Chapter 2896 Awakening

When Shu Jingchu walked into the room with a cup of hot tea, Han Bao was quietly standing by the bed and waiting.

Because of Xue An's order, he didn't dare to leave without authorization for a moment, and focused on Jinshanquan lying on the bed.

Shu Jingchu casually put the teacup on the table beside her, and then walked to the bed.

"How is it? Is there any other movement?"

Han Bao said without turning his head, "No!"

Shu Jingchu looked at Xue An carefully.

Although it was hard to tell from the outside, Shu Jingchu could still faintly feel the ups and downs of Xue An's momentum.

But it was Xue An's face that caught Shu Jingchu's attention more than these.

The cheek that exuded the stern aura of a young man suddenly softened a lot after closing his eyes.

This he pretty handsome!

This thought suddenly flashed in Shu Jingchu's mind.

But at this moment, Xue An's eyelids moved slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

With four eyes facing each other, Shu Jingchu's face turned red instantly.

"Uh... I've already made the tea you asked me to make!" Shu Jingchu found a clumsy reason.

Xue An didn't notice her embarrassment at all, and directly bent down to check Jinshanquan's condition.

Shu Jingchu secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't notice that he was secretly looking at him, otherwise it would be a big embarrassment.

At the same time, Jin Shanquan, who was unconscious on the bed, suddenly screamed, opened his eyes immediately, jumped up from the bed, and wanted to run outside.

Shu Jingchu's heart sank.

what happened?

Could it be that Jinshanquan's madness hasn't healed yet?

At this moment, Xue An suddenly said: "If you want to live in fear and guilt for the rest of your life, then you can escape, and I will never stop you!"

These words seemed to have some kind of magical power. Jin Shanquan, who was running away like a bereaved dog, stopped, and then slowly turned around to look at Xue An.

At this moment, his eyes were clear, and he was not even a little crazy like before.

"How can I believe that what you say is true?"

Xue An smiled, "Of course you don't have to believe me, but you have to remember that I saved you from the abyss of division!"

After finishing speaking, Xue An stretched out his hand towards the table, "And if you want to get rid of that nightmare past, then sit on this chair and tell what happened in detail!"

The tea was boiling hot, and as soon as it entered the throat, it burned a line of fire.

But this slightly painful feeling made Jinshanquan relax quickly.

He let out a breath, and then spoke slowly in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Since shopkeeper Han is here, you must already know my identity. Back then, I was the number one bounty hunter in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion. As long as I make a move, no matter how difficult or dangerous the task is, it will not be a problem."

Speaking of this, a look of nostalgia appeared on Jinshanquan's face, "It was really a wonderful time! My brothers respected me very much, and I also led them to attack cities and conquer territories, and quickly accumulated a huge amount of wealth!"

"It is reasonable to say that this money is enough for all my future cultivation and living expenses! But as soon as I see a difficult task in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion, I can't help but take it. I didn't expect that this kind of character made me suffer a lot!"

"At that time, I had already figured it out. As long as there are three more tasks to do, I will wash my hands and quit completely. The first two tasks have been completed smoothly, and the problem lies in the third task!"

Shu Jingchu murmured when she heard the words, "Isn't this just setting up something that is bound to happen?"

"What?" Jin Shanquan didn't understand.

Shu Jingchu hurriedly waved her hand, "Ah, it's okay, you can continue!"

Jin Shanquan continued to speak in a heavy tone: "The third task I accepted at the time actually didn't seem to have much of a surprise, it was just an ordinary treasure-digging task!"

Because there are many ruins in this world, coupled with the accumulation of long years, there are countless secret treasures.

As for the blueprints that record the secret storage route, there are more.

But these treasure maps are half true and false, and it is difficult for inexperienced people to judge the true and false, and even if they are true, they are often accompanied by unpredictable dangers.

Therefore, after getting the treasure map, many people will not dig it by themselves, but choose to post tasks in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion, and hire a professional team to discover the treasure.

After the event is completed, 40% of the obtained items will be distributed according to a fixed ratio of 40% to the publisher, 40% to the excavation team, and the remaining 20% ​​to the Nether Ghost Market.

Thanks to the strict security system in the Nether Ghost City, especially the Treasure Hunting Pavilion, no one dares to tamper with it here, and that's why people hang their treasure maps in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion with confidence.

This also caused the most tasks in the Treasure Hunting Pavilion to be this type of treasure discovery task.

Of course, these treasure-discovery tasks are also graded.

After the treasure map is verified as true, it will be divided into four levels of difficulty: general, normal, difficult, and hunters like Jinshanquan naturally accept the most difficult tasks.

But this is something they are used to.

Even when they are extremely bored, they will deliberately accept a few more difficult tasks to practice their hands.

But it was such a seemingly ordinary task, but in the end, Jin Shanquan was crushed, and even ruined the entire team under him.

So when the story came to this point, Jinshanquan couldn't stop trembling.

Xue An did not rush, but waited quietly.

Because he knew that this incident must have greatly stimulated Jinshanquan, otherwise it would not have caused his consciousness to be broken like that.

Finally, Jin Shanquan's mood stabilized a little, and then he continued to speak in a trembling voice.

"At that time, we followed the map to find out what to do, and soon followed the guidance of the treasure map to an area where time and space turbulence is raging!"

Han Bao gasped when he heard the words, "Time and space are turbulent!"

"That's right, it's the turbulence of time and space. It's because of this that this treasure map is ranked the most difficult!"

As the name suggests, space-time turbulence is the place where space-time is out of order. This kind of place often appears in the void of the universe, and it is an out-and-out place of lore.

Not to mention the strong people of the human race, even high-level evil things may enter it without returning.

This shows how dangerous this thing is.

There was a look of pride on Jinshanquan's face, "This thing is a dangerous thing that cannot be touched by others, but it is just a piece of cake for us. After all, we have completed countless tasks over the years, and many of them are built in the turbulence of time and space!"

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