Chapter 2894 Jinshan Spring

With howling crazily, the man got up and ran outside.

But at this time, he was extremely weak, so he fell to the ground with a plop after only a few steps, and passed out directly.

Xue An walked closer and bent over to check.

"How?" Shu Jingchu asked.

"It's nothing, it's just too weak, let's take him back to Baishanpu first!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An helped the man up from the ground, and brought him back to Baishanpu.

At this time, Han Bao in the Baishan shop is dealing with the follow-up matters.

At that time, Xue An led the sea of ​​flames and directly burned out many evil people.

So today's Baishanpu is extremely short of manpower, almost everything has to be handled by Han Bao himself.

But Han Bao never tired of doing it, and even broke out an unprecedented enthusiasm for work.

You must know that he used to work for Li Dengfeng, no matter how good his performance was, it was nothing more than giving him leftovers.

But now he is doing it for himself, can this mood be the same!

What's more important is that at this moment, he has no distracting thoughts in his mind, the so-called no woman draws a sword in his heart.

These words couldn't be more suitable for Han Bao.

But no matter how busy he was, when he saw Xue An dragging a person into the Baishan shop, Han Bao immediately put down everything at hand and trotted to the front.

"My lord... Hey, isn't this the golden lunatic in front of the Treasure Hunting Pavilion!"

"You know him?"

Han Bao nodded, "Of course I know him. Not only do I know each other, but I also had a relationship with him!"

"Oh?" Now Xue An became interested, "You can tell me in detail what's going on!"


Han Baoxian took the unconscious man courteously and arranged him in a room before he said.

"Speaking of which, this lunatic Jin was a man of the Nether Ghost City before! His real name is Jin Shanquan, and he was once one of the best bounty hunters in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion!"

"At the beginning, almost all the difficult tasks in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion were covered by him. The key is that this person is not only highly skilled, but also has an elite team under him!"

"Everyone in this team has their own strengths, and they are all great talents with profound attainments in certain aspects. Coupled with the tacit cooperation, no matter how difficult the task is in their hands, they can easily solve it!"

"Oh, then why did this person become like this?" Before Xue An could ask, Shu Jingchu asked first.

"Well, I don't know the exact reason. It seems that an unimaginable disaster was encountered during a mission. In the end, Jin Shanquan's men were wiped out. He was the only one who survived by luck, but he was reduced to this inhuman appearance!"

Speaking of this, Han Bao was quite impressed.

However, Xue An's heart was moved, because Han Bao's words revealed an important message, that is, this Jinshanquan encountered an unforeseen disaster during the execution of the mission.

Presumably the repeating day he said was related to the catastrophe he encountered.

"Then do you know what mission he is going to perform?" Xue An asked.

Han Bao shook his head, "I don't know! In fact, it is impossible for anyone to know, because the rule of the Treasure Hunting Pavilion is that once the task is accepted, it is impossible for others to look it up. Unless the task fails, or the person who issued the task withdraws it, otherwise it is impossible to find out!"

Xue An nodded thoughtfully.

But Shu Jingchu couldn't help asking: "Then no one has been curious about this matter for so many years?"

"Of course there is, and there is more than one, because people want to know what kind of missions can make such a good player like Jinshanquan fall into the sand and almost die!"

"You must know that the most famous sentence in the ghost market is that risk and return are directly proportional! The greater the risk, the greater the return!"

"But no matter what methods have been used over the years, the mouth of this golden maniac cannot be pried open, and people's thoughts will fade over time!"

Speaking of this, Han Bao suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help looking at Xue An, "Master, do you think that the mission that caused Jin Shanquan to go crazy is related to what you are looking for?"

Xue An didn't hide anything, and nodded directly, "Yes!"

Han Bao sucked his teeth, "That's going to be difficult, this Jinshanquan has become crazy like this, even if he knows any information, he can't understand it..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue An suddenly turned around and walked towards Jinshanquan's room.

Han Bao hurriedly followed.

When I got to the room, I saw that there was no one on the bed.

"Hey, where's the person?" Han Bao was a little dumbfounded.

Xue An didn't say anything, but stretched out his hand and lifted the bed aside.

It's not Jinshanquan who is curled up under the bed.

I saw that his face was full of horror, and he was screaming and trying to run away.

But how could Xue An let him go, he lifted his foot and stepped on Jinshanquan's leg.

Jinshanquan couldn't bear the pain, and the screams in his mouth turned into low sobs.

Seeing this scene, an unbearable look appeared on Shu Jingchu's face.


Just as she was about to speak out, Xue An waved his hand to signal her not to speak Then he knelt down and looked at Jinshanquan who was still struggling and said.

"He's not actually crazy!"

Hearing these words, Shu Jingchu and Han Bao were terrified.

"My lord, do you mean this guy is pretending to be crazy?" Han Bao asked in surprise.

Xue An shook his head, "It's not that he's pretending to be crazy, he is indeed mentally deficient, but it should be because he has sealed his own consciousness!"

With a question mark on Han Bao's forehead, he almost wrote on his face that he didn't understand these three words.

Xue An smiled, and said in a calm tone: "To put it bluntly, most of his consciousness is actually in a closed state now, that's why he has become so unreasonable!"

"And to restore him to sobriety, we must first break his seal and release his consciousness!"

Speaking of this, Xue An said to Han Bao: "Come here and help me!"

Han Bao hurriedly came to the front.

"You hold his head down!"

Han Bao hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold Jin Shanquan's head, but at this time Jin Shanquan was so strong that he broke free from Han Bao's shackles after several struggles.

Han Bao blushed, feeling that he was ashamed in front of Xue An, so he secretly gritted his teeth and put more effort into his hands, trying to hold Jinshanquan down.

But at this moment, Xue An said, "No need!"


That is, when Han Bao was trying to control Jinshanquan, Xue An quickly wrote a talisman in his hand, then slapped it down, and pressed it on Jinshanquan's back.

The effect of this talisman was really immediate, as soon as it touched Jin Shanquan's back, he fainted as if the electricity had been cut off.

"Okay, let go! He won't be able to wake up for the time being!"

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