ability to kill me, you bastard, I won't even say it!"

"Okay, then you go to die!"

Xue An didn't hesitate at all, and directly acted.

Because for this executioner who started from human trafficking and whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent women, any mercy is a great blasphemy against those innocent victims.

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