Chapter 2901 Vulnerabilities

Jinshanquan was so impatient that he couldn't wait for almost a day.

So he only rested for one night, and the next day he urged Xue An to leave as soon as possible.

Xue An has nothing to do.

Of course, Shu Jingchu is also going to go to explore the treasure this time.

The group of three simply packed up, and then embarked on the journey.

For Jinshanquan, the time and space coordinates of this treasure have already been carved into the soul.

Therefore, there were no twists and turns at all on the road, and it only took a few days to successfully reach the place where the treasure was located.

In the distance is the turbulent time and space turbulence, they are invisible and matterless, but they can sweep any object that dares to approach, and tear it into the most basic particles.

But this is not a problem for Jinshanquan.

After regaining consciousness, his abilities as the number one bounty hunter also returned.

So under his arrangement, the three of them entered the turbulent flow of time and space smoothly.

Shu Jingchu looked around curiously.

Because of the turbulent flow of time and space, everything inside looks bizarre, and from time to time there are strange brilliance flashes, which made Shu Jingchu amazed.

In contrast, Xue An seemed much calmer.


After trekking for more than half a day, they successfully arrived at the entrance of the treasure.

Looking at the familiar scene, even though Jin Shanquan was mentally prepared, he was still trembling with excitement.

"Is this the entrance to the treasure?"

"Yes! I can recognize this place even when I turn into ashes." Jin Shanquan gritted his teeth.

Xue An smiled, "Then you all wait outside, I'll come as soon as I go!"

"Okay...huh?" Jin Shanquan just wanted to agree, but when he realized it, he couldn't help looking at Xue An with astonishment.

"I said I'll just go in by myself, you guys wait outside!" Xue An repeated.

"How is this possible? We are here to break the time loop together, how can we let you take risks alone?"

"Besides, I have waited for so many days in order to take revenge with my own hands and kill the man behind the scenes. Now you ask me to wait outside. How could I agree?"

Jinshanquan flatly refused, and was very emotional.

"Listen to me!" Xue An said calmly.

Jin Shanquan closed his mouth, even so, his brows and eyes were still full of dissatisfaction.

"I can understand your feelings, but you have to understand that our ultimate goal is to break this time loop, not to use our emotions!"

"Impulsive?" Jin Shanquan became excited again.

Xue An was categorical, "That's right, it's because of emotion, have you ever thought that there is actually a big loophole in this time loop?"

"Loophole?" Jin Shanquan frowned and thought.

He really didn't think about it.

In fact, he has thought about everything about the time loop countless times, and tried to find the loopholes in it, but in the end he failed.

So he didn't believe that Xue An could find the loopholes just by listening to his own narration.

"That's right, it's a loophole!" Xue An said calmly, looking at the radiant place ahead with his hands behind his back.

"You and dozens of your subordinates entered it, but the cycle ended when you were the only one left. Haven't you thought about the reason for this?"

Hearing this, Jinshanquan felt as if struck by lightning, " mean..."

Xue An nodded, "That's right, everything is exactly as you imagined. This time loop is most likely only for multiple people. If you go alone, you may not be able to trigger this time loop at all!"

Jin Shanquan's expression changed, and he muttered to himself.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of this! I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid. If I knew this earlier, how could my brothers die!"

In the end, Jin Shanquan's complexion was pale without a trace of blood, and his eyes were filled with boundless remorse and reprimand.

"You don't have to blame yourself so much. You are in the middle of the game and you are disturbed by the things in it. Naturally, it is difficult to see the laws of things. But I am different. I can think from the perspective of an outsider, and I can naturally see the clues! The so-called darkness under the lights is like this!"

Jin Shanquan gradually calmed down, and suddenly gave Xue An a deep salute, "Thank you for your guidance, my lord, I finally understood, but I have a request..."

"Needless to say, it is impossible for me to let you in alone!" Xue An interrupted directly.


"Because this is just our guess. If the time loop is still triggered after entering, are you sure you can get it out?"

Jinshanquan was silent.

"And this treasure is obviously not that simple. I don't look down on you, but your strength is indeed not as good as mine. In addition, you have been crazy for so many years. If you go in, you will die!"

"So the most sensible and only choice at the moment is that I go in and you wait outside!"

"But... my lord, are you sure to get out of this?" Jin Shanquan was still a little unwilling.

"Of course!" Xue An smiled, "After all, it's just a matter of extra effort for me!"

After saying that, Xue An didn't hesitate any longer, and flew directly to the entrance of the treasure.

Jin Shanquan was full of He really wanted to go in and see who killed his brother.

But he held back.

Because Xue An was right.

The only option right now is to obediently wait outside for his return.

Compared to his nervousness, Xue Anke was much more relaxed. He flew through layers of brilliance like a stroll in a garden, and finally saw the light blue barrier that Jin Shanquan said.

Passing through this barrier, the treasure is located inside.

Xue An took a look at this layer of light curtain, smiled slightly, then stepped into it and disappeared.

The blue light shone in front of my eyes, as if walking through the bottom of the sea.

But this feeling only lasted for a few seconds, and then the eyes suddenly brightened, and a huge space appeared.

Everything was exactly as Jinshanquan described.

But Xue An's performance was much calmer.

I saw that after he set foot on this land, he was not in a hurry to move forward, but instead left a clone of divine sense in place.

A person exactly like Xue An appeared on the spot.

"You stay here and wait for your life, don't wander around!"

This clone nodded.

Only then did Xue An stride towards the depths of the domain.

Before he had gone far, fog suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then the guardian spirit described by Jin Shanquan appeared.

But these guardian spirits can't even defeat Jinshanquan, let alone Xue An.

Therefore, as soon as they appeared, Xue An immediately crushed them completely with the momentum of crushing.

After finishing these, Xue An kept walking and continued to walk forward.

Soon, as if passing through a certain barrier, Xue An felt a blur in front of his eyes.

Then he reappeared at the entrance.

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