Chapter 2895 Schizophrenia

Han Bao didn't understand why, but he didn't dare to ask, so he stood up obediently and stood aside without saying a word.

Xue An looked at Jinshan Spring, which was already limp on the ground, and his eyes flickered slightly.

The reason why he asked Han Bao to come to help just now was not that he could not control this Jinshanquan, but that he used Han Bao to divert Jinshanquan's attention, so as to take the opportunity to relax his mind, and then make him fall into a coma.

Because Xue An knew that this Jinshanquan was extremely vigilant, if he forcibly broke into his sea of ​​consciousness, it would only be counterproductive.

That's right.

Xue An intends to directly break into Jinshanquan's sea of ​​consciousness and release his sealed consciousness.

The preparatory work is now complete.

Xue An ordered Han Bao to carry Jin Shanquan to the bed again, and then ordered Shu Jingchu.

"Go get some hot tea!"

Shu Jingchu was so angry, because Xue An's order was so natural, as if she was a little maid serving others.

But seeing Xue An's calm expression, she finally swallowed those words back, turned around and went out to prepare.

"You wait by the side and closely observe the state of Jinshanquan. If he shows any signs of being unable to hold on, you must interrupt me immediately!" Xue An instructed Han Bao again.

Han Bao nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and patted his chest loudly.

"Don't worry, my lord, you can leave this matter to me, and I promise that nothing will go wrong!"

Xue An nodded, then stretched out his left index finger, and lightly touched Jinshanquan's forehead.

There was no brilliance and no sound, and then Xue An closed his eyes.

Han Bao glanced at Jinshanquan lying on the bed, and at Xue An standing beside the bed, with an unconcealable curiosity in his eyes.

Is this the beginning?

Why can't it be seen from the outside at all?

But he didn't know that under this seemingly peaceful appearance, there were actually dark tides raging.

Xue An cautiously parted out a hair-thin strand of spiritual thought and penetrated into Jinshanquan's brow.

The reason why he was so careful was because Jinshanquan was extremely weak at this time, and a little carelessness might shatter his soul and make him a real fool.

Only people like Xue An, who has reached a perverted level of control over his own spiritual thoughts, would dare to try this.

Finally, Xue An's divine sense sank into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows.

Then what appeared in front of him was a barren battlefield.

There are traces of desperate struggles everywhere, but what is strange is that there are no corpses on the ground, only dried blood.

I don't know how many years the blood has been accumulated, and the thickness is astonishing.

The soles of your feet are sticky when you step on it, which is disgusting.

But Xue An didn't have time to pay attention to these things now, his eyes were all attracted by the thin figure in the middle of the battlefield.

Xue An immediately stepped forward.

After coming to this figure, I can better understand the frailty and thinness of this figure.

After sensing Xue An's arrival, the figure slowly turned his head, and what came into view was a shrunken version of Jin Shanquan's face.

This feeling is very strange.

Because this is not the Jinshan Spring in childhood, but more like a scaled-down model after being enchanted.

The key is the look on this face.

It was a numb to empty look, completely hopeless.

Xue An sighed softly, knowing that this was Jinshanquan's only consciousness that remained clear.

That's why Jinshanquan became crazy and silly.

Where is the other consciousness?

Xue An looked as far as he could, and everything he saw was empty, and there was no shadow of a prison anywhere.

Xue An frowned.

He can be sure that this is Jinshanquan's only sea of ​​consciousness, and there is no other space.

Where did the other consciousness go?

Could it be that I made a mistake?

At this moment, a strange scene appeared in front of Xue An.

I saw that all traces of fighting on this huge battlefield disappeared.

Only the blood remained.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of fighting.

Countless fighting figures suddenly appeared on the originally empty battlefield.

But Xue An looked intently, and although these figures were dressed differently, they all looked like Jinshanquan without exception.

To put it bluntly, all the people fighting on this huge battlefield are actually Jin Shanquan himself.

Seeing this, Xue An finally suddenly understood where Jinshanquan's other consciousness had gone.

All the people who are fighting are actually the manifestation of Jinshanquan's consciousness.

To put it bluntly, this Jinshanquan suffered from severe schizophrenia.

A soul split into countless consciousnesses, and they fought each other, which finally resulted in Jin Shanquan's current appearance of neither human nor ghost.

As for why this happens, you have to ask Jinshanquan himself.

At this time, the fight had come to an end, countless figures fell down, blood flowed out, and merged with the blood river on the ground.

But after the blood dries, the corpses disappear.

Xue An didn't do anything, but watched quietly. It wasn't until after the fight was over that he looked at the remaining consciousness.

At this time, he saw that Jinshanquan's remaining consciousness seemed to be a little weaker.

Obviously, this kind of self-awareness fighting each other is an amazing depletion for Jinshanquan.

In fact, if it is not stopped, this Jinshanquan will die from a complete collapse of consciousness in a short Thinking of this, Xue An took a deep breath and made preparations.

After a while, the battlefield that had just calmed down became turbulent again.

Countless figures reappeared.

But this time before they could fight, Xue An made the move.

Xue An's countermeasures were also very simple.

Didn't you split into countless consciousnesses to fight each other?

Then I will also split into countless incarnations to stop you!

So Xue An's figure appeared before these split consciousnesses, directly preventing them from fighting.

But stopping the fight is only the first step.

How to reintegrate these split consciousnesses is the most critical step.

But it can be hard for others, but it can't be hard for Xue An.

Because Xue An's understanding of divine thoughts can be said to be unmatched in the world.

So he didn't even hesitate, and directly drove these consciousnesses together forcibly, and then pinched the seal with his hands.


In the next moment, these consciousnesses began to collapse.

If other people were present, their jaws would drop in shock after seeing this scene.

Because this is equivalent to directly crushing a person's soul.

This is no different from seeking death.

But Xue An continued to proceed with great determination.


Under his driving and control, these broken consciousnesses gradually condensed.

But at this moment, a gray light suddenly appeared, and the consciousness that was about to condense into shape showed signs of collapsing again.

Xue An just snorted coldly at this, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Come on!"

With an order, the consciousness that was about to shatter was kneaded together again.

I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, good fortune and good health!

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