Chapter 2902 Breaking the cycle

But Xue An didn't feel the slightest surprise at this, but just smiled lightly, and then left behind a clone of divine sense, stepped forward again, and continued walking into the depths of the space.

What happened next didn't change at all compared to the first time. It was still a layer of mist that first appeared, and then the guardian spirit emerged from it.

Regarding this, Xue An still did not hesitate to kill it, and then moved on.

But after a while, Xue An appeared at the entrance again.

But this time Xue An didn't even hesitate at all, after leaving behind a clone of divine sense, he walked into the space again.

Once, twice….

I don't know how many times it has passed, anyway, the guardian spirit that accompanied the rise and fall of the fog has been wiped out dozens of times, but at this time, Xue Anfei did not show the slightest sign of fatigue, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.


After the ninety-ninth cycle ended, Xue An did not step forward as before, but stood in place, speaking in a deep voice to the huge space in front of him.

"I have played games with you ninety-nine times. I believe you have seen it. Now I will give you a chance to show up before my patience has reached its limit. In this way, I can save you some face. should be very clear about the consequences."

The sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire space in an instant.

But apart from the empty echo, there was no response.

A smile gradually bloomed on the corner of Xue An's mouth.

"Very well, it seems that you have made up your mind not to cry until you see the coffin, then I will fulfill you!"

Following the words, Xue An took a step forward, exhaled and spoke.

"Give me... open it!"

Following this burst of shouting, the clothes on Xue An's upper body exploded, revealing his slim but muscular upper body.

But the most eye-catching thing is the tattoos all over the upper body.

Those Xingtian clansmen with different expressions, like gods and Buddhas, are covered all over their bodies, making people shudder just by looking at them.

But at this moment, with the flow and trembling of the upper body muscles, these tattoos seemed to have life, glowing with a different kind of vitality, and together they were instilled into Xue An's fist.

And that's not all.

If you have the ability to look at the long river of time at this time, you can see that the ninety-nine cycles that Xue An experienced just now are like independent video images, attached to the trunk of time.

And when Xue An blasted this punch, Xue An's avatar left in the other ninety-eight images also raised his fist at the same time, and punched out with all his strength.


Accompanied by a loud noise that was so dull that it made the bone marrow tremble, and then the crackling sound came from the depths of the space.

Immediately afterwards, tiny cracks appeared in the space like porcelain, and spread to the distance at an astonishing speed.

In an instant, this space was shattered into nothingness after an unwilling moan.

The clones of the Ninety-eight Families instantly returned to their original bodies.

The time loop that has troubled Jin Shanquan for countless years, and even cost him his troops, was broken.

But this is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult.

After all, how many people can leave a clone as brazenly as Xue An, and punch and bombard at the same time?

To put it bluntly, everything depends on absolute strength.

And after the surface space was shattered, the real face below was finally revealed.

Only then can we see clearly where there is such a huge space.

On the contrary, the space of this treasure is pitifully small, not even as big as a football field.

And in such a small space, there is a bright bead of light floating impressively.

The moment the surface space was shattered, this light bead fled towards the distance with lightning speed.

Xue An snorted coldly, "Isn't it too late to escape now?"

Saying that, Xue An took a step forward, crossed the distance directly, came to the front of the light pearl, and then slapped it out with a palm.

This palm seems ordinary, but it is actually extremely powerful, at least this light bead can't be retreated.

He could only let out a mournful cry, and slammed into Xue An's palm without hesitation.

But Xue An didn't even raise his eyelids, and the downward movement of his palms didn't slow down in the slightest.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, this light bead was the first to be unable to hold on, it slammed on the brakes, and then flew to the side, trying to bypass Xue An's palm,

But Xue An's palm suddenly bent at an almost impossible angle, and directly held the light bead.

Guangzhu started to hold the reins of a fierce horse, restless.

But Xue An just smiled coldly at this, and then exerted force with all five fingers.

Boom boom!

The brilliance outside this light bead was instantly crushed by Xue An's palm.

Then what was revealed was a shard of an ancient mirror that was full of brilliance.

It is one of the fragments of Xuanyuan Mirror scattered in the sky.

I saw the fragments of Xuanyuan Mirror trembling unceasingly, rushing left and right, obviously not convinced yet.

"If you don't want me to crush you into powder, you'd better be obedient!"

Xue An's words had an excellent effect, and the fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror immediately became quiet, not daring to make any changes.

"Don't pretend to be dumb, I know you have already conceived spirituality That's why you deliberately set up this time loop for fun!"

The fragment of Xuanyuan Mirror in Xue An's hand was silent for a moment, then said four words tremblingly.

"My lord, please forgive me!"

"Hehe, what do you mean by spare your life?" Xue An asked with a faint smile.

"If it refers to your main body, then you can rest assured, because the nature of your main body has been determined, even if you are ground into powder, it will still not damage everything in this Xuanyuan mirror!"

"So your begging for mercy is for your spirituality?"

The Xuanyuan Mirror fragment obviously did not expect Xue An to know so many secrets, so it was silent for a moment, and then spoke slowly.


"Okay, give me a reason to keep your spirituality!"

"If you can impress me, I might consider saving your life!" Xue An said coldly.


Jin Shanquan's expression was very serious, and it could even be said that he was a little uneasy.

In fact, not too long has passed since Xue An entered the treasure, but Jinshanquan knows better than anyone else that the speed of time in the treasure is very strange.

This point can be seen from the fact that I was trapped in the time loop so many times before, but when I came out, I found that only a few months had passed.

So the current Xue An may have spent a long time in it!

The more so, the higher Jinshanquan's heart hangs.

In contrast, Shu Jingchu was a little calmer.

"Don't be so nervous, I guess he will come out soon!"

As soon as Shu Jingchu finished speaking, Jinshanquan suddenly turned his head to look at the chaotic flow of time and space behind him, and said sharply: "Something is wrong, it seems that someone is coming!"

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